Temple of the Warriors - Castle in Izamal, Mexico
Temple of the Warriors in Izamal
Early October with beautiful weather and no biting insects. Very enjoyable to learn about the rich history that still has many mysteries due to being so detached from the majority of the planet population. And still amazing how connected to the Earth and stars the Mayans were so long ago.
MoreUn importante recinto dentro del sitio de Chichén Itzá, recibe su nombre debido a las estatuas de guerreros que decoran la estructura y que en su momento sirvieron como columnas de soporte para el techo del edificio. Cuenta con un Chac Mool sobre su cima y se encuentra muy cerca de la pirámide de Kukulkán. Es de los principales sitios que conocen los visitantes al llegar a la zona arqueológica
The structure housed the warriors of ancient Chichen Itza. The rows upon rows of columns are magnificent.
MoreDie ganze Anlage ist wirklich sehenswert, es gibt so viele Dinge zu bestaunen und zu fotografieren.
MoreA wonderful glimpse into history.Entrance to the area cost around 600pesos (about 30USD).This building was where the winner team had been sacrificed.Expect a lot of tourists, as well as souvenir merchants.Sundays are free for locals, expect even bigger crowd.
MoreUm monumento imponente que é magnifico de se ver.Com as explicações do guia torna-se muito interessante saber a história do lugar.
MoreBeautiful architectural building. Lots of details.
Great place, whole market place inside with locals selling just about everything...We came in late and was able to enjoy the park after the crowds thinned.
MoreSi bien fue explicado en el tour, no hay comprensión de por qué los Maya erigieron estas estructuras. Es increíble verlo en vivo, hay una vibra en el ambiente tan extraña y especial que jamás había percibido en otro lugar. Es un espacio de reflexión y admiración ante una cultura increíble cuyos descendientes, según entiendo, se sienten tristes por el poco cuidado que le da la gente a estas obras prehispánicas.
MoreTrès jolie , longue journée de marche et de visite, n’hésitez pas à prendre un guide , ils parlent plusieurs langues et les prix varient en fonction de cela
MoreMust see site
Amazing place with great history.
The temple of the Warriors is one of the most impressive and important structures of Chichen Itza. The temple consists of four platforms, flanked on the south and west sides by 200 round and square columns.
MoreMasters of acoustics. Clap your hands or make any noise inside this structure, and it will always echo back to you 7 times. Sacred number. The echoc sounds just like a grackle. A local bird, suposedly respected by the ancients. Somehow,They did this on purpose???
MoreWell maintained
Breathtaking and incredible! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This place almost caused me and my family to move to Mexico, the beauty is unmatched. Cancun was nice but I was ready to come home after a week. Still thinking seriously about the move.
MoreUn lugar majestuoso, imponente, si tienes tiempo para visitar no dudes en ir en verdad quedas maravillado con tan impresionante estructura. Visita obligada.
MoreThis is another section within Chichen-Itzá archeological area.The influence of the Toltec culture in the Maya culture is shown on this temple.Perfect spot for good pictures 📸
MoreGreat historic place to visit.
I have so many questions. I’m here wondering why they built this. I guess we’ll never really know
MoreBeautiful place along the south wall of the Temple of Warriors are a series of about 200 columns, prompting the name "The temple of the Thousand Columns .
The Temple of the Warriors is an impressive step pyramid fronted and flanked by stone columns that are carved with images of warriors.This Temple was excavated and restored in 1925-1928 by the Carnegie Institution.You can no longer climb the stairs, but at the top, there is a Chac Mool statue (a reclining figure supporting itself on its elbows with a bowl or a disk upon its stomach). Chac Mools were considered messengers of the Gods and used to hold religious offerings in the upraised flat plate area on the figure’s stomach. Some speculate this was where beating hearts of the sacrificial victims were placed, but probably was used for offerings of pulque (an alcoholic beverage).
MoreBeautiful! No tourists or vendors. Amazing ancient city ruins
The entry for nationals with a local ID is extremely affordable. Souvenir inside are not extremely expensive if you know how to bargain. With sunblock, a hat and a good pair of shoes. You can walk this place the entire morning! Also near here is Valladolid and tons of cenotes.
MoreWhen taking a vacation in Riviera Maya or Cancun, take a day to visit Chichen Itza, a wonderfully-restored sacred pre-Columbian city built by the Maya people. Apart from the main pyramid (Temple of Kukulcán), the other ruins are also interesting, especially the Temple of Warriors. The free-standing columns around the temple (which presumably supported an extensive roof in ancient daysrepresent warriors... Fascinating stuff!
MoreWe were able to pray behind this structure our zuhr and asr Salah as it was very quiet and calm there. Very few people walked behind the structure as there was a forest and nothing else. #muslims #halal #masjid #mosque
MoreOne of the buildings at Chichén Itzá is the Templo de los Guerreros or Temple of the Warriors with the adjacent Plaza of a Thousand Columns. Above the stairs there is an altar with a statue depicting the god Chac Mool.A great experience to see all the well preserved carved columns.
MoreTemple of the Warriors is found near Chichen Itza. Each of the 200 pillars which surround the tri-level Temple were carved painted in bright colors to resemble warriors. These were support columns, capable of holding up a roof structure to provide shade for large gatherings of people.It is one of the better preserved ruins and studies have revealed details of the Mayan lifestyle. It was built between 800 and 1050 BCE.Chichen Itza is 123 miles from Cancun City.
MoreWhats not to love! Gorgeous and mystifying. Can still see engravings on the pillars.
MoreThis was a market place.
Such a great experience, bring the whole family. Lots to see and learn here, rich history! Beautiful place
MoreYou can walk among a dazzling array of endless columns. If the Mayan civilization had to honor as many warriors as these columns represent, Id hate to face them in battle!
MoreIts not a hindu temple obviously but Google doesnt have the option of Maya heritage or Mayan Temple yet. But when in Chichen Itza, make the effort to visit other buildings beside the main temple. Its worth your time and it teaches you so much about Mayan culture (the football field is amazing, can you imagine playing literally for your life? And shooting ball with your hip?)
We got jipped on a tour there. Only allowed 20 minutes to tour the ruins from a Carnival Cruise excursion. Waist of money. Anyone have a suggestion on a better way to visit the ruins that doesn’t involve driving from the U.S.?
MoreSo many columns!
Great historical site great to visit the modern day seven wonders
amazing experience!
Learned a lot of culture!
It doesnt get much better then this is you want to explore Mayan ruins. I suggest going early. It opens at 8am. Use the Mayaland Hotel private entrance and you wont be disappointed.
MoreA must visit for tourists!
Once upon a time, Aztecan teams used to play to workship their Gods, but the winner.....well you all need to discover this amazing place and history!
MoreIt was a great experience.
I learn a lot around this place!
Interesting and less busy part of the complex, a guide will help here.