Built as a bomb shelter & promenade in 1943, this historic tunnel offers a central hall & 6 exits.
Tunel Grič in Zagreb
Iznutra, jednom riječju: PREDIVAN !!! 🤎
Quand on traverse le tunnel on ne se sent pas en insécuritéEt il y a des expositions remarquable
MoreRecorrer estos pasadisos subterraneos es una experiencia de saber como vivieron personas en los conflictos belicos.
MoreSuper interessant. Schade, dass dieser nicht wirklich publiziert wird. Wir haben ihn durch Zufall gesehen
MoreTake a stroll through history, and perhaps take a break from the heat or cold, by exploring this tunnel. Dating back to World War II, this former bomb shelter/promenade is about 350 meters long traversing under some of the oldest parts of the city. During my visit, the large Central Hall was dressed up a lovely art installation as well. (see photos)
MoreΣοβιετική σήραγγα..μια βόλτα αξίζει
One of the most interesting spots in Zagreb. There was an art display in there when we visited.
MoreZanimljivo ! A skratite i put ! 👍🏻
Must see in Zagreb.
An interesting piece of history, not something you can experience in every city! Free to enter and explore, and one of the only places in Zagreb youll find public toilets, although toilet paper and soap are not provided. There is also a drinking fountain. You can use the tunnels to get across the town avoiding hills and traffic as there are multiple entrances and exits.
MoreIts not very big maybe a km or so. And it has some branches. But students came when we visited and they were shouted and sound echos there, so it was pretty annoying. Otherwise it was a nice experience.
MoreZanimljive instalacije napravljene od plasticnih vrecica ❤💚
Pas mal.
A long tunnel, not exactly advertised. You could past without realising its there. One long tunnel, with four off shoot tunnels. There was an art display in the slightly wider and higher middle section when we visited.
MoreErg leuke ervaring en (in de zomererg verkoelende doorsteek, enige plaats in Zagreb waar je gedurende een grote afstand geen hoogteverschillen hebt. Interessante historie (gebouwd in WOII, later gebruikt voor de eerste rave-feesten in Zagreben nu een historische trekpleister.
MoreVery good experience, small but it refreshes you in hot summer weather, no entry fee.
MoreEine unerwartete Abkürzung
Gratuito, hay que visitarlo.
A fantastic attraction. Completely free. You can enter with the dog.
Lugar incrível 🤩
Lugar para entender cómo vivieron los que no hemos sufrido ninguna guerra.
Muy interesante pasar de lado a lado de la ciudad alta, aprovecha para ir por una zona fresca en un día caluroso de verano . Hay una salida cerrada de las tres que marca el mapa .
MoreCostruito durante la seconda guerra mondiale contro i raid aerei. Fresco destate, pulito e comodo per spostarvi da una parte allaltra del centro. Allinterno cè anche un wc pubblico.
MoreQuesto tunnel ha diverse entrate ma su google maps ne viene segnata una sola, su una delle strade principali di Zagabria: Radiceva ul. Sembra di entrare a casa di qualcuno in quanto il tunnel parte dall’interno di uno spazio comune condominiale, dopo aver superato un portone sempre aperto. Credo sia decisamente un’esperienza da fare quando si è in visita a Zagabria. Inutile dire che è gratuito ma non so effettivamente se a un certo orario della sera viene chiuso al pubblico, avrebbe senso. La prima cosa che abbiamo notato è che c’è un’altra temperatura, fa praticamente freddo (per me che soffro tanto il caldo è stato un toccasana!). È lungo in totale circa 350 metri ed è largo poco più di tre metri. Abbiamo notato altre diramazioni che portano probabilmente ad altri sbocchi ma noi lo abbiamo percorso dall’inizio alla fine senza deviare. È stato costruito durante la seconda guerra mondiale come rifugio per i bombardamenti ed è stato completamente abbandonato per decenni. Sembra non sia l’unico tunnel della città ma ad oggi è il solo ad essere aperto al pubblico.
MoreLuogo suggestivo se si pensa allutilizzo fatto, ma andrebbe valorizzato di più con mostre fotografiche e un minimo di descrizione. Come daltronde tutta la Città di Zagabria visto che è la Capitale. Non cè un minimo interesse per il turismo e in modo particolare per quello italiano.
MoreLjeti vrlo ugodno za šetnju.
War sehr interessant und aufschluss reich.
It was good but isnt it possible to see the place as in the time of christmas with lights and decorations all the year? That would be great
MoreA different experiance
Cooler kühler Tunnel. Eine gute Abwechslung zu den Standart Sehenswürdigkeiten.
MoreKiller tunnel.
The tunnel itself was small but it was nice going there during the summer time when outside is really hot.No tickets needed to go inside and you can feel the atmosphere from the past.There were lights in the tunnel.I expected to see some information from the past. This is the only thing that was missing for me.
MoreSvojim većim dijelom tunel Grič širok je 3,2 metra, dok je u središnjem dijelu širok 5,5 metara.Tunel Grič dugačak je 350 metara i spaja Mesničku te Radićevu, a građen je četrdesetih godina proteklog stoljeća i paralelan je s Ilicom na koju ima četiri izlaza. Izgrađen je, naime, kako bi bio zaklon civilima od čestih bombardiranja tijekom Drugoga svjetskog, ali i Domovinskog rata. Dio je razgranate mreže podzemnih tunela, ali je tunel Grič jedini otvoren za javnost od 2016. godine.
MoreAn interesting place to visit. It is a result from the second world war. If you need a cool place to visit you should go here.
MoreWarto zobaczyć coś tak oryginalnego, zwłaszcza, że jest tak łatwo dostępny!
MoreI would expect to see some information from the history :-| At least, some texts, rather than empty walls
MoreMega czad!Niepozorne wejście do ogromnych tuneli pod miastem.Tunel może pomieścić nawet kilka tysięcy osób i ze dwóch DJów, jak w 1993 roku😁🤭Jest tam przyjemna temperatura i fajny skrót na miasto😉
MoreJe vous conseille fortement de passer par ce tunnel soviétique qui vous permettra de passer dun côté à lautre du bas de la vieille ville historique de Zagreb, surtout en été où les chaleurs sont exécrables.En effet, ce tunnel vous permettra de vous rafraîchir ! Cest totalement gratuit.
MoreEin mehrere hundert Meter lange Tunnel, dessen angenehme Kühle eine willkommene Nebenerscheinung ist.
MoreЦікава мережа тунелів, варто пройтися
Be aware of the opening hours for the tunnel- not all of the entrances are open
spooky and fascinating at the same time
Its good to go by this tunel in a hot day
Ehemaliger Luftschutzraum der ganzjährig begehbar ist. Mehrere Ein/Ausgänge in der Mesnička ulica, Radićeva ulica und Ilica.Verläuft quer unter der Altstadt (Gradec).
MoreTreba vidjeti
Went there in the evening to cross the city and I liked it very much. When walking by from outside you don’t expect such a cool tunnel experience :-)
It’s amazing place.
Zajímavé spojení v centru Zahřebu pod městem. Ohromí Vás chládek a rozsah. Vede z ulice Radiča napříč pod centrem města až do ulice Mesnička. Má několik vchodů a východů.
MoreMerece adentrarse sin prisa por los túneles e ir entrando y saliendo por sus diferentes accesos muy muy recomendable