National museum dedicated to the archeological, ethnological & historic heritage of Macedonia.
Museum of Macedonia in Skopje
Wonderful! The costume exhibit was phenomenal. Be sure not to miss this jewel of a museum.
MoreNice cultural institutionYou can learn a lot about Macedonia amazing culture !!
Bütçe eksikliği sebebiyle mahzun
Ein altes, sehr schön gestaltetes Museum welches einem tolle Eindrücke über die Geschichte und Kultur vermittelt.Das Personal ist zudem bemüht einem über die Sprachgrenzen hinweg alles sehr genau zu erklären.
Moreİlginç bir yer tavsiye ederim
Klass klass 🇲🇰
Il museo ha essenzialmente due "macro-mostre" molto ricche di contenuto a livello di cose esposte: una riguarda la storia della Macedonia del Nord e laltra riguarda la sua cultura.La prima è molto ben organizzata, ci sono tanti documenti, lettere e armi depoca; consiglio di leggere prima i cartelli più grossi sulle pareti con i fatti storici e poi guardare gli oggetti intorno, poiché i cartellini esplicativi dei singoli oggetti e/o documenti esposti danno per scontato che chi li guarda conosca già il contesto da cui provengono.La seconda "macro-mostra" è invece quasi interamente composta da delle riproduzioni di vestiti, utensili e addirittura stanze di una casa; è molto più dispersiva nonostante le indicazioni lasciate in giro che però a volte portano a dei punti ciechi o addirittura in un paio di casi a dei magazzini, nonostante questo la mostra è di per sé molto bella è riesce a dare un idea della ricchezza culturale della Macedonia del Nord.Se volete visitare questo museo consiglio di prendervi circa unora e mezza o due perché ci sono davvero tante cose da vedere.
MoreThe best museum in the city!!!
Гарний фасад з нічною підсвіткою, ввечері особлива атмосфера)
Not well maintained..
Lille fin udstilling om årene omkring anden verdenskrig. Intet andet. Der er kun udstilling i omkring 1/20-del af museet. Personalet var overrasket over besøgende, men var flinke og tændte lyset i udstillingen.
MoreМузея е само една фасада и нищо повече. Да, много красива сграда, но няма какво да покажат в нея. За да имаш толкова голяма сграда, трябва да имаш и велика история. Държава на 30 години да строи в бароков стил мащабни здания като това е най-голямата малоумщина на Груевски и Заев, за да накараш Македонецът да се гордее, че е македонец... С пластмасовите статуи ли да се гордее?
MoreMuzej vo koj mozete da vidite mnogu eksponati i individualno da se zadrzete na toa sto ve interesira. Go preporacuvam za site i domasni i stranski posetiteli.Ima sto da se vidi, no treba i da se obnovuva i da ima i novi vremenski izlozbi.Eve ako nekoj procita pred mnogu godini imase eksponati od Vinicko kale preubava postavka.
MoreEthnology, History of Art, History - 3 in one. Super!
Дај некој нека им направи една веб страна, брука жива...
Apparemment fermé provisoirement pour travaux...En réalité ce musée de 6000 m2 est délaissé au profit de musée plus bling bling. Même le personnel était surpris de voir des touristes, cest dire..
MoreInteresante, las entradas muy economicas
Prilaz nikakov ...
Çok güzel bi yer mutlaka gidin gezin
Zapusteno. Ne lici kako na nacionalna institucija. Ama toa e...
Not much
I realy liked this place..recomended..
Great experience. I liked it better than the new museum.
The first Archaeological Museum in Macedonia was established in 1924, and in 1945, the National Museum of the Republic of Macedonia is established
MoreNice museum, many historical pennies, silver, gold, etc.
Dobri su
Tonnes of stuff, but not as much English information
The museum is situated in an interesting building, which seems to be left a bit abandoned. The exhibition is split into 2 parts... both of which are in different halls within the same complex. The first part is a nice displayed related to the history of Macedonia; but too much reading looses interest.... The second half of the exhibition is a large collection of cultural related artefacts. Unfortunately this is displayed in a very old fashioned style with small captions. The place has potential but needs investment.Overall it was interesting to understand Macedonian culture & history. I would recommend to visit this place while wondering around the old bazaar.
MoreVery interesting information can be found here about the history of Macedonia and how their lives were affected by the wars that took place around them.Sadly the musuem is not that maintained and it would be better if they spent some time and money to properly restore it,All in all, worth the visit if history interests you.
MoreI agree with the previous reviews, this museum has been left behind in the rush to rebuild the city. It seems to be divided into two buildings, in the larger one was lots of exhibits relating to national costumes and farming. Most exhibits were covered in dust and there were no lights on and limited information in either English or Macedonian. The second building was much better at least it was lit and it was fairly well laid out. This area explored more recent history. I was the only visitor in both of the museums. From the outside it is hard to credit that this building is only about 40 years old, it is so ugly and to be honest it is falling apart.
MoreLocated near Fortress in older socialist building which needs very much a reconstruction and I believe they know about it. There is exhibition of Macedonia during WWII, refugee crises of children and reunion after. Other building is dedicated to ethnology. Overall no people when we visited, which is nice. To put more story to the museum would be a plus and new TVs should be always switched on to make the athmosphere better. Some exhibition was removed due to leaking roof. If you have spare time, you can visit it for 100mkd. Card payments are not allowed.
MoreÇok küçük ve teşhir için yeterli eser malesef yok.
I do not recommend it to be put on the tourists shortlist. Either due to the lack of money or the lack of good manager (I think the latter reasonit is drifting to nowhere. The whole exhibition is ill-organised, half of items is described in Macedonian only, many photos may surely be printed in better scale and quality, Macedonian history is described so poorly that foreigners have little chance to understand it after visiting the exhibition. I hope you do sth with that and I wish you the best because it is a shame for a country so proud of its history to present it in such un unprofessional way.