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Menachem Begin Rd, Sderot, Israel, Netivot
Mall 7 - Shopping Centre in Netivot, Israel
ืืืืจ ืงื ืืืช ืืืืื ืืืื ืืฉืืจืืช ืืงืจืืช ืชืื ืช ืืจืืืช.
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Muy buen centro comercial consegues todo lo que buscas y muy bello y muy limpio y las personas son muy amable es lo que busca uno gracias estoy a la orden de de cualquier otro comentario buenos dias shalom
ืืช ืืืืช ืืืื ืื ืืืชื ืฉื ืืงืื ืืฉืขืื
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ืืจืื ืงื ืืืช ืืืฉ ืืคื ืืืืื ืืืืจ ืืืื ืฉื ืื ืืืืช, ืืกืขืืืช, ืชืืืื ืื, ืคืืฆืืืื, ืืฉืืงืื, ืืืฉืืจื ืืฉืื ืืื ืื ืืช ืกืคืจืื ืืขืื...ืืืฉ ืืืฃ ืืฉืื ืฉื๐๐
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ื ืืฆื ืขื ืืืจืื ื ืฉื ืืฉืงืืื, ื ืงื ืืืฉ ืืจืื ืืชื ืงืคื ืืืกืขืืืช ื ืืืืืช
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Nice place
Bikes place is The Place to go for any bicycling need, professionals๐ฅ๐ด
Just a mall
Free parking
Was great!!!
Not bad
Very convenient shopping center plenty of parking ......a good selection of shops Sderot deserves it
Great stores to shop at.
Good shopping centre
Great atmosphere and all of your shopping needs in one place.
Parking issue
Beautiful place excellent mall
Nice and spacious
Sderot needs it! Good place to have food and rest.
Nice mall
it has all the facilities
Have a great time at this Mall with all the family
Small , but in my opinion the best mall of the area.
Nice new mall
The new shopping center in sderot.
Good mall
Big shopping mall right near Sederot train station. Many shops and eateries. Lively place.
Just as you get off the train in Sderot, you have access to everything you need - superpharm, restaurants, grocery store, as well as cheap clothing and home goods store. Its not amazing, but its something
Nice shopping
This is a new shopping strip at the entrance to Sderot. Solid shopping. Supermarket, burgers, sushi place. Good addition to the area, right next to the next train station.
Convenient, many options for dining
Nice for on the way shopping.
Menachem Begin Rd, Sderot, Israel, Netivot
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