Monumental, lone minaret from the 1190s, noted for its elaborate brickwork & blue tilework.
Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam in Kandahar
OMG! The jam I bought from this place is lit. I would definitely buy the jam from here.
MoreMinaret Jam in the mountainous areas of Ghor province, 62 km from Shahrak area in the village called Jam, where the Jam River flows from south to north to the roaring Harirod River, at the confluence of the two rivers.The minaret was built in the 12th century and is 65 meters high. In 2002, the UNESCO World Heritage Center requested that the minaret be inscribed on the World Heritage List. It is the tallest brick minaret in the world after the minaret pole in New Delhi, India
MoreI had the good fortune to visit this remarkable place in October 1977. I was driving an overland truck from Kathmandu to London. The orange Bedford truck can just be seen there at the foot of the minaret.
Moreجای تاریخی استباید بیشتر از این از اینجا مراقبت بشه
Moreمنار جام در مناطق کوهستانی ولایت غور در ۶۲ کیلومتری منطقه «شهرک» در روستای موسوم به «جام»، محلی که رودخانه جام از جنوب به طرف شمال به رودخانه خروشان «هریرود» جریان دارد و در زاویه تلاقی این دو رودخانه قرار دارد.منار جام در
Moreمئذنة جام هي إحدى مواقع اليونسكو للتراث العالمي في غرب أفغانستان ❤️
Moreخیلی عالی بود لذت بردم وخدایی قشنگ وزیباست
This minaret shows the culture of Afghans and their empires .
يبلغ ارتفاع مئذنة جام 65 مترًا ، وهي عبارة عن بناء رشيق ونحيل يعود تاريخه إلى القرن الثاني عشر. جنبا إلى جنب مع الآثار المحيطة ، كانت المئذنة أول موقع في أفغانستان يتم إدراجه في قائمة التراث العالمي لليونسكو وعلى قائمة التراث العالمي المعرض للخطر في عام
MoreMinaret of Jam Afghanistan 🇦🇫1190 s old historical place .
لا باس بها
یکی از بهترین عابدات تاریخی افغانستان.
Allah ki khudrat masha allai
জামের মিনার পূর্ব আফগানিস্তানে অবস্থিত ইউনেস্কো কর্তৃক ঘোষিত একটি বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থান। এটি হারি নদীর তীরে ঘোর রাজ্যের সাহরাক জেলায় অবস্থিত। ২৪০০ মিটার পর্যন্ত উচু পাহার বেস্টিত ৬৫ মিটার উচু এই মিনার, সম্পূর্ণ পোড়া মাটির ইট দিয়ে ১১৯০ সালে নির্মিত হয়েছে। মিনারটি তার জটিল ইট, আস্তর এবং পালিশ করা টালি সজ্জার জন্য প্রসিদ্ধা, যার মধ্যে বিভিন্ন ক্যালিগ্রাফি যেমন কুফিক, নাস্খ, বিভিন্ন জ্যামিতিক আকার এবং কুরআনের (যিশুর মাতা মরিয়মের সম্পর্কিতআয়াত খোদাই করা রয়েছে।
MoreThe 65m-tall Minaret of Jam is a graceful, soaring structure, dating back to the 12th century. Covered in elaborate brickwork with a blue tile inscription at the top, it is noteworthy for the quality of its architecture and decoration, which represent the culmination of an architectural and artistic tradition in this region. Its impact is heightened by its dramatic setting, a deep river valley between towering mountains in the heart of the Ghur province.
MoreMinaret and Archaeological Remains of JamThe 65m-tall Minaret of Jam is a graceful, soaring structure, dating back to the 12th century. Covered in elaborate brickwork with a blue tile inscription at the top, it is noteworthy for the quality of its architecture and decoration, which represent the culmination of an architectural and artistic tradition in this region.
Moreنقی میرزای ۱۳۹۸/۱۱/۳
ジャームのミナレット 光塔ハリー ルードとジャーム ルードの2つの川の合流地点にたつジャームのミナレットは 高さ65mの塔で 変成岩ラピスラズリ原料のウルトラマリンと呼ばれる顔料で装飾がなされ 美しくそれがアクセントとなって目を潤す それは 12世紀に建造された。 モスクの大半が洪水で流されてしまったが ミナレットが残った。 シルクロードからも近いこの地には イスラム教 以外にも ユダヤ教 ゾロアスター教 ヒンドゥー教 そして仏教の宗派も訪れた痕跡が考古学の 発掘で 明らかと なっている
Such a wonderful place! Full of history. One of my favourite places while travelling Afghanistan!
MoreUn trozo de historia muy recomendable, nos pillo de paso con la familia y no tubimos mas remedio que parar. Hizimos unas fotos espectaculares y dimos un paseo, nos pudimos empapar de un poco de la historia del lugar. Muy recomendable para viajeros de todo tipo. Una buen lugar para reflexionar solo o en compañía, nosotros fuimos con unos amigos y quedamos encantados del lugar.
Moreآن جا با اینکه مکان صعبالعبور هست اما واقعا منار خیلی بزرگ و با آجر کاری و نقاشی پیچیده و بسیار زیبا هست واقعا زحمت کشیده بودن
MoreThe Minaret of Jam is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in western Afghanistan. It is located in a remote and nearly inaccessible region of the Shahrak District, Ghor Province, next to the Hari River. The 65-metre (213 ftor 62-metre (203 fthigh minaret was built around 1190 entirely of baked bricks and is famous for its intricate brick, stucco and glazed tile decoration, which consists of alternating bands of kufic and naskhi calligraphy, geometric patterns, and verses from the Quran. Since 2002, the minaret has remained on the list of World Heritage in Danger, under serious threat of erosion, and has not been actively preserved. In 2014, the BBC reported that the tower was in imminent danger of collapse.The word minaret is Arabic [منارة] and usually means a tower next to a mosque from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. However it also means lighthouse and has other meanings. Here it is used loosely.The Minaret of Jam is probably located at the site of the Ghurid Dynastys capital, Firozkoh. The circular minaret rests on an octagonal base; it had 2 wooden balconies and was topped by a lantern. Its formal presentation has a striking similarity to the Ghazni minarets built by Masud III. It is thought to have been a direct inspiration for the Qutub Minar in Delhi, India.The Minaret of Jam belongs to a group of around 60 minarets and towers built between the 11th and the 13th centuries in Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan, including the Kutlug Timur Minaret in Old Urgench (long considered the tallest of these still in existence).The minarets are thought to have been built as symbols of Islams victory, while other towers were simply landmarks or watchtowers.The archaeological landscape around Jam includes the ruins of a palace, fortifications, a pottery kiln and a Jewish cemetery, and has been suggested to be the remains of the lost city of Turquoise Mountain. Analysis of the "robber holes" around the site, high-resolution satellite images and data from Google Maps has led to an estimate that the Ghūrid summer capital around the minaret was about 19.5 hectares in size.
Moreخیلی عالی اینم عکسای بچاهی از شریجه
Minar jam Ghor 2016
خیلی عالیه
MINARET of JAM is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Shahrak District, Ghor Province, Afghanistan. The 65-meter high minaret was built around 1190 entirely of baked bricks and is famous for its intricate brick, stucco, and glazed tile decoration, which consists of alternating bands of kufic and naskhi calligraphy, geometric patterns, and verses from the Quran.The Arabic inscription dating the minaret is unclear – it could read 1193/4 or 1174/5. It could thus commemorate the victory of the Ghurid sultan Ghiyas ud-Din over the Ghaznavids in 1186 in Lahore. However, Dr. Ralph Pinder-Wilson, a British Archaeologist and Director of the British Institute of Afghan Studies in the 1970s, wrote a major study of the Minarets of Jam and Ghazni in which he expressed his belief that the minaret was built to commemorate the victory of Muizz ad-Din, Ghiyath ud-Dins brother, over Prithviraj Chauhan.
MoreBeautiful monument. It needs restoration work.
The Minaret of Jam was built in the 12th century on the territory of present-day Afghanistan in the ancient city of Firuzkuh. Due to constant military conflicts and the inaccessibility of places where it is located, very few people can boast that they have seen it with their own eyes. Lost in the mountains This monument of architecture is hidden in the mountains in northwest Afghanistan.More precisely, it is 10 km north-east of the village of Djam in the province of Ghor, in the place where the Jamrud Creek flows into the Harirud River. It is a well-preserved minaret of the XII century, 65 m high, the second highest historical monument among minarets of baked brick after the Qutub Minar in Delhi.
MoreIs it safe there?i really love to travel there
عمر بويفراضن، مئذنة جام:وتضم "مئذنة جام وبقاياها الأثرية، والمنظر الثقافي والبقايا الأثرية في وادي باميان".
This is not a review but a suggestion. I just read a BBC report on the base of the tower eroding. Can old car and truck tyres be used around the base to protect it? This would be affordable and requires little skilled labour. Pieces of steel can be bent into hooks to connect them together.
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