Muzeul Holocaustului - Museum in Slobozia, Romania
Muzeul Holocaustului in Slobozia
Muzeul Holocaustului este in interiorul Sinagogii Mari, o clădire cu istorie și cu arhitectura deosebita. Daca vrei să știi mai multe despre istoria poporului evreu merita sa îți faci timp și să vii să afli
MoreUn loc care explică foarte bine holocaustul în România. Ghidul vorbește si franceza și engleza.Expoziția este adăpostită în fosta Marea Sinagogă din București care este foarte minunată
MoreExtraordinary exhibit in multiple languages.
Very good
A must see for every tourist in Bucharest. The guide is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about the subject and you can ask her anything.
Moreהגענו יום ראשון היה רשום שפתוח ובפועל סגור לא יזיק לכם לעדכן שאתם סגורים
MoreHaunting display of an important piece of history. The collection honors the lives lost during the Romanian holocaust beautifully. Member of staff was kind and helpful despite us not having a common language.
Moreמוזיאון השואה בבוקרשט שממוקם בבית כנסת מקום חשוב מאוד לקבלת מידע על מה שעבר על היהודים במהלך השואה ברומניה
Moreמאוד חלש, כילו בבית ספר עשו צילומים והדביקו אותם לבטנדים. בניין מוזנח. לא ממליצה לבקר.
MoreAs is poor unfundrd but does its best
Hakol tov
Wonderful Synagogue, crucial moments of Jewish community contributions to the Romanian society, but also dramatic sufferings of Romanian Jews during the Romanian Holocaust
MoreSo many place to visit in such short time.
A beautiful historic synagogue that is now being used as a holocaust museum. There is information about Romania during the Holocaust and the impact on the local Jewish community. Worth a visit for sure!
Moreמקום מאוד נחמד בכניסה למקום מחכה אישה נחמדה שמספרת על ההיסטוריה של המקום הבעיה שזה רק בשפה האנגלית
MoreI really enjoyed the history
Very interesting place !
Muzeu e pretentios spus. E doar o incercare . Piesele de asa zis muzeu sunt copii xeroxate a unor documente secrete din perioada nenorocita a omenirii care a culminat cu exterminarea in masa a evreilor. Mai apar niste fotografii cu atrocitatile traite de populatia evreiasca in Iasi, in Transilvania de Nord,in Basarabia. Fapte greu de imaginat ,de care ar trebui sa ne fie rusine noua romanilor.Cladirea care adaposteste muzeul este o sinagoga , veche de peste 150 de ani cladita de evrei polonezi. E situata in spatele blocului care e de a lungul bulevardului Corneliu Coposu, dupa magazinul Unirea. Intrarea e 5 lei si e considerata donatie. Interiorul e bine conservat la baza peretilor punand panouri pe care sunt expuse file xeroxate cu marturii ale nenorocirilor holocaustului din Romania. In mijlocul tavanului troneaza un candelabru incredibil de frumos.Istoria te deprima in acest loc. Nu e pentru oameni sensibili.
MoreA very special place
אפשר היה למצוא מוצגים אמתיים ולהעצים את החוויה
MoreRomanian Jews should go..
Antiga Sinagoga convertida em Museu. Possue painéis com fotos da segunda guerra e seus impactos na comunidade judaica. Embora esteja em boas condições não é mais usada em cerimônias, apenas como museu. A visita custa 5 lei.
MoreDaunting - difficult to find. Very disconcerting displays of inhumanity to humans.
MoreWielka Synagoga w Bukareszcie została zbudowana w 1845 roku przez Żydów przybyłych z Polski. Była przebudowywana w 1903 i 1909 roku oraz przemalowana w stylu neo-rokokowym w 1936 roku. Podczas II wojny światowej została zdewastowana przez rumuńskie bojówki skrajnej prawicy. W 1945 roku była wyremontowana i obecnie mieści wystawę poświęconą pamięci ofiar Holokaustu.Nadal są tutaj organizowane weekendowe nabożeństwa, będąc jedną z niewielu aktywnych synagog w mieście.-The Great Synagogue in Bucharest was built in 1845 by Jews who came from Poland. It was rebuilt in 1903 and 1909 and repainted in the neo-Rococo style in 1936. During World War II, it was devastated by the Romanian fighters of the far right. In 1945, it was renovated and now houses an exhibition dedicated to the memory of Holocaust victims.There are still weekend services organized here, being one of the few active synagogues in the city.
Moreחובה לכל יהודי לבקר בבית הכנסת שהפך למוזיאון!!! מרגש מאוד, במיוחד קבלת הפנים והדרכה של גבאי בית הכנסת. חשוב!
Moreמבנה יפה, מכיל הרבה מסמכים ותמונות מתקופת השואה
More10% reducere la Hotel Bucharest Boutique Accommodation , clientilor dumneavoastra, pentru rezervari directe pe site-ul nostru!
MoreImpossible d’y entrer malheureusement.Si mon avis et mes photos vous ont aidés, merci de cliquer sur le pouce 👍
MoreLa storia che non andrebbe mai dimenticata.Gentile l accoglienza all ingresso, descrizioni non ottimali in inglese ma le immagini con le brevi didascalie tradotte sono più che sufficienti a trasmettere quei momenti.Prezzo bassissimo all ingresso di circa 1 euro a testa
MoreIt was a lovely place. However, there was no English translation when I was there. It is all in Romanian. However, the people were kind and it has a ton of history involving the holocaust.
MoreImpressive small museum on the history of the Jewish community and the Shoah in Romania. The building itself is a beautifully restored 19th century electic style synagogue.Most of its is in Romanian (but they provide translations in English).It is a bit difficult to find, hidden away behind some appartment building. Ring the bell at the main door and the security guard will let you in.
MoreArrived late due to incorrect schedules online and was greeted by a aggressive and condescending security guard. It is always a pleasure when visiting sites of remembrance of our ancestors traumas to be greeted by aggressive insolence. Bravo!
MoreLack of guidance
Super place!
Unforgetable experience
מרתק ומזעזע... פרק מזוויע בשואת יהודי רומניה ואירופה מוצג במקום והסבר נעים ואוהב מפי אחד מזקני קהית יהודי רומניה... איש זקן וחביב מאוד...מומלץ!!!
MoreSituated in a former synagogue it is rather well taken care of (even though the immediate neighbouring us not very nice or respectful to this historic building). The entrance is free, you are just asked for donation if you feel like. Old lady who works there as a chashier and guide took care of us and gave us a tour (there was very few visitorsand told us about the history if jews in Romania. Overall worth visiting.
MoreA place for those who want to learn History.
This is a must see place to go if you are interested in the history of Bucharest. Yes, this museum is focused on the Holocaust and the Jewish people of Romania, but one can not honestly look at the totality of Romanian history and exclude the horrors of the Holocaust and the life of Jewish people in Romania. How did the fascists become so sinister in their twisting of truth to deceive the Romanian People from their sense of community to allow these horrors to occur. Likewise, how was it possible for such young man, King Michael of Romania, to put his life at risk when he realized "the great deception" and create a coalition against the Fascists and thus help to liberate Jews from the camps by at least one year earlier. This is a history that is replete with the worst of humanity and the best of the human spirit. Also, the people who work here are delightful and eager to share the museum. Their staff include writers, historians and local people who care about this special place.
MoreThe museum has a lot of information on the Jews and the 2nd world war, the guides there was very interesting
MoreIf this topic interests you at all this is a must-do visit
Loc încărcat de istorie și de sacrificiile unor "condamnati"pentru faptul ca aparțineau unei etnii "învinovățite" doar de apartenențaUn loc în care istoria Îți aduce aminte ca ea nu.trebuie repetata și ca"somnul rațiuni zâmbește monstri"
Moreבמקום ניתן לטעום את השואה שעברה על יהודי רומניה.צילומי מסמכים, קטעי עיתונות ותמונות של התקופה.הכניסה היתה בחינם (אולי בגלל שהמקום היה בשיפוציםאך כדאי ורצוי לתרום במקום.
MoreA small but VERY frank museum about Romanian involvement in the horrors of WWII
בית כנסת ישן ורעוע שהוסב למוזיאון מורשת השואה ממבט עיניהם של יהודי רומניה, הבניין חורק ודי מפחיד על השטיח בלי לדעת מה קורה תחתיו.כל הכיתוב הוא ברומנית וגרמנית (צילומי מסמכיםואפילו צוות המוזיאון מתקשה לדבר אנגלית שוטפת .המאמץ לשמר את המורשת ולהציג את ההיסטוריה מכובד אך יש צורך דחוף לשיפוץ המקום והוספת תכנים / הסברים באנגלית לפחות ואולי אפילו בעברית
MoreVery nice museum, hiding behind high walls. Multi-lingual guides who walk you through the exhibition hall - the former (beautifulSynagogue of which were plenty in Romania over the centuries. A must visit of Bucuresti and in honouration of a large and now almost extinguish community in and on Romania.
MoreMust see
An inevitable place to visit for anyone who look to find where intolerance, hate, and prejudice could push a society, by ignorance, politicians, bad context. The history of Jewish community of Romania, through the violent events of the 40s
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