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Sheshi Nënë Tereza, Tiranë, Albania, Lushnje
Exhibits of archeological discoveries from Albania, dating from prehistory to the modern era.
Artifacts are amazing but there are no explanations about anything. Even I spotted a qr in a corner (I saw just a couple of emthat linked me to YouTube videos.
Small venue with just a few exhibits. The entrance was out of charge ( at least for the day I visited.The curation of the exhibition was nonexistent and the walls were painted an ugly shade of pink ( imagine that). The exhibists were covered in dust, inside and outside of the protective glass which in many places were scratched. The exhibits once again, did not even had a description or (for gods shakethe chronological period they belong to, just a glued(?paper on them saying in which city they were found. Nevertheless, someone would await somehow something better from the National archeological museum of the Capital of a nation. The building needs to be refurbished the exhibists to be restored and the curation to be renewed.
Il museo consiste in 3 sezioni, fondamentalmente 3 stanzoni, dove sono stati posizionati i reperti trovati nei vari scavi del luogo.Purtroppo in tutto questo vi è una sola mappa in tutto il museo e zero didascalie se non la città del ritrovamento.Nessun sforzo per rendere fruibile il materiale esposto, con conseguente passeggiata veloce tra una teca e laltra senza poter imparare nulla.Da un museo archeologico, piccolo o grande che sia, ci si aspetta molto di più.Non consigliatoPs. Ovviamente, come in tutti i musei della città, si paga esclusivamente in contanti
Per gli amanti della storia
Musée avec belles collections. Il manque des explications mais cela permet davoir un tour dhorizon sur les différents parcs archéologiques à visiter dans le pays.
No explanation of anything and expensive entry fee.
Wunderschöne Exponate, sogar unsere Kinder waren begeistert.
Great little place, with a lot of nice artifacts about ancient history
Zhgenjim dhe keqardhje njekohesisht! Gjysma e Muzeumit ose me sakte vitrinat ku ishin vendosur objektet historike pa drita, djegur. Gjithashtu shume objekte kishin te ngjitur letra ku shkruhej origjina objektit , nje skandal per te gjithe ata qe meren me menaxhimin e ketij muzeumi. E fundit asnje objekt nuk ka nje tregues te vecante ku te thuhet se ne cfare viti eshte gjetur, kujt viti i takon dhe kush e ka gjetur dhe per cfare ka sherbyer…. Vizituar ne date 31 Mars 2022……
Molto interessanti i reperti neolitici e il vasellame, ma la vera sorpresa sono state le numerose miniature cesellate in materiali diversi. Elmi conservati perfettamente ed armi. I busti degli imperatori romani troneggiano nella quarta ed ultima sala e non hanno bisogno di essere descritti.... sembrano viventi. Un po delusa dalla limitata quantità esposta. Museo mai rinnovato e messo maluccio.
Intressant museum, fynd från illyrierna och fram till medeltiden.
Був зачинений, тому просто ставлю чотири бали. Доречі мавзолей, що майже поруч, розбирають .
I was definitely in the right place but the guard wouldn’t let me in and it looked nearly empty inside. It didn’t have any hours posted but according to google it should have been? Not sure what happened.
One of the most important museums in the country, the Archaeological Museum in Tirana contains some of the most famous treasures of Albanian archeology.If you would like to travel through centuries of history and learn about all the ages of an ancient place like Albania, the Archaeological Museum, located in the very heart of the capital, at Mother Teresa Square, should be your first stop.
متحف جميل ولكن صغير والدخول ب ١٥٠ دينار مقدوني
Many historical thing
This Museum was opened in 1948 and today presents the research of archaeological discoveries in the territory of Albania. It is affiliated to the institute of archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Albania. The Museum houses exhibits from Prehistoric and Classical times up to the Middle Ages and Modern period. More than 2000 items are displayed and these items range from ancient jewellery, to Roman statues, to vast clay pots covered in shellfish that have been found during the many archaeological field trips the museum is involved in. It is also responsible for conducting many archaeological expeditions in the country and is the parent institution of several other museums in the country including the Durrës Archaeological Museum.
가지맙시다ㅋㅋㅋ..후회합니다.가격은 3천원이고 내부에는 여러 유물들이 있는데, 설명같은거 하나도 없고 이름조차 없습니다. 그냥 유리진열장에 전시한 개인 컬렉션 느낌. 그마저도 유리 상태 완전 충격적임.. 21세기 박물관에 유리 품질이 고르지 않은건 첨봄ㅋㅋㄲㅋ.. 규모도 엄청 작아요.이곳에 있는 유물들은 모두 메인광장에있는 국립 역사박물관에 다 있는 것들입니다. 갈필요가 전혀 없습니다. 그래도 가신다면 말리지않아요.
Open wide look and very attractive place for youngsters and very clean
Очень красивый город. Большинство людей не понимают английский язык, но как-то понимали друг друга. Молодежь немного разговаривает. Город красивый и требует много вложений. Страна бедная, но хочу пожелать ей развития, я думаю всё впереди!!!
A marvelous collection, wonderfully preserved, a must visit to understand and appreciate the glorious past in the present times.
Tirana, stolica Albanii.Warto odwiedzić.
Pour connaître lhistoire de lAlbanie il faut visiter ce musée . une collection dicônes formidable
Albania jest krajem rozwijającym się, Muzeum także. Jest potencjał ale chyba brak kompetentnych osób, którzy mają doświadczenie w prezentowaniu artefaktów. Gmach olbrzymi, wystawa jednopiętrowa, ceramika, narzędzia, popiersia, gzymsy, portale....wszystko co powinno być w muzeum, jednak brakuje kropki nad i. Mimo to, warto zapoznać się z zasobem tego muzeum. Mocne 3 gwiazdki.
Warto będąc w Albanii zwiedzić stolicę
Sin información en ningún idioma pero con piezas interesantes como una crátera griega
Small museum with interesting historical artefacts.
Eshte muze me vlera por ska mjaftueshem info per gjerat dhe nje pjese e madhe e tij s eshte funksional
Very interesting but dated.
Ένα πολύ ωραίο μέρος 👌😍💙
Spent 20 minutes and Im a massive fan of this kind of museum. Theres no signposts in any language, so youre going off your preexisting knowledge, and its essentially just one hall. That said, some of the statues are exceptionally detailed, and I appreciate that theyre on public display, even if the presentation needs further development. Its worth it if you need to pass some time and like the antiquities. Costs 300 leks, less if youre a student.
Incredibly small museum. Cost is 300L per person. Sadly there is absolutely NO explanation of any of the items in the museum in any language. No dates, names, places, or any identifying detail telling any kind of a story of what youre seeing. Essentially its three small rooms of old clay and stone pottery pinned to the walls under glass. Thats it. No reason to visit this place. Too bad, because there are probably very interesting stories associated with the artifacts.
It is supposed to be one of the jewelry of our culture but need o lot of attention to attract is situated in downtown Tirana. Can be riched easy. There are o lot of artifacts conserved here.There are a lot of pressure objects discovered by national and foreign arceological. So it should be very interesting to visit this museum.
Ein paar Raume in denen die Ausstellungsstücke zeitlich geordnet sind. Stücke kommen aus dem ganzen Land. Viele Beschriftungen nicht auf Englisch. 300 Leke deutlich zu viel für diese armselige Präsentation, außer man ist natürlich verrückt auf alte behauene Steine und sonstige Ausgrabungsgegenstände.
Nice archeological museum but it need some improvements especially with lighting!
Verwaarloosd museum. Wel een mooi collectie. Neem een zaklamp mee. Beperkt verlicht.
Unique historic museum
Neo-classical style.
300 lek to enter, but they still cant turn the lights on?
Government museum, not worth visiting
Small pieces of Albanian history are here
This place has some decent artefacts, but the display style is awful. No real info on the pieces, just where they were found, also the lighting is very poor and you cant actually see some cabinets at all well.Do go if you want to see what a communist era display is like (with matching customer service at the front desk), otherwise stick to the big museum up on Skanderbeg square which has similar stuff but beautifully displayed with info in English as well as Albanian.
Small collection of pieces similar in to scope to what is shown at Muzeu Historik Kombëtar. The items have very little descriptive information, and 95% of that info is in Shqip. Still, recommended.
Sheshi Nënë Tereza, Tiranë, Albania, Lushnje
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