Rijeka Tunnel - Historical landmark in Rijeka, Croatia
Rijeka Tunnel in Rijeka
Un largo y fresco túnel que atraviesa gran parte del old town de Rijeka.El propio túnel nos habla de lo vivido en el, en la época que era necesario. Hoy en día es una parada turística casi obligatoria.
MoreHistorical spot under Rijeka.
Üres alagút. Hideg van de nyáron kifejezetten jól esik! Érdemes átszaladni rajta.
MoreSchöner Ort zum abkühlen mit Geschichte
A tunnel built from the Italians during the 2nd World War. Closed for several years and reopened on 2017. Nice walk under the city, especially when is hot. There is not ticket at the entrance, it is completely free.
More350m Freier öffentlicher militärischer Tunnel in Rijeka.Kann man besuchen, muss man aber nicht. Ein netter Spaß wenn man daran vorbei kommt.5 Sterne weil es umsonst ist, Kameraüberwacht und gut ausgeleuchtet ist.
MoreCool tunnel from World War II as a shelter from allied bombings. Great if you want to cool down during hot summer days.
MoreBalade à faire au frais quand il fait chaud et lentrée est gratuite. Toujours émouvant de visiter un endroit qui témoigne dun événement tragique, de plus en plein centre ville. Il serait judicieux de développer les infos indiquées en début de parcours ...Les enfants ont beaucoup aimé en tout cas. À visiter !
MoreZaujímavé, avšak žiadny výklad ani popis o čo sa jedná. Ale stojí za pozretie.
MoreInteressante plek maar mocht wat meer uitleg/informatie zijn.
interesting and in specially to nice tour to cool down during very hot weather
Literally cool place to escape the city heat. Also a great historical spot connected to the 2nd world war. A must visit place.
MoreNije prošlo ni dva mjeseca od pompoznih objava o (ponovnomotvaranju riječkog tunela, s navedenim radnim vremenom, svakim danom. No, svakog čuda, izgleda, za tri dana dosta, pa je i tunel na Tijelovo, 16.06.2022. bio zatvoren. Naravno, bez ikakve obavijesti, što, zapravo, i ne čudi, obzirom da je širokim slojevima nejasno u čijem je tunel vlasništvu i tko njime upravlja. Dolaze turisti, domaći i strani, s turističkim vodičima i mapama u rukama i bulje u zatorena vrata. Očigledno ni Kvarner, nekadašnja perjanica našeg turizma, nije što je bio, već se prepustio neobjašnjivoj indolenciji.
MoreIt’s just a tunnel, nothing else… however for hot days it is good to walk through there and cool down.
MoreThis is honestly the best sight in rijeka! Great value for money. 10/10 would come back here. So cool
MoreIts closed due to technical problems tried going their several times now in the last week but didnt write when it will be open. Tried to call and message still no one answered or bothered to reply. Frustrating! seen other tourists going there thinking its open. At least update you opening hours so people dont waste their time. Thanks
MoreThis World War II era tunnel is pretty cool its a one of a kind definitely in Croatia. It is free to enter and there is a person at is a person at 1 side closest to the church that gives you a piece of paper with a brief history about the tunnel itself. Dogs are welcome. I recommend entering from the church and you can walk through to the other side and exit on a different part of the city. The only downside is a lack of information about the tunnel, no posters in the tunnel.
MoreIl tunnel costruito tra il 1939 e il 1942 è stato realizzato per proteggere i civili dai bombardamenti aerei. Si estende per circa 350 metri e si trova nel centro della città. L’ingresso principale si trova dietro la Cattedrale di San Vito. È aperto dalle 10 del mattino fino alle ore 20 e l’ingresso è gratuito. Entrando dall’ingresso dietro la Cattedrale, si esce di fianco alla scuola elementare Dolac.
MorePerfect place to cool down! I did read something about a bunker from the Second World War. Not sure though!
MoreNismo znali da u Rijeci postoji tunel. Slučajno smo naišli na njega. Svakako krije zanimljivu povijest, ali da bi ga se do kraja iskoristilo trebalo bi ga dodatno urediti.
MoreAmazing 😻
Nice historic place to visit during hot summer
Free entrance. Nice underground tunnel where to take a little walk.
Rijeka have amazing number of underground tunnels with a lot of entrance in city and all around the city. Its still not touristic atraction but if you wanna have real adventure you can try to find it because thats amazin experience.
MoreCool, looking back what was 1945
Für manch einen unspektakulär, aber ich mochte diese Sehenswürdigkeit.Der Rijeka Tunnel erstreckt sich gut 350 m unter der Erde und bietet gerade im Sommer eine Abkühlung. Von der St.-Veits-Kathedrale noch einigermaßen gut zu finden geht es bis zur Dolac-Grundschule die sehr versteckt liegt.
MoreRifugio antiaereo costruito per volete di Mussolini durante la seconda guerra. Non è lartefatto bellico più strabiliante al mondo, ma è interessante dal punto di vista storico, intatto e molto utile per rinfrescarsi durante una calda giornata estiva. Lentrata è libera e si trova accanto alla chiesa di San Vito, luscita nel retro di una scuola.
MoreIts a nice short cut and a good way to get away from the summer heat
Open till 8 pm, but the door was closed when we were there at 19:15
Cold and nice place
Un túnel largo, en verano es un grato lugar para estar un rato, el clima en el interior es frío así que uno puede refrescarse un rato, no tiene ningún costo la visita, nosotros fuimos al medio día y estábamos solos adentro, tiene un par de avisos de la fuerza aérea italiana quienes fueron lo que lo hicieron.
MoreA must-see. Just do it, no spoilers from me.
Very cool place to spend some time in the sweltering Rijeka heat. Easy to find - just wander around for several days and there it will be! Kidding aside, the north end was hard to find because we were on the street ABOVE it. Since theres a person working at each end of the tunnel, just call out "tunnel master, we are lost" several times and they will call back to you. Or not. Who knows?! A very COOL tunnel 😎.
MoreAmazing 330 meter long and very well preserved old tunel located beneath the old town in Rijeka. Tunel was built during WW2 by Italian army. Temperatures in the tunnel are lower then outside.
MoreGood place to go back to city center when it’s too hot outside to walk. Can’t say there’s a lot of things inside it but it’s free.
MoreLooks good. Free entrance. But i didnt attempt to go
Amazing!!! 😁
Great Christmas ambient
Great party location!😎
Very cool place to visit.
Love to go there, waiters are good and music is nice, but the paying to enter on Friday/Saturday night is not something people are happy with and rather go somewhere else for the same experience.
Very interested
Old tunel beneath the city. Historical place. Approx 800m long. Opened for public in 2017. Free entrance.
MoreNot a lot to say about it. Its a tunnel under the city. Well lit and dry.
Nothing to write home about, still nice for a quick visit
Underground shelter, wider but much shorter than similar in Pula.
Love this place, relaxing and exciting:)
Awesome place to cool down when in the city. I was surprised not more people were there.
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