Stone remains from a 9th-century BC temple, where young men were flogged for a blood sacrifice.
Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia in Sparta
Closed, completely unable to see the site. A lot of trash around and total lack of information. Very disappointing.
MoreIt’s such a shame to see a historical site abandoned and forgotten like this. Had hoped to see some indication of the history but none to be found. Lots of rubbish and badly maintained road. Not worth the time.
MoreSamo miejsce zamknięte i ogrodzone, natomiast teren i droga do niego prowadzące to istne wysypisko śmieci.
MoreEs ist schade wie sehr ein archäologischer Ort so vernachlässigt wird. Über einen Feldweg zu einem umzäunten Gelände ohne jegliche Hinweistafeln. Die Umgebung stark vermüllt.
MoreFa male vedere un sito archeologico tanto importante mantenuto in queste condizioni. Ho visitato il santuario di Artemide Ortia nellagosto 2022: come già segnalato da altri, la strada sterrata che porta agli scavi è piena di rifiuti e purtroppo la zona è poco sicura (nel mio caso me la sono cavata dando un euro a testa ai tre ragazzini che mi sono venuti incontro, ma ho lasciato il sito non appena ho potuto...).
MoreΕίναι Είναι λίγο δύσβατο το μέρος αλλά Αλλά το αποτέλεσμα θα σε ανταμείψει Όποιος μπορεί να κατέβει κάτω στη θάλασσα θα ανταμειφθεί είναι πάρα πολύ ωραία και για βουτιές από τα βράχια πιο ωραία θάλασσα για μπάνιο
MoreEl lugar está abandonado, el día de ayer fuimos para poder conocer el lugar y hay personas (jóvenes y niños, junto con mujeresviviendo a los alrededores; nos intentaron pedir dinero pero nos encerraron y por poco no nos dejaban ir, TENGAN MUCHO CUIDADO CUANDO VAYAN A VISITARLO!!!! ⚠️
MoreΠολύ ωραίο μέρος για βόλτα!
Ich war dort. Leider nur Bilder durch Eisengitter möglich.Irgendwelche Obdachlose machen hier die Gegend unsicher. Mit dem Rad fuhr ich an den Elendshütten vorbei. Mit Steinwürfen ist zu rechnen. Zurückwerfen ist die Antwort.Die Elendshütten in Richtung neue Brücke auf dem Wirtschaftsweg sind kein Aushängeschild. Vorsicht ist geboten.
MoreOne for those with a knowledge of history to visit and imagine the scenes where the somewhat excessive and violent whipping ceremonies took place, particularly in Roman times for Roman tourists.Imagination is vital as little remains and it is poorly looked after as it has become a site for the modern ceremonies of excessive alcohol drinking by the young, judging by the litter.
MorePlease DONT go to visit the sanctuary, especially if you are alone, you are by foot or you are with children. The poor people that live in the sourroundings try to attack, steal or frighten visitors. We passed a bad 10 minutes, we were with car and suddendly 2 teenagers tried to steal our backpack opening the car . Nothing happened, we managed to escape bat a car followed us for some minutes.I shudder to think what would have happened if I had walked alone to see the site, or if I had been alone with my son....
MoreWe went there and escaped by luck. We met two boys and later on two young men. These two walked very closely behind us and we felt very uncomfortable. They didnt rob us. Maybe because my husband looks so dangerous? Or because our backpack looks real shabby? After our visit I read the various reviews here about robbery and throwing stones and knew we escaped problems. So you better be careful!
MoreLaw-free zone. Beware.
Σημαντικό μνημείο της αρχαίας Σπάρτης. Στο ιερό λατρευόταν αρχικά η μυκηναϊκή θεότητα Ορθία, η οποία ήταν θεά της σωτηρίας και της γονιμότητας και προστάτιδα της βλάστησης. Προστάτευε επίσης τα παιδιά και τους εφήβους. Μετέπειτα, όταν κυριάρχησε το δωδεκάθεο του Ολύμπου, η θεότητα Ορθία ταυτίστηκε με την Άρτεμη. Η λατρεία της συνδέθηκε με το κοινωνικό σύστημα της Σπάρτης, το δε ιερό της -το οποίο είχε ρόλο μυητικό- ήταν χώρος σημαντικός για την κρατική αγωγή των παιδιών στις αγέλες. Οι τελετές που γίνονταν εκεί ήταν κυρίως θεατρικά δρώμενα, στα οποία μετείχαν οι πιστοί στο σύνολό τους και όχι μόνο οι ηθοποιοί. Κατά τη διάρκειά τους οι πιστοί φορούσαν πήλινα προσωπεία, πολλά από τα οποία ανακαλύφθηκαν από την αρχαιολογική έρευνα και φυλάσσονται σε μουσεία. Κεντρική θέση στις εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις είχε το τελετουργικό μαστίγωμα εφήβων Σπαρτιατών, οι οποίοι ακουμπούσαν στο βωμό. Αυτό ήταν ένα είδος διαβατήριας τελετής. Η εορτή αυτή λεγόταν "μάστιγες" και αποτελούσε τουριστικό πόλο έλξης, τουλάχιστον από τον 1ο π.Χ. αιώνα.
MoreDeserted place, very dirty
Il ny rien ni personne pour expliquer ce quest le sanctuaire dartémis.Le tourisme a Sparte est quasi inexistant et laissé à labandon cest vraiment dommage
MoreIts worth to visit 😊
If youre expecting a commercial site fenced in and managed in the same manner as the ruins in Athens, youre mistaken. The access is open and there are no giudes, there is plenty of boards with the facts and history detailed in the most case the ruinshave unrestricted access. Most of the ruins are not Spartn but Roman or Byzantine. Nevertheless the site is well worth a visit.
MoreΜαζί με το Μενελάιο, την ακρόπολη και τον "τάφο του Λεωνίδα", ένα από τα σημαντικότερα μνημεία της αρχαίας Σπάρτης με μία σπουδαία και εντελώς ιδιότυπη ιστορία που δυστυχώς αναδυκνείεται ελάχιστα με την τρέχουσα διευθέτηση του χώρου. Δύσκολα προσβάσιμο και ελαφρώς παρατημένο, θα μπορούσε να αναδειχθεί με τη μετατροπή του χώρου σε μικρό αρχαιολογικό πάρκο με την κατάληλη φύλαξη και βελτίωση της πρόσβασης και του χώρου στάθμευσης. Θα πρέπει να συνδυαστεί με την επίσκεψη στο αρχαιολογικό μουσείο της πόλης που στεγάζει πολλά από τα ευρήματα του ιερού.
MoreIt seems like spartan bloods are still remains there, they will pillage your money and your treasure for no reason
MoreOld ancient ruins. A place to remember the old and the opportunity of the new
Una peccato che sia tenuto così male. Non esiste nemmeno un parcheggio per fermarsi. Ci si ferma sulla strada e si percorre una stradina sterrata tra rifiuti abbandonati. Il sito è o sembra in abbandono. Un insulto per una civiltà nobile come quella spartana.
MoreΕίναι τα ερείπια της Αρχαίας Σπάρτης, επάνω σε ύψωμα που στο βάθος του νότια είναι η πόλη Σπάρτη και δυτικά ο Ταύγετος. Ένα μέρος που έχει ιστορία χιλιετηρίδων, που μας κάνει υπερήφανους σαν Σπαρτιάτες.
MoreBeautiful place but I went alone. 2 teens approached me, covering their faces. Luckily managed to sprint away but they attempted to throw a large stone at me. Luckily it missed and they gave up when they couldnt catch me.
MoreVery clean and with a great view. The sigh posted said closed on Tuesdays
A place you have to visit by visiting the city
Despite the fact that the site was closed and surrounded by a high mesh fence, the place has tons of atmosphere, and I was utterly mesmerised. I was approached by a so-called gypsy boy, twelve or thirteen, who asked for money. I gave him a 2 euro piece and he went off satisfied.
MoreBe aware! My boyfriend and I drove to Sparta for the day to visit the sites. We started to walk down the gravel path heading towards the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia and thought something wasnt quite right. We quickly looked at reviews on Google and TripAdvisor mentioning people being harassed for money. We decided to turn back to avoid any issues so did not see the site. It is a shame that the historical sites with such historical significance are so poorly looked after.
MoreThere is not much to see
Ни в коем случае не рекомендую туда идти! Цыгане активно воруют, клянчат деньги и забрасывакт камнями. Полиция рядом, но они Вам не помогут. К сожалению, поехала туда не прочитав отзывы.
MoreTAKE CARE when continuing on the path from the sanctuary towards the river - my girlfriend and I were heading there to find a quiet place to camp for the night when we were beset by a large crowd of children begging for money. We gave what we could and continued, but the children continued to follow us and shout and push closer and closer. We left them behind and realized that perhaps it would be better to find a different place to sleep. But as we turned around to leave, we came across another group, of older children, two of them teenagers. They were breaking sticks and began to yell at us, demanding money. The situation escalated quickly, until the kids were trying to hit us with large sticks, and the other children joined and began to throw stones and try to hit us. We escaped narrowly, and if a few details had been different, perhaps there would have been serious damage. Be careful there🙏
MoreI visited this site on my own, which is not far from the road, in the middle of an olive orchard. I felt at once a world away from the busy Spartan street and in another age. Despite the fact that the site was closed and surrounded by a high mesh fence, the place has tons of atmosphere, and I was utterly mesmerised. I was approached by a so-called gypsy boy, twelve or thirteen, who asked for money. I gave him a 2 euro piece and he went off satisfied. Three others whom I met going out I waved away and that was that. It surpised me that the Spartan authorities dont make more of this site, because its great. It occurs to me that there is a feeling of taboo about the whole area, which might go to explain its neglect.
MoreEssential for anyone who wants to learn more about ancient Spartan culture and citizen training.
MoreYes indeed there is a Romani site just beyond the Sanctuary. I tried using a side road to access the site but its something of a jungle. As I walked to the main road two Romani children were comming up pulling a cart. One was then busy ransacking a rubbish/garbage bin at the location. I spoke to local police (I work in a conforntational roleand as per pervious reviewers was advised not to go to the location. Its not worth the risk as it stands especiallt as a solo traveller/backpacker.
Moreein sehr interessanter geschichtlicher Ort und dabei die schön blühende Naturmit bewundern.
MoreI had planned on visiting the Menelaion archaeological site and many others to the east of Sparta city. Before visiting these places I asked for further information at the local museum. I was surprised to hear them tell me there were some dodgy people apparently gypsys nearby who would cause problems and warned me not to go there. I presumed this was only at the location the staff had pointed to on the map which was the Memalaion site. So I decided instead to head towards the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia. Whilst walking down a dirt track just of the main road, from behind a police car drove up with three policemen inside. I explained to them where I was going and asked if there were gypsies there. One of the policeman told if I went there the gypsies would take everything from me ! I thanked them for the warning and decided to return the way I came. Was this a lucky escape ? From what I have been told it is important to have respect for the Greek police, so I must thank them for this important piece of advice.
MoreΑπό σεβασμό η βαθμολόγηση. Όπως όλα, βρίσκεται και αυτό σε παρακμή. Οι ρομα κλέβουν τους τουρίστες και έχουν δημιουργηθεί πολλά επεισόδια. Δυστυχώς δεν υπάρχει κάποιος που να αναδείξει την πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της Σπαρτης. Ντροπή!!
MoreDodgy place hidden and not much there. Watch out for gypsy ambush. They seem to spring out from the hills and the kids are jokers. Serious risk of being mugged or attacked here.
MoreDroga do tego miejsca to istne śmieciowisko. Brud, kiła i mogiła. Sama ruina ogrodzona. W oddali cyganie. Tako. Dokąd zmierzasz Sparto?
MoreIl santuario, pur posto alla fine di una strada sterrata e mal tenuta, è ordinato e pulito all’interno della recinzione (non accessibile).Il vero problema è il campo Rom illegale appena dietro la curva: oggi degli zingari di non più di 6 anni hanno assaltato me e il mio gruppo con sassi e un decespugliatore elettrico, sotto l’occhio indifferente dei genitori, senza alcun apparente motivo.Leggendo le recensioni dei mesi precedenti, sfortunatamente troppo tardi, ci siamo resi conto che la situazione va avanti da parecchi mesi senza, sembra, alcun intervento da parte delle forze dell’ordine.Vergogna!
MoreNice ruins, unfortunately i couldnt stay long because some kids came up and starting throwing stones at me
MoreThere is no access to the sanctuary. It can be viewed only from the road
The ruins of an ancient temple close enough to the entrance of Sparta city. There is not an entrance, the visitor may take photos from the area around the temple. The area has beautiful nature, but there are garbages on the dirt road until the temple.
MoreDo not go there!!!!! It is very dangerous!!! There is illegal Roma camp and they attacked us!!! Police will not help you (unfortunately). Watch out!!!!Μην πάτε γιατί είναι πολύ!!!!!! Επικίνδυνα!!!! Μας επιτέθηκαν γύφτοι να μας ληστέψουν!!!! Και ηταν μέρα Μεσημέρη. Να είστε πολύ προσεκτικοί!!!!Будьте очень осторожны!!! Там цыганский лагерь и они грабят людей средь бело дня! Полиция им не указ! Будьте внимательны!
MoreTherrs a Romany/gypsy camp next to this who tried to rob me.
Το σπουδαιότερο και παλαιότερο αρχαίο ιερό της Σπάρτης που ήταν το κέντρο αγωγής των έφηβων Σπαρτιατών. Αρχικά στο χώρο λάτρευαν την Ορθία, θεότητα της φύσης και της γονιμότητας , που αργότερα ταυτίστηκε με την θεά Άρτεμη προστάτιδα των παιδιών.Το μικρό ιερό από ωμές πλίνθους και ο βωμός του, την ρωμαϊκή εποχή (3ος αιώνας μ.Χ.πλαισιώθηκαν από ένα αμφιθέατρο όπου πραγματοποιούνταν λατρευτικοί χοροί, αγώνες τραγουδιού, απαγγελίας και δρώμενων, όπως η αιματηρή τελετή της διαμαστίγωσης των εφήβων Σπαρτιατών, που προσέλκυε μεγάλο αριθμό θεατών. Τα αφιερώματα στην θεά Άρτεμη που βρέθηκαν στην ανασκαφή του ιερού, όπως οι εκπληκτικές πήλινες μάσκες, τα μικροσκοπικά μολύβδινα ειδώλια και τα έπαθλα (σιδερένια δρεπάνιατων εφηβικών αγώνων μπορείτε να δείτε στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο της Σπάρτης.Εργασίες συντήρησης πραγματοποιήθηκαν το 2000-2006 στο πλαίσιο του υποέργου "Ανάδειξη - Ανάπλαση αρχαιολογικών χώρων και μνημείων της περιοχής του Ευρώτα στη Σπάρτη".Βιβλιογραφία: Χ. Γιαννακάκη (2008Τα μνημεία του Ευρώτα, δωρεάν έντυπο του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού.
MoreDer Ort ist schön gelegen und spielte in der Antike eine bedeutende Rolle über Jahrhunderte hinweg. Die Funde sind im Musseum Sparta. Leider ist das Gelände verschlossen, man kann nur durch den Zaun sehen. Vorsicht: Zigeunerkinder betteln und werfen mit Steinen!
Be careful here! My wife and I came after visiting the Sparta museum (well worth itbut was warned by a tourist coach driver to be careful because of bad people. We thanked him and started walking down to the site when his tour group were coming back to the coach and told us not to go down as there were youths hurling large rocks at them. We turned back around and was heading to our car and saw a group of guys in a dark dual cab ute driving out of the site...Our only bad experience of a 25 day road trip across mainland Greece
MoreShut and in accessible. ... but good pix through the railings...!
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