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Iraq, Zakho
Shanidar Cave - Archaeological site in Zakho, Iraq
للاسف عملية الصعود سهلة للشباب فقط . الدرج شاق وطويل . اتمنى ان تكون هناك وسيلة نقل افضل للوصول إلى الكهف .
كهف شانيدار ...تنوع جيولوجي مميز ذو عمق تاريخي بعيديقع الكهف على ارتفـاع 2200 قدم عن مستوى سطح البحر وعلى بعد ثلاثة كيلو مترات من نهر الزاب الكبير يوجد كهف شاندار بمحافظة أربيل، يعتبر كهف شاندر من أكبر الكهوف و أقدمها في العراق، يتميز كهف شاندر بكونه مثلث الشكل، حيث يبلغ ارتفاعه 18 م و عرضه 27 م، و يمتد عبر الجبل بعمق 40 م، فيتسع من الداخل ليصل الي 60م ...من الممكن ان يكون محمية وطنية طبيعية كونه شكل ارضي جيولوجي مميز ذو عمق تاريخي بعيد ...أجريت التنقيبات داخل الكهف لأول مرة بين عامي 1951ـ 1961 من قبل العالم "رالف سولكي"، الذي اكتشف أربع طبقات أثـرية متراكمة يعود تاريخها الى عصور حجرية قديمة ....عثر في داخل الكهف على الهياكل العظمية لنساء ورجال واطفال التي قدر عمرها بستين الف سنة
كهف شانيدار تنوع جيولوجي مميز ذو عمق تاريخي بعيد يقع الكهف على ارتفـاع 2200 قدم عن مستوى سطح البحر وعلى بعد ثلاثة كيلو مترات من نهر الزاب الكبير يوجد كهف شاندار بمحافظة أربيل، يعتبر كهف شاندر من أكبر الكهوف و أقدمها في العراق، يتميز كهف شاندر بكونه مثلث الشكل، حيث يبلغ ارتفاعه 18 م و عرضه 27 م، و يمتد عبر الجبل بعمق 40 م، فيتسع من الداخل ليصل الي 60م ...من الممكن ان يكون محمية وطنية طبيعية كونه شكل ارضي جيولوجي مميز ذو عمق تاريخي بعيدأجريت التنقيبات داخل الكهف لأول مرة بين عامي 1951ـ 1961 من قبل العالم "رالف سولكي"، الذي اكتشف أربع طبقات أثـرية متراكمة يعود تاريخها الى عصور حجرية قديمة عثر في داخل الكهف على الهياكل العظمية لنساء ورجال واطفال التي قدر عمرها بستين الف سنة وتم العثور على بقايا الهيكل العظمي لرجل إنسان نياندرتال في كهف شانيدار في منطقة رواندوز بشمال بلاد ما بين النهرين العراق و يعود تاريخها 60.000-45.000 قبل الميلاد الموقع الحالي المتحف العراقيSkeletal remains of a Neanderthal man found in Shanidar cave in Rowanduz area of northern Mesopotamia dating back to ca. 60,000-45,000 BCE, National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad.Indrajit Roy Choudhury
Shanidar Cave in Iraqi Kurdistan became an iconic Palaeolithic site following Ralph Soleckis mid twentieth-century discovery of Neanderthal remains. Solecki argued that some of these individuals had died in rockfalls and—controversially—that others were interred with formal burial rites, including one with flowers. Recent excavations have revealed the articulated upper body of an adult Neanderthal located close to the ‘flower burial’ location—the first articulated Neanderthal discovered in over 25 years. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that the individual was intentionally buried. This new find offers the rare opportunity to investigate Neanderthal mortuary practices utilising modern archaeological techniques.
Very beautiful place very quietthe way up to the cave is little bit tiring but the view up there worth it
When you visiting the cave it feels so happy I like the view at the cave
كهف اثري يعود تاريخه الى قبل ٦٠٠٠٠ سنة قبل الميلاد يقع وسط الطبيعة الخلابة في جبال برادوست ضمن سلسلة جبال زاكروس في اربيل انصح بزيارته والاطلاع عليه عن كثب
ئەشکەوتێکی زۆر گەورەیە و شوێنێکی گەشتیاری زۆر خۆشە دیمەنی زۆر جوانی لێیە
Needs more care.
A significant archeological site.
The oldest site in iraq where they discovered a neanderthal remains ,The first nine (Shanidar 1–9were unearthed between 1957 and 1961 by Ralph and a team from Colombia.The skeleton of Shanidar 3 is held at Paris. The others (Shanidar 1, 2, and 4–8were kept in Iraq and may have been lost , although casts remain at the Smithsonian.In 2006, while sorting a collection of faunal bones from the site at the Smithsonian, discovered leg and foot bones from a tenth Neanderthal, now known as Shanidar 10.
It’s very quiet and there are not many tourists, the cave is huge, and it’s worth a visit for history lovers
كهفشاندر هو كهف قديم من عصور ما قبل التاريخ يقع في شمال العراق في منطقة إقليم كردستان. وجد في الكهف بقايا عشرٍ من النياندرتال يرجع تاريخهم إلى 65-35 ألف عام. يحتوي الكهف أيضًا على مقبرتينتعودان إلى العصر الحجري الحديث الخزفي السابق، يرجع تاريخ إحداها إلى 10,600 سنة ويحتوي على 35 فردًاالا ان البعثة اليابانية أثبتت أن كهوف الطار في كربلاء اقدم من كهف شاندر
One of the best historical sites of kurdistan
Needs more attention. But a nice place.
Historical place
A must to visit place
its one of the amazing places in kurdistan region ❤ the way to the cave is long way but it worth 😉 the view above and the way that the ancient people built this cave is is incredible....
It was a nice place and has clear atmosphere.
Shanidar Cave (Kurdish: Zewî Çemî Şaneder ,ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر , Arabic: كَهَف شانِدَر is an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain in the Erbil Governorate of Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq. Anthropologist Ralph Solecki led a crew from Columbia University to explore the site. With the accompaniment of Kurdish workers, the group excavated the Shanidar Cave and found the remains of eight adult and two infant Neanderthals, dating from around 65,000–35,000 years ago. These individuals were uncovered amongst a Mousterian layer accompanied by various stone tools and animal remains. The cave also contains two later proto-Neolithic cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 individuals.The best known of the Neanderthals at the site are Shanidar 1, who survived several injuries during his life, possibly due to care from others in his group, and Shanidar 4, the famed flower burial. Until this discovery, Cro-Magnons, the earliest known H. sapiens in Europe, were the only individuals known for purposeful, ritualistic burials.The site is located within the Zagros Mountains.Neanderthal remainsThe ten Neanderthals at the site were found within a Mousterian layer which also contained hundreds of stone tools including points, side-scrapers, and flakes and bones from animals including wild goats and spur-thighed tortoises.The first nine (Shanidar 1–9were unearthed between 1957 and 1961 by Ralph Solecki and a team from Columbia University. The skeleton of Shanidar 3 is held at the Smithsonian Institution. The others (Shanidar 1, 2, and 4–8were kept in Iraq and may have been lost during the 2003 invasion, although casts remain at the Smithsonian. In 2006, while sorting a collection of faunal bones from the site at the Smithsonian, Melinda Zeder discovered leg and foot bones from a tenth Neanderthal, now known as Shanidar 10.Shanidar 1Shanidar 1 was an elderly Neanderthal male known as ‘Nandy’ to his excavators. He was aged between 30 and 45 years, remarkably old for a Neanderthal. Shanidar 1 had a cranial capacity of 1,600 cm 3 , was around the height of 5 feet 7 inches, and displayed severe signs of deformity. He was one of four reasonably complete skeletons from the cave which displayed trauma-related abnormalities, which in his case would have been debilitating to the point of making day-to-day life painful.During the course of the individual’s life, he had suffered a violent blow to the left side of his face, creating a crushing fracture to his left orbit which would have left him partially or totally blind in one eye. Research by Ján Lietava shows that the individual exhibits “atypically worn teeth”. Severe changes to the individuals incisors and a flattened capitulum show additional evidence towards Shanidar 1 suffering from a degenerative disease. Additionally, analysis shows that Shanidar 1 likely suffered from profound hearing loss, as his left ear canal was partially blocked and his right ear canal was completely blocked by exostoses. He also suffered from a withered right arm which had been fractured in several places. A fracture of the individual’s C5 vertebrae is thought to have caused damage to his muscle function (specifically the deltoids and bicepsof the right arm. Shanidar 1 healed, but this caused the loss of his lower arm and hand. This is thought to be either congenital, a result of childhood disease and trauma, or due to an amputation later in his life. The sharp point caused by a distal fracture of the individuals right humerus points towards this theory of amputation. If the arm was amputated, this demonstrates one of the earliest signs of surgery on a living individual. The arm had healed, but the injury may have caused some paralysis down his right side, leading to deformities in his lower legs and feet. Studies show that this individual had suffered from two broken legs. This would have resulted in him walking with a pronounced, painful limp. These findings in Shanidar 1’s skeleton propose that he was unlikely to be able to provide for himself ....
Wonderful nature .. and an ancient historical monument!
I Love You Kurdistan ❤💛💚
A historical landmark and a beautiful nature.
ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر
Shanidar cave is an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain in the Erbil Governorate of Kurdistan Region.[4] Anthropologist Ralph Solecki led a crew from Columbia University to explore the site. With the accompaniment of Kurdish workers, the group excavated the Shanidar Cave and found the remains of eight adult and two infant Neanderthals, dating from around 65,000–35,000 years ago [5][4]. These individuals were uncovered amongst a Mousterian layer accompanied by various stone tools and animal remains. The cave also contains two later "proto-Neolithic" cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 individuals
Old cave on bradost mountain ❤
What a gorgeous place I would love to see it someday
Quite nice, though the view from the cave is probably the best part. Not too much to see inside the cave, they should invest a bit into making it more educational. Its a historically significant site, but theres little to see when on site
Shanadar Cave is located on the Bradost Mountain in Mirgasor district. Famous for its triangular shape, the cave is 2,200 m above sea level, 18 meters high and 40 meters deep. It is thought to be one of the largest and most ancient caves in Iraq, dating back to 60,000 B.C. The Kurdish Peshmerga used the cave as a hideout during revolutionary times. The cave was first excavated in 1951 when archaeologists managed to date it by analyzing its stone layers.
Filled with history huge in terms of size and alot of history was found here from the sides and the ground under was found skeleton of the ancient men it has an incredibly beautiful view from the top but it also has alot of steps to take in order to get to the cave
WOW, I loved this place
Shanidar Cave Şaneder or Zewî Çemî Şaneder; Arabic: كَهَف شانِدَرis an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain in the Erbil Governorate of Iraqi Kurdistan.[1] The remains of ten Neanderthals, dating from around 65,000-35,000 years ago, have been found within the cave.[2][1] The cave also contains two later "proto-Neolithic" cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 individuals,The best known of the Neanderthals is Shanidar 1, who survived several injuries during his life, possibly due to care from other members of his band, and Shanidar 4, whose body lay beside a flower that can either be explained as evidence of burial rituals or animal contamination.The site is located within the Zagros Mountains in the Arbil governorate and lies close to the Great Zab river valley.
You can see beautiful nature and you can feel how Neanderthal lived in such a difficult place .
Nice view looking on a mountain so calm and peaceful
Pretty cool place to visit.It is VERY far away from Erbil, if thats where you are coming from. However, the journey is quite worth it, as you get away from the riff raff of the city and surround yourself with lush hills and mountains.If you put this into your GPS and are coming from the south, it will stop a bit early before the actual entrance. Dont fret... keep driving down the road and youll see that it is a developed attraction with an obvious sign. There is a small parking lot when you make it up... youll continue on foot up a lot of zig-zag stone stairs. When you make it to the mouth of the cave, it is fenced in but theres an entrance.The cave itself is relatively-small and still the site of an excavation, so right in the center is another fenced-in area thats locked. The HISTORICAL significance of this cave is pretty nifty, but practically-speaking, its pretty much a hole in a mountain that you cant really explore.The view from the cave is pretty nice, though. =)Unfortunately, there is a lot of graffiti in the cave itself, and people leave their trash here. I still dont understand why theres so much trash in potentially beautiful places like this.
The cave it self is good, but not out of the ordinary.However getting to the cave is an experience you must have, nature all around and simple climbing for every age, theres also stairs along the way up to the cave.And when you get there is view is marvelous, plus the bird tweets was music to my ears.If your a nature lover, youll love this place.
The most wonderful and vivid archeological place to visit. Especially during spring days. From there you can see and imagine the same view which have been seen by Neanderthals ( Homo Sapiens .The cave located in the north of Erbil city about 2:30 hour drive from Erbil to the cave .
Disappointed once I got to the top (inside the cave but the views were spectacular
Best of the bests
A very beautiful location to visit and this cave has a very rich history. It’s best known for it’s Neandertals skeletons that are dating back to between 65,000 and 10,000 years ago. Its located in Barzan area some 122 kilometers away from Erbil city.
Its old cave
Historical site. Spoiler with graffity
nice place
Amazing history
Amazing and historical place ,with good staff there and warm welcome
The first human was here😍
Nice Cave
Very beautiful landscape and impressive cave. More information would be appreciated, also about recent researches and current location of the finds.
Iraq, Zakho
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