National Museum of Costume - Art museum in Bongouanou, Ivory Coast
National Museum of Costume in Bongouanou
Great kind people i was doing a project there
Occupying what was once the governors house when Grand Bassam was the capital of the Ivory Coast, is now this small, but interesting, museum. One can see costumes used in different regions or by different hierarchical groups and some examples of clothes by contemporary designers. It also showcases a few models of typical Ivorian villages, with their very different layouts and shapes. The house itself is interesting as it gives you a glimpse of the French-colonial life in the 19th and 20th centuries. Look for the escape exist hidden behind the wall panel next to one of the windows in the room at the far end on the second floor.
MoreNice historic building, unkept and largely in need of care.
Grand Bassam a été la première capitale de la Côte dIvoire à lépoque coloniale. La maison était lune des résidences du premier "président". Cest maintenant un musée avec différents costumes et crèches démontrant lhistoire de ce magnifique pays.
MoreThis museum is great. Its full of education but needs an English speaking guide as well.
MoreJy ai fait de belles découvertes en apprenant un peu plus sur les tenues traditionnelles ainsi leurs significations et impact dans leurs modes de vie. Jai aussi appris comment nos ancêtres étaient organisés dans leurs gestions. Ça été un vrai voyage dans le temps qui mérite dêtre vécu parce que vraiment enrichissant. J´exhorte tout le monde à y faire un tour. Vous ne serez point déçus parce que les guides sont vraiment instruits et maîtrisent vraiment leur sujet
Indepted into the history. Would visit again!
Vraiment suis un peu déçue de lendroit, le prix pour les grandes personnes également payer 1000f par adulte, étudiant, non jai pas aimé.. bon mais après chacun à son goût...
MoreCe musée retrace une partie importante de lhistoire coloniale de la Côte dIvoire où Bassam représente le lieu initial de rencontre entre les colons et les autochtones.
MoreSo cool
We enjoyed learning about the Ivorian history.
Sur 2 étages, avec marché pour terminer la visite. Cétait intéressant mais pas en bon étatÀ voir tout de même !
MoreInteresting, but very modest exhibition of costumes. Just next to the entrance there is a souvenir market. You can also ask for a walking tour around the colonial village. It was very interesting
MoreBeautiful! Exquisite...must see!
Great historical place to visitWill come again
It could be better stuffed
Lieu historique décrivant l’histoire des peuples ivoiriens et la vie commune de L’époque coloniale. Petit conseil: vaut mieux faire le tour avec un guide pour profiter pleinement de la visite de ce musée.
Chic musée avec un très bon historique des tenues traditionnelles en plus des photos qui datent de lépoque colonial. Il y a aussi des plans des villages ivoiriens. Ce musée est sur deux étages. Il y a un très bon marché artisanal qui jouxte ce lieu. Vous y trouverez de très beaux masques et figurines et bien dautres choses.
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It allows the visitors to learn about some customs and rituals along with a bit of history of ivory coast. The main room with the costumes gives a broad idea of the different people that inhabits the country. The house itself has a few interesting places to discover. If you can, I suggest to also take the tour of the city with one of their guides.
MoreBecause the guides speak only French language
Find the traditional history of Cote dIvoire.
Cétait émouvant!Cétait révoltant et beau à la fois!La traite négrière et lesclavage ne sont jamais faciles à affronter! Encore plus pour nous qui sommes marié/és aux occidentaux!!!Meilleurs moments, découverte des tenues des chefs des différentes régions. Le guide était exceptionnel, et super cultivé...Il na nullement failli face aux interventions des uns et des autres...Très bon moment passé en famille et autre, je vous le conseille et prenez le guide...cest encore plus intéressant !
MoreThis is a very interesting building, being the house of the original colonial governor in 1893, and the photographs on the ground floor are interesting however the costumes on display are pretty basic and lacking any meaningful explanation.
MoreGood historic preservation.
Nice culture history
African traditions
We wait again to add some people costume
Thanks for keeping this for posterity
Enlightening but not the most interesting place to visit
Not too great ... But fine for a one time watch
One of the most historical site of Cote dIvoire, close to the sea !
Potentially worth checking out if you are in Grand Bassam but I would not have very high expectations. Nice old building with some interesting clothing on display not large or particularly well maintained.
MoreBeautiful place to visit
Amazing experience! It was great to see the various clothes of the different tribes. Our tour guide and the museum guide really did a great explaining each of the exhibits.
MoreFormer colonial authority residence changed into a museum telling the Countrys history through traditional costumes.A must see in Grand Bassam,the first capital of Ivory Coast
More1,000 CFA non-Ivorians and 500 CFA for nationals
Museum nothing especial, but building is nice
Enjoyable this little museum, but there is a room to make it better. There are some guide brochures to introdure about main sightseeings but for selling, not free. It is worth a half day trip for walking around town, monument, colonism buidling, beach, art gallery and finally some drink in the restaurant near canal. Although almost no tourists recently as the attack happened
MoreThe Museum is a collection of the different costumes of the former French colony. Its placed in the first seat of the French governor and contains his original bathroom and one board. Unfortunately there are no further equipments from this time, but the few photos are interesting and give an impression of this history. Close to the wharf where goods (and slaveswere transported
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