Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures - Tourist attraction in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures in Sarajevo
Historical place
Jedinstveno mjesto gdje se spaja i razdvaja istok i zapad ,na jednoj strani osmansko carstvo s druge zapadni stil.
Moreهنا الفاصل بين الباشجارشيا و الفرهاديا .. هنا الفاصل بين الحضارات .. كل شي يتغير طابع المباني و الأرضية و طبيعة المحلات .. هنا الفاصل بين الباشجارشيا ذات الطابع الإسلامي الشرقي و بين الفرهاديا ذات الطابع المسيحي الغربي .. سراييفو أرض الحضارات المتعددة
MoreSarajevo meeting of cultures
One side is west one side is east, two different cultures are dancing together in a point. Take a step and see the mosques and Ottoman architecture, take a step another way and see the churches and western architecture... This city is just wonderful .
Moreفاصل بين المباني والمدينة القديمة والجديدة
Divna ideja da se obelezi mesto gde se spajaju dve epohe, dve arhitekture, dva sveta.
Meeting of cultures❤️
Kültürlerin buluşma noktası. Bu çizgiden itibaren tüm yapılar farklılaşıyor. Bir taraf camiler,minareler,hanlar,çarşılar olan Osmanlı mimarisi hakim. Diğer taraf Avusturya-Macaristan mimarisi ile donatılmış.
Moreأجمل مكان في سراييفو للتسوق والتذكارات ويوجد مطاعم وكافيهات وتغيير عملة
Moreمكان جميل جدا وفرق الحضارات الطابع الشرقي والغربي
MoreSignificant spot but easy to miss in reality.The daily hustle and bustle makes a photo hard to snap.It is fun to stand and look each side towards the distinctly different cultures.
Moreمكان رائع تمتزج فيه الحضارات ،، مكان يدعو للدهشة
MoreDe repente no meio de um calçadão rodeado restaurantes e lojas de todos os tipos voce depara com este marco que realmente sinaliza a união do antigo com o moderno. De um lado dominam as lojinhas de artesanato e restaurantes de comida da região. Do outro lado aparecem lojas internacionais.. muito interessante!!
A crossroad of architecture, on one side the osman architecture and on the other the Austria-Hungary, worth passing throw
MoreVery interesting point. One the one side the osmanic old town and on the other side the modern city from the 20th century.
MoreИнтересна среща на две култури - християнска и мюсюлманска.
MoreIts very interesting how the West and the East are situated in the City of Sarajevo next to each other, but not together. This is the imaginary line that split the city in half, one part Habsburg and the other Islamic.
نقطة اتصال ما بين العمارة الاسلامية والعمارة الغربية
MoreHalf of the slogan is under construction now.Sad.
Batı mimarisi ve doğu kültürünün ayrıldı çizgi. Eşsiz bir kültür bütünleşmesi. Binalar, dükkanlar bu çizgiden itibaren farklılaşıyor. Sağ tarafta camiler, osmanlı mimarisi hanlar, çarşılar varken; sol tarafta kiliseler, batı mimarisinde büyük binalar kalıyor.
More東西交界線 (Sarajevo Meeting Of Cultures)~我很喜歡這個圖騰,東西方文化終於幸福相遇了。這線的一邊代表西方~象徵奧匈 都是現代化的商家陳設,與基督教堂;另一邊代表東方 ~滿是鄂圖曼土耳其繽紛的紀念品小舖、波士尼亞咖啡廳,及伊斯蘭清真寺。敬其所同,愛其所異。文化可以兼容並存,種族可以相互尊重。跨文化之間,其實不必匯成大熔爐、融合成一個單一的社群。反而,要拼湊出一個大的生菜沙拉盤,每個族裔各自保留其文化特色,共生在同一個土地上。
MoreCurioso como cambia la arquitectura y la gente, prácticamente en solo unos metros.
MoreDevine Mix of culture
Love that place
Niby nic, ale to prawdziwy punkt spotkania kultury wschodu i zachodu. kiedy przekraczasz lumowną linię na chodniku, to czujesz jakbyś znalazł się nagle w innym świecie.
MoreSlikovita oznaka na dijelu grada Sarajeva gdje se spajaju kultura i arhitektura 13og i 18og stoljeća prošlog tisučljeća.
MoreObična oznaka susreta dva tipa izgradnje grada. Petica za ideju postavljanja oznake turističkoj zajednici, odnosno onome tko ju je osmislio.
MoreWhere east is meeting the west. The symbolic meaning of this message is a reminder of two dominant and very important empires that once shaped Sarajevo.
MoreIt is a mark betwen the east and west culture.
“Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” is the message of an inlaid marker on Ferhadija St., near Gazi Husrev Bey’s Bezistan. This is the spot where two dominant cultures that once shaped Sarajevo merge.In essence, what can be seen clearly about Sarajevo is that this is a city that connects East and West – not only as different halves of the world, but also culturally – with the East considered Ottoman and Islamic and the West seen as Austro-Hungarian and Christian.Their most obvious encounters are visible when one looks them straight “in the face” in the city’s architecture.The location of the marker, “Sarajevo – Meeting-place of Cultures”, is unique in that it is right where these two cultural influences clearly meet and it seems to be the very spot in town where, with one step, you can cross from one culture to another.As you stand on this spot, on your “eastern” side you have Gazi Husrev Bey’s Bezistan, Slatko Ćoše (Sweet Corner), Sarači Street… and, actually, this is where Baščaršija starts, with its Eastern look, aromas and so on.If you turn toward the other side, toward “the west”, you’ll be met by Ferhadija St., which is lined on both sides by the many structures that were built in a more Western style, during the time of Austro-Hungarian rule.
MoreA dodecagon-pivot centrifugal swirl tesselation and East-West meeting of cultures plaque.
MoreReally cool! You can tell the difference between two side.
Need to see, Ottman and Austrian architectures meet at this point
Mükemmel bir nokta. Batı mimarisiyle doğu mimarisinin kesin net ayrımını görebileceğiniz tek yer
MoreMemorable... Sharp distinction.
Cała dzielnica to mistrzostwo świata. Uwielbiam ten klimat. Latem bardzo tłoczno. Zimą zero turystów i ceny też od razu w dół.
MoreI love Sarajevo!
Great place to see and to visit, for its meaning. You should stop by and take a picture
MoreA must see this place.
Its a marker on the ground. Not really a "thing", just a pointer to the different cultural influences of the city, nothing you couldnt get from google maps.
MoreInteresting marker on the floor. To the West you have the Austrian Hungarian empire influence of architecture and to the East you have the Ottoman style architecture.
MoreYou can see the cultural diversity in Sarajevo. It one of the good thing here that different cultures and religions living in the same city with full respect to each other traditionals.
MoreVery nice.
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