Set in the Zhongzheng District, this relaxed hotel on a bustling commercial street is a 4-minute walk from the National Taiwan Museum, 5 minutes' walk from NTU Hospital metro station and 6 minutes' walk from the Presidential Office Building.Simple rooms, some with dorm-style bunk beds, feature free minibars and Wi-Fi, in addition to flat-screen TVs, tea and coffeemakers, and desks. Upgraded rooms add sitting areas and/or marble bathrooms.A complimentary breakfast buffet is served in a straightforward restaurant.
台北叙美精品旅店 Taipei Hotel B7 in Taipei
More第一次寫google評論,希望大家不要踩到雷生平第一次住宿,一個晚上換了三次房間,實在怕有其他客人會跟我們有相同遭遇,所以決定來留言。第一次入住306房間,跟櫃台反應電視異常以及冷氣不冷的問題,請房務人員處理確認電視異常無法正常使用,冷氣不涼問題因太陽西曬,請我們再等候看看,半小時後冷氣真的異常,房間一直是送風的狀態,調整風速和溫度,還是沒有改善,電話跟櫃台反應換房間,櫃台人員不是很友善,讓我們換到二樓同樣西曬房間206,進去第一件事情就是先確認冷氣,冷氣運轉後一小時後,室內溫度還是在27度,冷氣一樣異常,再度反應櫃台人員,然後又是請房務人員處理,房務人員說每個人體感溫度不同,他不覺得很熱他也無法決定,要我們電話跟櫃台反應,於是我們跟櫃檯人員詢問是否有電風扇,這時房務人員拿著一台瀕臨故障的小小風扇來我們房間,房務人員打開電扇機器還發出異常怪聲音,重點是那台電風扇根本沒什麼風,於是電話再次反應冷氣異常房間真的很悶,櫃台人員不耐煩,這時來了另一位房務阿姨,她正好打掃隔壁房,看她滿身大汗,就可以知道冷氣真的異常,開了冷氣然後溫度都在27度? 大廳的空調有多涼爽,櫃台人員要不要自己確認看看306、206這兩間房間的冷氣?這兩間房間熱得跟什麼一樣?此時最終說換一間房間給我們,由另一位櫃台人員協助換房間,一樣在二樓是在同樓層最裡面的房間(無窗房型),看得出來是無窗的雙床房型,冷氣確實正常多了。櫃台人員事情都推給房務人員,然後房務人員處理不了,要我們打電話給櫃檯,櫃台人員再請房務人員處理?這個晚上我們多花了兩小時時間一直更換房間,強烈建議先確認冷氣狀態在開放客人入住吧,櫃台人員的態度差,這間我再也不會來住了,要入住的客人請三思。
More缺點:1.隔音超級差⋯8/10晚上入住302房,凌晨4:00被隔壁303房男女%%聲吵醒⋯⋯一直到清晨5:00🥲🥲🥲2. 疫情間不供應早餐沒有事先告知優點:1.便宜,房間小而精2.設備完整,吹風機不是傳統飯店那種風力超弱的小吹風機~加分+++3.櫃檯人員服務態度超級好,看評價敘述其他旅客有反應房務人員態度很差,但我遇到的三位真的都天使等級4.周邊景點、機能完善
More8/6 下午兩點半到飯店 櫃檯說只能先報到 放行李 (雖然有自助check in機 但流暢度很卡 只能稱為半自助check in 要先透過員工一邊再去使用機器)非常有原則的櫃檯說要下午三點才能取房卡進房 並告知房號601櫃檯貼心推薦我們可以去的用餐地點(其實在台灣住這麼多飯店 挺少遇到差半小時 還不給進房的 不知是假日還是飯店個例 )三點半後用餐完畢 回到lobby 大家都排在半自助check in 機前我前面正在辦理chenkin 的房客卡關了 (機台顯示房卡餘額不足 看來要櫃檯人工補房卡的動作)前面房客被請去臨櫃拿房卡了輪到下一個我正要使用機器時 櫃檯也喊我過去 重新回到報到流程確認手機號碼 然後櫃檯不是直接給房卡 是又要我再回去自助機器重新排隊取房卡?!(這時我上火了 那剛剛喊我走來櫃檯是在哈囉)我有些疑惑地問:所以我又要重排去取房卡?!櫃檯非常貼心改口要直接給我房卡但給了一個錯誤的房號 301 (我想是在考驗我的記憶力)我說:當初告知房號是601 喔櫃檯一臉茫然重新又換了一次房卡 當我們正準備上樓時 (說真的 我不是很相信手中這張房卡)果然直覺系的我打不開601的房門我又重新回到櫃檯 櫃檯要我上樓稍等房務員處理等了十分鐘後 一個杵著拐杖的房務終於出現幫我們開房門(我心想這家飯店要嘛是間血汗工廠 不然就是人手不足 身兼多職)好不容易進房 再次崩潰我們是四人房 但房間備品只準備雙人用(包括另一張沒有鋪床的雙人床打給櫃檯告知情況 順便要櫃檯補一張正確的房卡給我們(不然我們無法出門)看著剛那位行動不便的房務大姐 再次幫補另外兩人的備品枕頭棉被 我們心疼她因為櫃檯疏失 導致這樣來來回回的重工 我們都很願意主動協助她此時我決定來寫長篇評價(第一次這麼多字)地點離捷運方便(台大醫院一號出口)究竟是新飯店?新員工(櫃檯)?還是新機台?這是我的疑問冷氣溫度是固定的 無法調整 (維持很熱的28度)床很晃(只要一翻身 會震醒床伴)還有建議櫃檯不要使用擴音對講機因為另一頭抱怨房客的內容 大廳聽的非常清楚以上是我半夜醒來 留下嘔心瀝血的評價P.s 一早剛下完夜班的我 一路沒睡北上 但我有忍住想飆人的脾氣總之 這間我們下次是不敢再光臨了 謝謝
More看到很多都說隔音差 櫃檯態度差 不過今日111/07/28 約17:00入住 櫃檯男生服務很好 態度也很好 提供國旅補助直接現折$1300/房 真的好划算~ 房間內部也比想像的好 很舒服 電視很大 雖然頻道不多 但可以用youtube 三人房大小很舒適 床也很舒服 淋浴水很大 溫度調節也很好 希望有機會可以提供給別縣市來玩的旅客有特約停車場使用
More飯店乾乾淨淨的 價格很便宜,但櫃檯人用態度不是很好,隔音有點差,一直聽到隔壁房的聲音。
More櫃檯人員接電話的男生態度極差 系統房間房間配錯 進來房間10分鐘就通知退房 後來發現錯誤 一句道歉也沒有 說這樣造成困擾了居然回我「例如?」可笑的飯店更不用說 燈還壞掉 隔音極差
Very clean
Very good
Clean,tidy,and new hotel, room is small , bathroom is good, they also have free snacks and drinks
MoreGreat clean place, great service great location at a reasonable price. Breakfast included is a nice touch
MoreGood service and close to MRT station very convenient!
Central location, no windows, clean, friendly staff, small restaurants nearby, good price.
MoreVery good. The service is good. Staff is nice and friendly. Will recommend to friends. Lily from CA
MoreThe receptaionist is very friendly and patiently instructing me as the foreigner for my trip
MoreThe place is convenient, near to train stations, meeting place for tour and nearby shopping malls
MoreStaff isnt very friendly
Walking distance to Taipei Main station. A lot of eateries nearby. Room is okay. They got the usual things needed in a hotel. Price is just right.
Good service, convenient, clean and tidy, tasty brunch
Excellent stay here. The service staff provided excellent service. If i had to pick i would rather stay at their sister location right across B7 Journey. Beware currently there is construction right next door (Oct-Nov 2018). You will hear loud noises as soon as 7:30am-3pm. If you are a later sleeper like me dont expect any sleep earplugs doesnt work. Was not notified about this. Other than this hiccup everything was perfect. Stayed in the bunk bed style private room. It was good space and bathroom was perfect. The Wifi was pretty fast you could actually change from multiple portals if one was slower. The Bunk bed room the single bed was actually very comfy and spacious. Each bed has its own flat screen TV. the comforter was so comfy!! I would stay again for sure! Also 2 hour late check out if you do a review that was very enticing.
MoreNice hotel, very friendly staff and great house keeping. Breakfast included and served until 2pm! Free WiFi. Downsides, no windows in my room and lots of LED lights at night time, TV, emergency light, emergency roof light etc if you like sleeping in pitch black. Over all, excellent
MoreVery clean and comfortable!
I like this place, my room is clean, breakfast is good.
Overnight stay. Rooms were well appointed. Service staff were great and helped us make a restaurant booking.
MoreThe hotel rooms are modern clean and also have a modern bathroom. Breakfast is included and you can choose between a Chinese and normal Western breakfast.
MoreNice budget place. Friendly, good ammenities. Not a huge fan of the breakfast. But loved it.
MoreWe booked a "luxury 4 bed room with window". The otherwise windowless room had a small hatch in the roof. And one of the 2 beds was not even made. The room is clean but quite rundown. Personnel was very annoyed when we asked for another room and denied it. The room is quiet during the night, but you hear neighboring rooms very loudly. The breakfast offers 2 set menus, not bad but also not everyones taste.
Morenice location, friendly informative and not too formal staff.
Great Location, friendly
Really enjoy our stay., our room on 2nd floor was always well cleaned, enjoy daily breakfast at their lounge. Very friendly and helpful staff always greeted us with smile and hello. Very nicely located and near to most eatry and Subway, shopping and attractions in taipei, it was ideal place for family travel of 4. I gave 5 stars and would definitely be coming back on our next trip
MoreCheck in at 2am, front desk didn’t let us know or show us which building we are stay in obviously didn’t want to go outside until I went in and Asked how to enter the other building. Room is not big! which is ok, but usb charger, hair dryer did not work.客房滿乾淨,吹風機壞了⋯⋯USB插頭也壞就算了,凌晨2點Check in時櫃檯服務人員完全都沒說房間要怎麼去(不再同棟大樓)房卡上的房間號碼跟客房外面的號碼完全不同🙄⋯⋯是啦我只付1800一晚所以什麼都不用說要我問就對了!一顆星都不想給。
MoreNice pleasant comfortable hotel, friendly staffs and strategic location.. even walking distance to Ximen, if you like walking that is.
Moregood place to sleep!!
Great hotel. Reasonable price and very accessible to many places. Will definitely stay here again .
MoreService of the hotel is 5 star rated. The staff is friendly and always greets you with a smile regardless of what time you walk in to the hotel. The room is spotlessly clean and is considered to be quite fancy for this price. The bed is also very nice to sleep on as well. The right might be a bit small if you have more than 3 luggage but overall its quite big. And did I say the toilet is only covered with a auto-moving curtain? Yes, the toilet is partition out with a glass and a curtain in front of it. And its cool in my opinion...
MoreExcellent location, clean and well equipped rooms, friendly staff, delicious breakfast. Nothing but best praises.
MoreGreat hotel. Convenient location to nearby tourist attractions and subway station. Staff is very friendly. Rooms are big, and welll-designed with buttons to control everything. Drinks and snacks are provided in the room, along with breakfast in the morning across the street. Wifi is available for each floor.
MorePleasent stay for 4 nights
reasonable price and lovelt free meals in the morning2 adult , 2kids can stay at same rooms.