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Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb
Nikola Tesla - mind from the future - Museum in Zagreb, Croatia
Excelent place to meet in the afternoon
Hrvatski slikari otvorili su sjajnu izložbu "Krajolici Hrvatske" u Meštrovićevom paviljonu. Bila sam na otvorenju i iznenadila sam se koliko je ljudi zainteresirano za umjetnost. Nevjerojatno! Posjećenost je bila kao na rok koncertu.
Sadly, a total waste of time and money;The most interesting thing is the artwork outside the exhibition itself..Theme-wise, it felt all over the place, without any real content on Teslas work; we were there for almost 4 hours, and after we left I had to explain his work to my spouse, because I already know it, and the info at the exhib. wasnt clear enough.
Great place
Although the museum itself is quite old, things that you can see in there are fun, interactive and worth checking. A big part of museum is related to Nikola Tesla and his discoveries. There is also a big hall with some of Teslas inventions.
Exhibition wasnt very impressive, lots of space for upgrade. Audio,content etc...
THE TESLA EXHIBITION IS OVER.nos theres only some awfully installed modern exhibitions of so called art.
Psychedelic exhibition without any informative content. :( I loved the ship windows.
Very informative museum
Tesla show gone and under construction
Dumbest exhibition I ever seen. Has nothing to do with Tesla either..its just a bad art show with a big name. Wanna see Tesla go to Smiljan.
Odlično! Izložba je bila neobična i inovativna, vrlo zanimljiva svim dobnim skupinama.
Audio vodič je užas užasa.Koncept izložbe je dobar - izvedba je preloša. Tko god je snimljen na audio vodiču, bože sačuvaj! Žena priča kao da je na kavi s frendom/frendicom, kao da taj tren smišlja što će reći, smije se vlastitim dosjetkama. Na kraju sam prošetala izložbom bez znanja što gledam - opisne pločice nisu baš najbolje složene (redosljed ne postoji). Instrumenti/izumi ne rade. Pokušala sam se u nekom trenu prebaciti na engleski vodič jer sam pomislila da nije valjda na isti način ispričana priča i na stranom jeziku - ali je!!! Prestrašno!!! Sramota da to ide van.
Non technical.
Its not about Tesla so much, its Tesla seen through other artists
Bio sam na ovoj izložbi u 12 mj. i stekao mišljenje da je ovo najgora izložba na kojoj sam bio u životu. Brojni strojevi nisu radili jer su pokvareni (npr. išao se slikat i da nam pošalju preko e-maila, nikad nismo dobili). Valja spomenuti, audio-vodič je noćna mora. Zbunjena autorica govori kao da smišlja rečenice na licu mjesta, loše objašnjava i govori o stvarima koje uglavnom nemaju veze s Teslom. Općenito jedna katastrofalna izložba koja me dosta razočarala, samo smo bacili novac za kartu. Fuj!
Izložba je odlično osmišljena način na koji se pokušalo ući u taj raskošan um pomalo kaotičan uvjerljivo dočaran. Ideja s tabletima i slušalicama skroz futuristički 🔝🔝. Slikanje s umjetnom munjom na ekranu u prizemlju odlična ideja, s vjetrenjačom u polju također. No ocjena je 4 jer osobno nisam fan naturalizma, više realizma pa u toj domeni osobnog sviđanja ocjena 4,al općenito koncept i trud oko izložbe čista petica.
Excellent exhibition. interactive. very pleasant hosts.
YOu have to see it...
Interesting view to Nikola Tesla time
This exposition is a pretty big fraud. The organizer (ab)used Teslas name and greatness to her content, which has a little bit of everything, but the least of Tesla and his experiments and innovations. There are butterflies, inventors of first motion pictures, photos from post-Tesla New York, a French magician that was hired to perform his magic against then French adversaries, a couple of cheep quasi scientific simulations and games... and a few well known stories from Teslas biography that anyone can find on Wikipedia or elsewhere.The organizer, as someone with liberal arts background, did not care to demonstrate Teslas ingeniosity from a technical perspective (which, of course, she is not capable of, but could have got somebody with engineering bacground involved), but she presented it more like modern-art installations, if you like, playing with the darkness and discreet lights, trying to dazzle us with some mistic atmosphere withih the hall, and hoping to get away with it without actually showing any serious Tesla experiment (Play station-like games where Tesla plays with pidgeons does cut it!). They even placed a modern commercial brochure of some private firm that sells a radio frequency-based machines for beauty salons (thinking like, "hey, radio frequency has something with Tesla, too," so why not sell a beauty machine!)...It is a pretty big disappointment anyway, yet for a ticket price of about 10 EUR, one would definitely expect a lot more and something more serious and way better.
Wonderful exhibition, the only thing I wish is that there were more technical items to see and less to listen to.
Too dark for my taste
I have been expecting more of instalations about current and visual part with energy.
Very good exhibition. Its really large and it takes a lot of time to go thru all of it (can be up to 4-5 hours), but it is worth time and money. Recommend to go visit in group so you can get a guide. With guide lot of things are easier to understand and it takes less time. Also, like the different, creative (not 100% sciencyway Teslas life was approached, slightly from artist point of view. Definitely recommend to go see it!
I liked this exhibition. Mostly because I like Tesla and his work. Audio guides could be better, but overall funly spend hour and half
Waste of time and money. Audio guide is horrible - super low volume, annoying narrator and content is more about authors personal opinion than about Tesla himself. Very few interesting exibits. Most of the stuff is just multimedia nonsense crammed in so that organizers could charge such a high entrance fee because, hey, there are some screens you can touch. Wow.
Preporučam da se ode pogledati, vezano je više uz njegov život sa njegovim radovima, zanimljivo. + ako ste audio vizualni tip možete pokupiti tablet i pratiti razgledavanje s dodatnim informacijama!
U nadi vizualno i edukativnog spektakla u čast velikog izumitelja doživio sam najgore provedenih pola sata u životu. Velika uvreda djelu i zivotu Nikole Tesle. Autorica je fokusirana na samopromociju ispunjenu losim dosjetkama dok prostor paviljona vise podsjeca na radionicu izbgubljenih umova nego multimedijalni prostor.
One of the worst exhibitions Ive ever visited. Its almost impossible to get an audio guide and the staff urges you to join a group tour, which are overcrowded and you cant hear a thing. When you insist on an audio guide and you finally get one, you understand why the staff was reluctant on giving it out. The audio guide is painfull to listen in both English and Croatian. The woman narrator has poor knowledge of the English language, she is often subjective and you learn more about her opinion and experiences than the exhibits.If you want to ditch both groups and an audio guide, you wont learn much cause there is not much information provided with the exhibits. If you want to learn more about Tesla, go somewhere else or read a book.
This exhibit is the stupidest exhibition Ive ever seen.
Razočaran. Izložba ni približno nije ispunila očekivanja. Nejasan koncept, nejasna ciljana publika.... na trenutke podsjeća na jeftinu 3D slikovnicu... bez ijednog prikazanog izuma... možda je to umjetnički pristup, ali za takvu umjenost nemam smisla. Neću ponavljati već napisano u ranijim recenzijama, ali audio vodič je stvarno katastrofa.
I expected more
Poor show. Not so interactive as i thought it would be...and the price is high..
Could have been bigger and more interactive
It is impossible to explain how much this sucks. Also audio guide is terrible. If you want to learn something about Tesla go elsewhere. If you want to be frustrated this is a place for you.
Overall beautiful and interesting things, quite a few interactive things (however, amongst those there are there is a short VR clip, a motion sensing game, glass that react to touch and transfers the contact to a screen further back..). The audio guide, though, I must say was a bit boring to me, but it might interest other people.
Interesting presentation. Lot of details about Nikola Tesla and his life.
One of the most disappointing exhibitions I have ever visited. Audioguide in both English and Croatian not edited (beside some segments in male voice... a pleasurehence a lot of subjective authors mumbling. Visitors flow totally disorganised. Exhibits marginally relevant to the visitors expectations. Helena, I am really trying to appreciate your vision of Tesla and Im sure it makes much sense to you but while museographicaphically just ok, in terms of communication the exhibition is only a half product. Labeling it "multimedia" does not qualify it as sucessful communication. In such a representative space one expects representative events and this one is not one of them.
Razočaravajuće i konfuzno.Audio-vodič je očajan. Žena koja govori zvuči zbunjeno, kao da ad hoc smišlja rečenice, zamuckuje, smije se, dikcija je loša. Rečenice nemaju ni glavu ni rep. Na engleskome je još gore. Povrh svega ovoga nabrojanog, i izgovor je apsolutna katastrofa, a gramatiku da i ne spominjem.Ne znam zašto nisu mogli napisati smisleni tekst koji bi izgovorio / pročitao profesionalac. Jedino je dobro što se tu i tamo pojavljuje muški glas koji je pravo osvježenje.No cijela priča kao da samo prati tok misli autorice, pa red hruštova i leptira, red općepoznatih podataka, red dosadnih nabrajanja. Nismo doznali ništa novo. Na našu veliku žalost, ne vrijedi ni vremena ni novaca.
(Google translate)This is a really awful and disappointing show. The audio guide is horrible because the female voice is constantly stopping and starts laughing in the middle of the sentence and everything sounds like it improvises at the spot. A lot of information was irrelevant and the entire exhibition seemed to follow the authors mind flow and was not at all a complete whole. The male voice was brilliant, but it appeared so rarely that I lost hope in the show. The audio guide is not in line with the exhibition because I had to go far ahead and look for the exhibit to which it relates and then go way back the same way. The exhibition itself often wondered off, for example, the guide was describing the iluzionist Houdin even though he was connected to Tesla only because he admired him and another example is an entire room (of only 5devoted to cockchafers because they MAY HAVE inspired Tesla . If you are still planning to go then find a live guide like I did because a properly presented exhibition might be worth watching.Ovo je stvarno grozna i razočaravajuća izložba. Audio vodič je užas jer ženski glas stalno zastaje i počinje se smijati usred rečenice te sve zvuči kao da improvizira na mjestu. Puno podataka je bilo nevažno i cijela izložba se činila kao da slijedi tok misli autorice i uopće nije bila smislena cjelina. Muški glas je bio sjajan, no tako se malo pojavljivao da sam izgubio nadu u izložbu. Audio vodič nije u skladu s izložbom jer sam trebao ići daleko napred i tražiti dio izložbe na koji se odnosi, a zatim se vraćati istim putem natrag. Izložba sama po sebi je cijelo vrijeme odlutavala od teme npr. dugo se opisivao iluzionist Houdin iako je s Teslom bio povezan samo zato što mu se divio i još jedan primjer je cijela soba (od njih samo 5posvećena hruštovima zato što su MOŽDA inspirirali Teslu. Ako još uvijek planirate ići prikrpajte se nekom vodiču kao što sam ja učinio jer pravilno prezentirana izložba je možda vrijedna gledanja.
Absolutely underwhelming representation of Tesla and his work, absolutely no substance and very little content. It would have been worth spending a couple minutes on it if it was free, but for 80kn certainly not.
Za sve one koji ne poznaju Nikolu Teslu i ne znaju nista o njegovoj povjesti ova izlozba je odlican pocetak. Sa besplatnim audio vodicem mogu se upoznati sa ovom emblematicnom osobom i njegovim djelom.Ali ako ste ipak kao ona vecina koja je vec citala knjige ili pak u skoli istrazivala o Tesli, izlozba je totalni gubitak vremena i novaca. Nazalos je prehvaljena i dalo bi se ocekivati mnogo vise.If you are not familiar with Nikola Tesla then this museun is the best way to get to know this emblematic person. With your free audio guide (available in Englishyou can learn about his life and history.But if you already know his story from books or research its a full waste of time and money. Unfortunately this museum is too sponsored and people were expecting a lot more.
Awful audio guide, poor info and a touch of pseudo scientific new age bs thrown in.
Sadly, this exhibit is not worth visiting; the audio guide content is horrible - barely edited, more subjective than objective, and badly narrated by a woman (the exhibits founder, I thinkwho spends a lot of time telling you about her own life - and opinions - which is ridiculous for a museum exhibit about someone else. Not to mention that it sounds as if she didnt even have it edited. At one point, she states Tesla was born in 1956. At other times, her narration just abruptly ends. Much is laughable. The few clips narrated by the male voice are more professional and enjoyable. The displays are all over the place - visually chaotic and disruptive, and not in sync with the timing of the audio clips. Immediately upon exiting the exhibit, I read the Wikipedia entry on Nikolas Tesla - and wow, I learned so much more - and many more interesting tidbits - than what were revealed in this exhibit. Save your money, skip this one.
Exhibit was very informative, but headset had poor English narrative. I was disappointed and should have gone with Croatian soundtrack. Dates were occasionally off by a century (for example 1993 instead of 1893), there was a lot of wordiness that badly needs editing before going to New York.
Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb
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