Restaurant Trident - Restaurant in Tulcea, Romania
Restaurant Trident in Tulcea
Service 0, foarte nerabdatori, foarte neprofesionali si nepasatori. Nu inteleg sensul de ce mai lucreaza la un restaurant „renumit“. Vin o gramada de oameni si ne pun pe masa chestii de vanzare, oameni a strazii sa vinda chestii si nu pleaca decat cu insistare grava.. in fata service-ului.. super dezamagit
MoreVery friendly and fast service. Food was also very good.
Mancare veche si personal ingamfat(mereu cand mananc aici ma stric la stomac)
Mâncare bună! Ospătărițe pregătite,nu amatoare ! Venim fără retineri !
Servirea foarte proasta și mâncarea la fel, efectiv nu avea niciun gust.
Domnisoara care ne servea traia cu impresia ca ne facea un favor, salata greceasca incredibil de slaba ( o branza uscata, o salata de la punga si 2 feliute de rosii taiate in mai multe bucatele sa para mai multecartofi congelati de cea mai proasta calitate. Schimbarea meniului si a ospatarilor se pare ca nu o sa aduca multi clienti!
MoreThe service was amazing and so was the food! We got it really fast and all the dishes were complete. We had Quesadilla, Pork Chop and Catfish and all were on the spot!
MoreAn einem altbekannten Ort, seit mindestens. 25 Jahren, kehren wir immer wieder gerne ein. Alles lecker, alles toll im modernen Restaurant mit Außenterasse
MoreAm revenit in acest local dupa foarte multi ani....trebuie sa recunosc, modificarile de estetica aduse, sunt de aplaudat...interiorul e foarte rog, pana la tantari....sper ca aici sa se ia masuri intr-un fel sau altul deoarece e destul de e iarna...oare la vara?! Nu am comandat mancare, doar bauturi si am luat niste prajituri la pachet...personalul politicos, disponibil, nu ne-a facut sa asteptam mult. Mi-ar fi placut la comandarea de liqior sa intrebe cati ml doresc, nu sa imi aduca din start 100 ml....inteleg ca toata lumea doreste sa aiba profit, e corect fata de client....Baia/toaleta din pacate necuratata....Prajiturile bune...Per total recomand, mai ales daca s-ar lucra la punctele metionate mai sus
MoreAmbient frumos, personal gentil, păcat că astea nu se mănâncă. Duminică seara nu aveau nici un fel de ciorbă sau supă, dezamăgire. Dorada era bună nimic de zis da coasta ce-o o luat bărbații au zis că era prea grasă în plus inundată cu sos, gust de carne zero. Papanași nu erau papanasi iar tiramisù era doar zahar. Am pus trei stele pentru local, personal și dorada.
MoreDorada fish was delicious.
Good food !
Fantastic pork ribs, very fast service.
Caramelized beef salad with ...well all the good stuff...just great
Absolutely everything excellent! Thanks!
The service was friendly and kind, and the food was amazing. I have taken the beef with julienne cut vegetables and ginger, the taste was amazing and the rice that went along with it blew me away. To make something as simple as rice that good shows true skill. The tiramisu was tasty and overall an experience that exceeded my expectations. Compliments to the chef!
La camarera q me atendió,un encanto. Todo super bueno. Buen precio para un español. Recomiendo costillas y mejillones
Morevery good service and best food in town. Highly appreciated taste!
Good food
Good prices, big menu, good service, close to the center.
Food is great, service is somehow poor if you manage to be showing up in the hoyr before closing! I didnt like it at all!
MoreGood food, prompt service, kind staff.
I had an excellent beef here. I was impressed.
Good food, good service.I can reccommend pancakes julienne with honey and nuts. 😉
MoreNice place
Good service
You have to wait a lot to order food. A lot. Waiters are staying inside all The time and if you choose to stay outside you have no chance 😂. You can barely order. They don.t know what they are doing there. Waiters don.t know their menu or how to serve each dish. We asked for bread and they are bringing croutons for a cold appetizer. Also It is pretty cold there. Food is decent. Not good but decent. If you really have no place to go for a bite you can come here. But you have. So..
MoreVery good food , very good service
A great hot chocolate and nice service.
Great service, good food and large portions
Nice place. Great service.
Good service. Unfortunatly the food that we have ordered was not as expected. For example we have asked for a fish plate and expected to get local fish. On the plate we had local fish and also mackerel. :(
MoreGood food and service
Took a pretty long time to get the food I ordered but at least it was good.
Very good food, ok as price.
Excellent fish food. Efficient personnel, fair prices, clean place.
U have to pay for Ketchup. Food was good.
The fud is very good.
All ok
Very good food
Trident Restaurant (the Big Restaurant for locals or for taxi driversis located on Babadag Street, very central. Excellent Romanian food, wide choice of meals and highly professional staff. If you are a tourist in Tulcea be carefoul, the second Trident is a Pizza Restaurant (you can order only pizza)
MoreGood food. Service could be a little bit more attentive, but definitely above average.
Moreits ok
Overall,good food if you order their usual menu