Compact museum showcasing Jordan's cultural heritage, with dress, tool & music exhibits.
The Folklore Museum in Al Mafraq
Con 12 años vi como un camión atropellaba a mi mejor amigo y a mi hermano al mismo tiempo. Creía que no vería nada más duro en mi vida hasta que vi los maniquíes terriblemente acabados de este museo.
Moreمتحف الفولكلور الأردني هو متحف في عمان، الأردن. يقع بجوار المدرج الروماني، وقد تأسس عام 1971. يعرض المتحف مجموعة من التراث الأردني والفلسطيني. مثل الأزياء والآلات الموسيقية والحرف اليدوية. جنبا إلى جنب مع الفسيفساءالمتحف التراثي الجميل، يحاكي الحياة التراثية للشعب الأردني، مكان مليء بالمفاجآت خاصةً وأنه مجاور للمدرج الروماني، أي أنك تزوره وتتعرف على الحياة الأردنية القديمة أثناء وجودك من أجل زيارة المدرج الروماني الضخم، أو من خلال وجودك في منطقة وسط البلد، وهي مركز عمان النابض الذي يضم أسواق ومطاعم ومحال شعبية.يمكن دوما الاستعانه بالمرشد والدليل السياحي المتميز(عبد الرحمن زيدان Abdulrahman Zeidan +962 7 9698 0307كدليل سياح متمرس وأمين
Moreمتحف الفلكلور الأردنيمتحف الفلكلور الأردني واحد من أشهر المعالم التاريخية في عمان، ومن أهم الصروح الثقافية التي تعرض جوانب الحياة الاردنية القديمة، وهو متحف صغير يقع ضمن المدرج الروماني في عمان، ويعتبر من أجمل اماكن السياحة في عمان الاردن …ديوان الدوقديوان الدوق أو ديوان دوق المخيبة واحد من أقدم الأبينة الحضرية في العاصمة الاردنية عمان، ومن أجمل المعالم والبيوت الأثرية الفاخرة في المملكة الاردنية، ويتميز بتصاميمه الرائعة المستوحاة من فنون القصور الأثرية في دمشق ولبنان وفلسطين، ويعتبر من أجمل اماكن سياحية في عمان وعموم الاردن …
MoreThis is quite an old-fashioned museum, with dioramas, but still well worth visiting. Theres scenes of a street, Bedouin life, traditional weaving, plus urban and rural sitting rooms. Theres some beautiful furniture, though its a bit neglected, which is a shame, and also some cabinets of weapons. Labels are detailed and informative.
Moreمتحف الفلكلور الاردني عمان وما يخبأه لكم من مزايا فريدةيعتبر متحف الفلكلور الاردني عمان Jordanian Folklore Museum Amman في دولة الأردن العربية واحد من أشهر المعالم التاريخية في عمان، و هو أيضاً من أهم الصروح الثقافية التي تعرض جوانب الحياة الاردنية القديمةكما إن متحف الفلكلور الأردني يعد متحف نموذجي صغير يقع ضمن المدرج الروماني في عمان لذا يعتبر متحف الفلكلور الأردني عمان اليوم من أجمل الاماكن السياحية في عمان وعموم الاردن .يعود تاريخ متحف الفلكلور الأردني في عمان إلى أواخر عام 1971 ميلادي و افتتاحه بغرض حفظ تاريخ الحياة الحضرية والبدوية القديمة للأردن و لتاريخ ثقافتهم وحضارتهم العريقة.The Jordanian Folklore Museum, Amman, and the unique advantages it has in store for you The Jordanian Folklore Museum Amman in the Arab state of Jordan is one of the most famous historical monuments in Amman, and it is also one of the most important cultural edifices that display aspects of ancient Jordanian life. Also, the Jordanian Folklore Museum is a small model museum located within the Roman Amphitheater in Amman. Therefore, the Jordanian Folklore Museum Amman is today one of the most beautiful tourist places in Amman and the whole of Jordan. The history of the Jordanian Folklore Museum in Amman dates back to the late 1971 AD and it was opened with the purpose of preserving the history of the ancient urban and Bedouin life of Jordan and the history of their ancient culture and civilization.
MoreNice small museum. Worth visit
هذا المتحف التراثي الجميل، يحاكي الحياة التراثية للشعب الأردني، مكان مليء بالمفاجآت خاصةً وأنه مجاور للمدرج الروماني، أي أنك تزوره وتتعرف على الحياة الأردنية القديمة أثناء وجودك من أجل زيارة المدرج الروماني الضخم، أو من خلال وجودك في منطقة وسط البلد، وهي مركز عمان النابض الذي يضم أسواق ومطاعم ومحال شعبية.
MoreFantastic museum to understand how the life and all the chores used to take place. Very nice presented. One can understand the preparation of the food the houses inside also how the life in the tents was and how everyday life was in general .
Moreمتحف صغير جميل يحاكي الحياة اليوميه التراثيه للاردن قديمًاجميل ☺️
Nice museum that gives you a little bit of intel on the traditions here
Quite a nice place though very small. Less than 15 mins maximum and youre finished. But if youre visiting the Roman amphitheatre, why not pass by?
MoreThe Folklore Museum, represent Jordanian (city, village l, beduinlife style in the past, good experience that I advise to visit.
MoreExcellent display of Jordanian folklorè life. Not to be missed.
Несколько странно, что вход в Этнографический музей находится внутри Римского амфитеатра. Мы искали, искали снаружи - не нашли. При этом вход в театр платный 3 динара. И потом еще плата за вход в музей 1 динар. Посетить только музей этнографии или только Иорданский музей народных традиций не получится. Правда, охрана на входе не очень придирчива, мы просто зашли вовнутрь, и нас не остановили. Музей небольшой, в нем представлена выставка национальных костюмов, древних украшений, мозаик 6-го века из Джараша и Мадабы.
More박물관 대체 어딨는거야 돌아다니다가 끝내 찾지 못하고 에잇 로만 극장부터 가봐야지 했더니 극장 입구로 들어오면 양 쪽 옆에 박물관 2개 있었네요!This Museum was inside of the Roman Theater. I wanted to visit a museum before roman theater and thought it is located in other building not inside of roman theater so walked around near places but couldnt find it... however it was within roman theater :))저처럼 박물관이 어딨는지 빙빙 찾아다니실 한국인 분들을 위해 리뷰 남깁니다! 로만 극장에 표사고 들어오시면 그 안에 있습니다!로만 극장 표 사고 들어가기 돈 아깝다고 생각하다가 그래도 온 김에 다 봐야지 하고 들어왔더니 박물관도 작지만 두개나 있어서 좋았어요 :)
MoreGenuinely enjoyed the museum even though it wasnt very large. If youre visiting the roman theater, you should definitely check this place out.
MoreThis small museum is situated within the larger complex of the Roman Amphitheatre. Thankfully you will not have to pay a separate entrance fee to enter it.It is quite a small museum, but it has on show, a well rounded collection of artefacts and scenes of life.There are tableaux showing ancient weavers and the process of weaving; people living in their tents, ladies relaxing in their homes, with furniture of the relevant period, as well as a bride and groom seated in a beautifully decorated carriage on a camel.
MoreWorth a visit. Nice exhibits
There are 2 Small museum inside the roman theater. this is located at the left side of the theater. No ticket needs.Very old jordan and the arabic traditional ornaments, clothes and there simple life style can be seen.Nicely exhibit items
MoreLooks great, worth of visiting!
The historic Amman Folk Museum in Jordan is spectacular. It exhibits the Arab culture of centuries of existence that is preserved to the present day. The museum is located in Amman downtown, next to Ammans Roman Amphitheater
MorePiccolissimo museo situato allinterno del sito archeologico del teatro romano di Amman. Vengono raccolti e presentati principalmente costumi ed oggetti del folklore delle varie culture che hanno abitato la Giordania. Interessante anche se di vecchia concezione e quindi risulta noioso dopo poco.
MoreNice place!
Beautiful and interesting tradititional museum at the Roman theatres archeological site.
MoreThis is a small little museum showcasing the culture and tradition of Jordan. Its located on the side of the roman theatre and there is no extra fees for the museum too. There are two museums on the 2 sides on the roman theatre. One on the left and other on the right. Its a bit crowned during weekends. The museum includes pottery, clothes, jewellery, guns etc.
MoreBig and good managed Museum shoes the history of Amman
More than amazing
This is a small museum with a decent collection of artefacts from history of Jordan. Theres lot of excavated pottery, many old mosaics, statues and so on. If youve been to Madaba, Petra etc, this will be just ho-hum. Entry is free for Jordan Pass and is also included in the Roman Theater ticket.
MoreOne of the best museums we have visited while in Jordan. Worth seeing
You can see traditional clothes and way of life!
A simple kid friendly museum.
very good place to visit and look at but it closes too early
Quite pretty ethnographic museum. Traditional crafts, dresses, etc.
Interesting museum.
Nice little museum on the side of the amphitheater in Amman. Shows traditional dress and transitions.
Morethere is nothing new for arab visitors.
Jordan Folklore Museum is a museum in the old city of Amman. It is located next to the Roman theatre, and it was established in 1971. The museum showcases a collection of Jordanian and Palestinian heritage like; costumes, households, musical instrument and handicrafts. Along with some old mosaics and artworks...
MoreNot so interesting. Half of it was closed when we went.
Very good
Well worth visiting
This museum showcased Jordanian culture
It would be a great place if photography was allowed inside. Nice visit inside the Roman Theater.
MoreNice place, kids and tourists Will enjoy
nice place especially for the kids i think every one should take there kids there to see our old folklore
MoreDont miss it when youre downtown Amman.
You have to see it if you go down town