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Strada Parfumului 25-27, București 030167, Romania, Slobozia
RECORD MUSEUM OF ROMANIAN - Museum in Slobozia, Romania
Nu inchipuit nici o secunda ca in Bucuresti poate exista o astfel de locatie cu astfel de crezut niciodata ca o banala unealta, cum esre tirbusonul poate avea atata istorie...atatea forme si intrebuintari...Am ramas profund impresionata de daruirea si extraordinarul izvor de cunostinte de care da dovada personalul...Abia astept urmatoarele evenimente de la care nu vom lipsi sub nici o forma...Recomand cu veti simti ca niste copii care se bucura de jucarii....asa ceva nu vezi nici in marile muzee...
Colectie superba. De revizitat.
Accesul este cu programare , în weekend , un număr minim de persoane . Tur ghidat , timp limitat . Dar muzeul este un UNICAT .
I couldn’t find the place. It seems to be behind a kindergarten. I asked someone at the kindergarten but they didn’t know about a museum.
Very special (and well-hiddenprivate museum. Or rather, a range of spectacular collections: Romanian philately, irons, cameras, radios, and many, many more topics. Highly recommended!!
Make an appointment to view!This is the most impressive collection of special items you might ever see. Even if you are not interested in corkscrews, irons, etc., the vastness of the collection is incredible!I was unable to have a complete visit, but I will go again! My thanks to the staff! 👍
Восторг! Невероятная коллекция, история и .. точно туда приду еще! Рекомендую очень!:)
Un Musée hors norme, chargé dhistoires, plusieurs collections autour des objets du quotidien et lincroyable ingéniosité humaine. (Timbres,Tire-bouchons, fer a repasser, appareil photo, Phonographe, et ...)
An amazing place! Astonishing collection!
Super tareeee ! Colectiile sunt extraordinare😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩
Exceptional din toate punctele de vedere! Felicitari!!!
Very interesting collections, some of them are in Guiness Record book. A must to visit. They have a very good stamps collection and more than 30.000 wine openers and much more.
Este pe departe muzeul meu preferat. ....impresionant
Impresionant. Incredibil. Colectii unice stranse cu o pasiune incredibila, puse la dispozitia publicului. Felicitari!
Jai bien animer
Atmosfera si personalul
Deosebit! Recomand
Fiind un muzeu in Romania de ce in pliantul primit nu exista traducere in limba romana si nici pe vitrinele cu toata lumea stie engleza
Foarte interesant
Un muzeu modern cu un personal de nota 10
This is awesome!!!!!I love their stamps/postcards collection! Other collections are crazy too and fun to seeHighly recommended!
un muzeu minuscul care profita de Noaptea Muzeelor ca sa faca niste bani. Nu va mai inscrieti la evenimente, daca nu respectati ideea de baza (intrarea ar fi trebuit sa fie gratuita in noaptea aceasta)! Nu recomand.
this place is truly unbelievable... worlds largest collection of cameras... 33000 corkscrews...
Interesant ....E și mai interesant că...Google nu are locația MUZEULUI PARFUMURILOR .TELEKOMUL MA SABOTEAZA CU RECLAMELE CIND FAC FOTO
Good guide. Sadly the museum is extremely packed with objected in a very tiny place. There are no descriptions to be found its just a collection of different items and you will find no description of the items if the guide is not near you. Interesting collection, worth seeing but you wont learn much.
מוזיאון פנטסתי, חובה לראות. מגהצים, פותחני יין, בולאות. חובה.
Superb , o adevarata comoara nationala !
Impresionant! Nicaieri in lume nu se mai gaseste asa ceva!
Nu este de găsit!
Superb! Merita vazut si promovat!
One of a kind. Only in Romania ... Visited 11.8.18 in connection with new display of Romanian stamps and postal history. Amazing and overwhelming. A museum that knows it priorities and explores them to the fullest.
Strada Parfumului 25-27, București 030167, Romania, Slobozia
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