Tomb Of Imam Bukhari - Tourist attraction in Urgut, Uzbekistan
Tomb Of Imam Bukhari in Urgut
İmam buhari hazretlerinin türbesi yenileniyor. Bittiğinde büyük bir ilim ve ibadet mekanı olacak insaallah. Özbek halkına ve devletine, manevi sultanlara verdikleri bu kiymetten dolayı şükranlarımı sunuyorum. Allah sizden razı olsun.
MoreIt is currently closed due to renovations. You cannot see anything and cant go close at all due to security.
MoreBiz içeri giremedik inşaat çalışması vardı ama gelip görün
المكان مغلق بسبب الإصلاحات ولا تستطيع وصول إليه .
MoreIts not there anymore. RemovedThey are building new one and security is too high that photos from outside is not allowedWe spend our day and money to go there and returning back 😫
More12.07.2022 ВНИМАНИЕ!!!Святыня закрыта на реконструкцию. Строится новый огромный комплекс. За триста метров стоит охрана и недалеко от неё место где сидят имамы и читают молитвуНа этом всё
Moreما شاء الله ولا حول ولا قوه الا بالله
كان البخاري يحفظ سبعين ألف حديث على ظهر قلب وعند إعطاءه أي حديث للرسول كأن داخل رأسه كمبيوتر بل اقوى من الكمبيوتر بسرعة الرد والجواب الفوري يعطيك السند والروات وهل دراية أو رواية تحدى جميع طلاب عصره حتى شيوخه أذهول من إعجوبة حفظه ولكنه أصيب بالعين والحسد في أخر حياته الله يرحمها لولاه لضاعة سنة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلمماشاء اللہحضرت امام بخاری علیہ الرحمہ
MoreGittiğimde ziyarete kapalıydı. Büyük bir cami külliye inşa ediliyor.
ضريح الامام البخاري في سمرقند
Amazing.....Aku bisa berhasil mencapai lokasi ini untuk berziarah setelah bersepeda ratusan kilometer...... Bersyukur sekali.
MoreBüyük İslam aliminin türbesine taskentten tren ile gelebilirsiniz. Ziyaret etmenizi tavsiye ederim.
Semoga bisa berziyarah kesitu 🤲🤲🤲
A holy site for Muslims
A wonderful location that now has been redelevoped in to a beautiful area. We were blessed to go down to the grave of the great Imam.
Moreمکانی زیبا و معنوی و روحانی با مهمان نوازی مردم ازبکستان و نیز معاری عالی.ارزش دیدن دارد
Moreللاسف زرته بتاريخ 2021/7/21 وقالوا لنا مغلق لمدة سنتين اصلاح ضخمة هناك.
MoreNice 👍
Gittiğimde kapalı olması beni üzdü
Manga bu joy judayam yoqadi cunku man wu joyda yawiman
If you are in Samarkand and have interest in Islamic history its a must visit site. The architecture of the complex is so surreal and the feel is really calm. Have a look at the museum that is situated inside the complex. Ticket was 5 USD each.
MoreAlhamdulillah...diberikan kesempatan berkunjung ke makam Imam Al Bukhari.
Semoga Allah memberi kesempatan utk Ziarah ke sana, Shollu alaih 🙏
This is Holly palace
Inshallah I’ll definitely visit inshAllah
كان البخاري يحفظ سبعين ألف حديث على ظهر قلب وعند إعطاءه أي حديث للرسول كأن داخل رأسه كمبيوتر بل اقوى من الكمبيوتر بسرعة الرد والجواب الفوري يعطيك السند والروات وهل دراية أو رواية تحدى جميع طلاب عصره حتى شيوخه أذهول من إعجوبة حفظه ولكنه أصيب بالعين والحسد في أخر حياته الله يرحمها لولاه لضاعة سنة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
MoreTomb of one of great scholars of islam. Beautiful and magnificent structure. You will love your time here.
MoreCan somebody tell me why these picture (on the wall & front doorsame with my mothers and fathers Qurans pictures? are their Quran printed there ??
MoreNew beautiful building for pilgrim with a small museum at the right side
Mashallah subhanAllah beautiful.
Kapan ya Bisa berziarah ke Makam Imam Al Bukhori Ra..
قبر الامام البخاري يستحق الزيارة لكن يوجد بعض البدع عند القبر
MoreToday his tomb lies within the Imam al-Bukhari Complex, in Hartang Village, 25 kilometers from Samarkand. It was restored in 1998 after centuries of neglect and dilapidation. The mausoleum complex consists of Imam al-Bukharis tomb, a mosque, a madrassah, library, and a small collection of Qurans. Modern ground level mausoleum tombstone of Imam Bukhari is only a cenotaph, actual grave lies within a small burial crypt below the modern structure.
Moreيقع قبر الامام البخاري خلف المسجد لذا لايوجد مانع شرعي من الصلاة في المسجد ولكن الاعمال التي تقام عند القبر لا تجوز شرعاً من دعاء وطواف بالقبراما المسجد فا ماشاء الله جميل وفيه اهتمام بالنظافة ودورات المياة كذلك نظيفه
MoreХоть я и не мусульманин, но комплекс понравился. Мозаика красивая
MoreHoly place
Потрясающая роспись стен, потолков, все удивительно, не повторяется ни один узор, расписан каждый сантиметр, это что-то невообразимое!Удивительно, как Узбекские мастера древности (и нынешние, кто реставрирует и восстанавливает все этосоздают такие шедевры!Фотоаппарат не опускался ни на минуту, полный восторг от архитектуры и атмосферы!Вишенка на торте - мега-гостеприимные узбеки, каждый готов помочь, подсказать чем может, улыбнуться и пожелать хорошего путешествия. Я влюблена в Узбекистан!😍😍😍
MoreThank you Samarkands people for having Great Imam Bukhori in your land....
IMAM BUKHARIHAZRAT ABU ABDULLAH MUHAMMAD BIN ISMAIL BIN MUGHIRAH BIN BARDIZBAH JUFI BUKHARI رحمة الله عليه.ARABIC : أبو عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم بن المغيرة بن بردزبه الجعفي البخاري.TITLE : Imam al-BukhariAmir al-Muminin fi al-Hadith.BORN : 19 July 810 C.E. 13th Shawwal 194 A.H. Bukhara, Transoxiana (in present-day Uzbekistan).DIED : 1 September 870 (aged 60C.E. 1 Shawwal 256 A.H. Khartank, near Samarqand.RESTING PLACE : Khartank (Samarkand, Uzbekistan).ETHNICITY : Persian.ERA : Abbasid Caliphate.OCCUPATION : Muhaddith, Hadith compiler, Islamic scholar.DENOMINATION : Sunni Islam.MAIN INTEREST(s: Hadith studies.NOTABLE WORK(s: Sahih al-Bukhari.BIRTH :Hazrat Muhammad ibn Isma`il al-Bukhari al-Ju`fi was born after the Jumuah prayer on Friday, 19 July 810 (13 Shawwal 194 AHin the city of Bukhara in Transoxiana (in present-day Uzbekistan).His father Hazrat Ismail ibn Ibrahim Rehmatullah Alaih a scholar of hadith, was a student and associate of Imam Malik ibn Anas radiyallahu anhu. Some Iraqi scholars related hadith narrations from him.HADITH STUDIES AND TRAVELS :The historian al-Dhahabi described his early academic life:He began studying hadith in the year 205 (A.H.). He memorized the works of [‘Abdullah] ibn al-Mubaarak Rehmatullah Alaih while still a child. He was raised by his mother because his father died when he was an infant. He traveled with his mother and brother in the year 210 after having heard the narrations of his region. He began authoring books and narrating hadith while still an adolescent. He said, “When I turned eighteen years old, I began writing about the Companions and the Followers and their statements. This was during the time of Hazrat Ubaid Allah ibn Musa Rehmatullah Alaih (one of his teachers). At that time I also authored a book of history at the grave of the Prophet ﷺ at night during a full moon.At the age of sixteen, he, together with his brother and widowed mother, made the pilgrimage to Mecca. From there he made a series of travels in order to increase his knowledge of hadith. He went through all the important centres of Islamic learning of his time, talked to scholars and exchanged information on hadith. It is said that he heard from over 1,000 men, and learned over 600,000 traditions.After sixteen years absence[citation needed], he returned to Bukhara, and there he drew up his al-Jami as-Sahih, a collection of 7,275 tested traditions, arranged in chapters so as to afford a basis for a complete system of jurisprudence without the use of speculative law.His book is highly regarded among Sunni Muslims, and considered the most authentic collection of hadith, even ahead of the Muwatta Imam Malik and Sahih Muslim of Bukharis student Hazrat Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Rehmatullah Alaih. Most Sunni scholars consider it second only to the Quran in terms of authenticity. He also composed other books, including al-Adab al-Mufrad, which is a collection of hadiths on ethics and manners, as well as two books containing biographies of hadith narrators (see isnad).LAST YEARS :In the year 864/250, he settled in Nishapur. It was in Nishapur that he met Hazrat Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj. He would be considered his student, and eventually collector and organiser of hadith collection Sahih Muslim which is considered second only to that of al-Bukhari. Political problems led him to move to Khartank, a village near Samarkand where he died in the year 870/256.
MoreHamma musulmonlar keladigan joy hisoblanadi. Ozbekistonda makkaga borishdan oldin har bir odam shu joyga borib keyin haj safari uchun makkayu madinaga borishadi. Bu joyga hamma kelishi mumkin. Yana bu yerga piyoda kelish juda ham urf bolgan nimadir niyat qilgan odam kopincha piyoda keladi. Ayniqsa Samarqandda abituriyentlar kopincha piyoda keladi. Imtihon oldidan niyat qilib kelib ketishadi.
MoreA place worth visiting for all Muslims.
Peace and respect.
ضريح الإمام البخاري رحمه الله يقع في ضواحي مدينة سمرقند.المبنى مصصم بطراظ هندسي إسلامي غاية في الجمال و منسجم بشكل كلي مع لليئة المحيطة به.هنالك متحف إسلامي صغير ضمن مباني الضريح، يحتوي على مخطوطات نادرة و هدايا مقدمة من شتى الدول الإسلامية لهذا الضريح.Imam Al Bukhari Mausoleum is Iconic Building in Samarqand area, built in wonderful Islamic Architecture design.The complex include Islamic museum for gifts from many Muslaim countries.Also there is small local market outside the Mausoleum complex.
MoreSemerkant yakınlarında yer alan bu türbe imam buhariye aitÇini lerle bezenmiş , güzelÖzbekistana gelirseniz gezip göreceğiniz semerkand, buhara ve taskentte ziyaret noktalariniz medrese cami ve külliyeler olacaktır.
We proud on our Imam
Masha Allah