Oruci Restaurant - Restaurant in Kukes, Albania
Oruci Restaurant in Kukes
Oprócz pięknego widoku ta restauracja nie ma nic dobrego. Kelner zapomniał o naszym zamówieniu, czekaliśmy 40 minut, musieliśmy złożyć zamówienie raz jeszcze. Dostaliśmy dania z podgrzewacza. Twarda, tłusta stara baranina. Desery śmierdziały i nie miały smaku. Nie polecam.
MoreDas beste Essen seit langem!Man schmeckt den Unterschied der regionalen Lebensmittel und die Fleischqualität! Wirklich super fast wie bei meiner Oma und unglaublich billig! Die Küche ist offen und wirklich sauber! (Schon viele gesehen)Die Menschen sind hier sehr, sehr nett und hilfsbereit in allen 3 lokalen den ich war!Hab in den Bewertungen gelesen das der Service schlecht war.....In albanien ist die Mentalität und der Service anders als bei uns und ich musste in allen lokalen ein bisschen warten! Wenn man es so haben will wie daheim - bleib daheim! 😉
MoreUshqimi OK sherbimi nen ZERO O
Одлични цени
Pamja shum e mirePo ashtu dhe Kafja superPo sherbimi 0Kamarjeret jane arrogantKur futesh brendaNuk te pershendesinVec te shikojn shtrembetDhe kur ju jep leketNuk te thojne faleminderit
Morefor a break on the trip
They have only good view no respect no clean table I wait more then 15 minutes nobody came ask me or bring the menu I think they don’t like Arab people here I asked employee for the menu and he is talking in his language and I understand only the Arab world and he left without bringing the menu I thought he will bring someone to understand English but he was angry and not respectable
Would give it a zero if I could. Hostess stand was so rude. Come here if you want attitude !
MoreMuito limpo. Bom café
نجمة كثير عليهم ،، سوء في الطعم والتعامل والنظافة !!
MoreZa razliku od lokala i restorana na moru ,porcije su im duplo vece a cena duplo manja.Svaka preporuka zanusputni odmor,kafu i rucak,osvezenje...
MoreBrzi su
Dobro mesto za predah u dugoj vožnji do juga Albanije.Brza usluga , lep pogled, čisto , dobra hrana
MoreDobra lokacija i enterijer, čorba i grčka salata odlićni dok glavno jelo, pečena junetina bila je nejestova, na moju primedbu da se zameni jelo nisu hteli da ti učine !Vodite računa šta naručujete !
MoreTipična drumska kafana
Nice place to stop and go, they offer free restroom for all people.
Jedzenie przeciętne, toalety zgroza
Please can someone give me number from this resturant i forgot my bag there please if can anyone
Moreхигијена није баш на завидном нивоу...
منظر رائع جدا وخدمة جيدة والطعام لابأس به.
Yolda mola verdiğimiz bu noktada nefis bir manzara sizi bekliyor.hizmet ise vasat.yemekleri tatmin eder.
MoreKahve molası için ideal
Odlično mesto za predah do mora.
Jedino sto jedobro imaju WC, slavine dobrim dijelom razmrdane .... toalet papira malo....ubrusa nema uopšte ....sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku nema...
MoreLepo, cisto...i prejeftinooo!!!
I think the flies are still following me!!
From Durazzo ti Skopje I stopped and I had a good coffy in this noce and clalran restaurante close to Kosowo boarder! Food service and clean toilettes! Rien a dire
MorePaca Çorbası harikaaa... 👌👏👏
Pamja dhe ushqimi shum i mir,sherbimi i dobet
Det var god turkisk kaffe
Одлично место за одмор при подолги патувања, богат избор на храна и пијалоци, пријатен амбиент со поглед на езеро, одлична услуга, љубезен персонал, пристојни цени.
MoreArnavutluk genel anlamda ucuz zaten bir de lezzetli urun olunca herşey şahane
Nice stopover from Kosovo to Albania in Kukes.There is a delicious ice cream, even though it is not in the menu.They accept euros as well, with excellent exchange rate, which is great.
MoreThe location and the view is amazing. Just close to Drini i Zi Bridge. The food it’s ok for the price and tasty. But the place it could be more clean.
MoreRestoran me vlera normale ushqimi si dhe sherbimi
Ambjenti shum i mire gjithashtu dhe ushqimi
Ok for coffee
Disgusting additude of the employees👎
Our waiter didnt speak English, had no idea what they have to offer, didnt take away empty cups from full table, extremely slow, went to count his tips instead bringing the knife he forgot and said he would bring, poor food quality, for pasta with cheese I got sticky, dry and without any taste pasta, with some mixture of old cheese, the other dish, meat with potatoes, was cold, cooked like 6 hours ago, and when we wanted to pay, we showed his, kept looking, he saw us, but kept speaking with other waiters, took a bottle of water out of the fridge, drank from it and put it back.Strongly dont recommend.
MoreIs a good time here