LacertA Winery - Winery in Buzau, Romania
LacertA Winery in Buzau
Experienta noastra la degustare a fost mixta. Pe deoparte placuta, dar pe alta parte destul de dezamagitoare incat sa acord doar 3,5 stele din 5.Ce ne-a placut: Peisajul este magnific, iar cand mergi la inceput de octombrie si ai noroc de o zi senina e absolut superb.Locatia arata foarte bine, iar faptul ca te poti plimba prin vie face ca experienta sa fie cu adevarat frumoasa. Vinul a fost bun. Turul cramei a fost unul acceptabil.Ce nu ne-a placut: Cel mai neplacut a fost momentul cand am ajuns la degustare si ni s-a spus ca nu putem sa degustam vinurile in sala de la etaj, cea cu privelistea splendida, ci am fost impartiti 4 la o masa si eu cu sotia la o alta, jos la intrare, langa un birou si toalete. Va puteti imagina cum se plimba cu sticlele de vin de la o masa la alta si discutand separat cu noi. Clar recomand tuturor sa specifice inainte ca vor sa deguste vinul in camera de la etaj special amenajata, altfel toata experienta se poate tranforma in ceva neplacut. Oricat am incercat sa explic de faptul ca nu e frumos ce se intampla mi s-a spus ca vine un alt grup cu o colega ce trebuie sa urce sus. Surpriza, a venit marele grup, 4 adulti si 3 copii care surpriza din nou, nu au luat tur cu degustare ci doar turul de vizitare, au urcat sus, au tras cateva poze si au plecat. Iar noi am fost pusi sa testam vinul la 2m de wc.Despre vinuri: A trebuit sa intrebam pe rand ce si cum. Albul (chardonnayfoarte dur, explicatia a fost ca via este tanara, probabil asa e. Rose-ul sec, ni s-a spus ca aromele trecute pe eticheta nu prea se regasesc in el si ni s-a explicat cum e facut rose-ul, aici a fost interesant. Rosul, Cuvee, foarte bun, la fel aici au fost cateva explicatii si am dezvoltat un pic atat despre vin cat si despre branding.Overall a fost o experienta interesanta si placuta, dar cu un gust amar la degustarea propriu-zisa. Inteleg ca era duminica, inteleg ca unii se grabesc si sunt satui de aceleasi explicatii, dar daca nu mai vrei, nu mai faci astfel de tururi si te bazezi doar pe vandut in restaurante si asta e. Daca nu, te ocupi cum trebuie ca fiecare vizitator sa ramana cu o impresie placuta despre crama, despre vinuri si sa fie incantat sa le spuna mai departe si altora. Un pic mai multa atentie la detalii si ospitalitate pe viitor.
MoreGreat wine tasting experience, Michael the wine maker was kind enough to have us sample his top Cuvée excellent a must visit !!
MoreGreat wines, nice tasting experience and landscape
Beautiful estate, interesting tour and delicious wines! We had a tour by Marian, who was covering for the wine maker on vacation. Marian was super knowledgeable, warm and fun. You could tell he loved working there and knows the robes.Would recommend anyone interested in visiting a professional yet super personal winery to go to Lacerta.
MoreBeautiful place, great view and amazing red wines.
South of the Romanian Carpathians, on the same 45th parallel as famous Piemont or Bordeaux, there’s a place with wet springs and long, dry, sunny autumns.Located in Dealu Mare, the LaCertA vineyard is a beautiful place to admire the breathtaking beauty of the vineyards and smell the air.Excellent summer parties and fantastic wine !
MoreDomnul de la Cramă ne-a făcut o prezentare a viei, a tehnologiei de vinificare, a utilajelor folosite și apoi am trecut la degustare.Câteva amănunte despre Cramă:Punctul de pornire al noului complex de vinificare a fost existenţa pe amplasament a Conacului Dorobanţu, clădire ridicată de către cunoscutul arhitect român Ion Mincu în 1901 şi renovată în 2005 de către actualul proprietar. Impunător, dar primitor în acelaşi timp, conacul se bucură de o poziţionare excelentă, pe culmea unui deal aflat în centrul domeniului. Volumetria noilor construcţii a trebuit adaptată la cea a conacului existent, alături de care formează un tot unitar.LacertA deţine 82 de hectare cu viţă de vie în podgoria Dealu Mare, una dintre cele mai importante regiuni viticole din ţară și cea mai bună podgorie pentru obținerea de vinuri roșii.Zona este situată de-a lungul paralelei 45 unde sunt poziţionate şi celebrele regiuni Bordeaux (Franţași Piemont (Italia). Vinurile obținute aici sunt recunoscute pentru gustul bogat, complex și catifelat.Productia de struguri este strict normată, păstrându-se până la maximum 1,2 kg de struguri pe fiecare butuc adica 6-7 to struguri/ha, iar selecția strictă a strugurilor care intră în procesul de vinificație si vinificarea corectă și atentă asigură vinului obținut un nivel calitativ ridicat.Sortimentul varietal este bogat și este compus din soiuri internaționale și autohtone. Sunt plantate 6 soiuri negre: Fetească Neagră, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Blaufraenkisch(Burgund Mare), Shiraz și 6 soiuri albe: Fetească Albă, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Rheinriesling, Pinot Gris și Muscat Ottonel. Volumul total de vin produs anual este de 280-300.000 litri.Unitate de producție folosește o tehnică de vinificare modernă, bazată pe principiul gravitațional, limitându-se astfel nevoia folosirii pompelor.Folosirea gravitației în cursul vinificației poate aduce un plus de calitate vinului obținut. Gravitația trebuie să asigure parcurgerea de către boaba de strugure a circuitului tehnologic de vinificație, astfel încât să se evite folosirea oricăror sisteme de pompare. Procesul de scurgere a părții lichide se desfășoară natural și fără agresări mecanice, rezultând un must echilibrat și, în final, după fermentare, un vin rotund, catifelat, cu naturalețe și fructuozitate. Principiul gravitațional este important în fazele de început ale vinificației, pentru că în această perioadă mustul din boaba de strugure este mai sensibil și mai expus la oxidări și agresări mecanice.S-a ales un simbol interesant și neobișnuit pentru vinurile produse în România, șopârla (lacerta -în limba latină). Această semnătură grafică, în țara natală a lui Walter Friedl, se găsește ca semn distinctiv pe vinuri valoroase (smarald, șopârla verdeși, din fericire, alegerea a fost de bun augur la Fințești. Pe de altă parte, creatorul identității de brand mizează și pe trimiterea cuvântului latin “certa” - “o alegere sigură și bună”.
MoreGreat experience with a good guide. We recommand
Amazing experience!! We came without any reservation, last day of functioning in December 2021, and they received us so kindly, Mihai is such a great guy, talked to us and explained everything. We were able to taste all Lacerta wines, that are really great and high quality! We loved it and recommend to everyone.
MoreExcellent experience. A 2hrs tour with a perfect cost/benefits ratio.
Great winery and great customer service!
Very interesting tour of the winery. The tasing session and discussion with the guide was amazing
MoreA beautiful place, great wine tour and tasting. Highly recommend for a visit
Beautiful & relaxing place! The wine is very good and the people are friendly and knowledgeable.
MoreHad a wonderful time
Great wine, guide is experienced and knows all the process, explains in coherent way and answers all of the questions. Easy access, road is good.
MoreWelcoming, professional, passionate people and guest orientated people. Good wines and nice landscapes.
MoreA proof that is possible to have a high class vineyard starting from almost 0
Great experiece, quality wine and personnel is kind, helpful and welcoming. I highly recommend the Cabernet/Shiraz mix for tasting. Landscape is beautiful.
MoreGreat location, nice experiece, very good wine
Beautiful location, interesting excursion and good wine tasting.Worth a visit.
Very nice wine tasting!
The best wine tasting experience from Romania!Even if we visited them on a Saturday afternoon, a few minutes before closing, they were open to welcome us, we were lucky to meet the owner who tried to know and understand our wine preferencies. We had a wonderful wine tasting and a tour with a group scheduled later.The place is amazing, the wines spectaculous and the owner a fascinated person and a great host!Its a pity that in the area are very few 4* accommodation.
MoreVery nice tour and great wine.
Elegant Winery, great wines!
The host and the services were the best asociated with good energy. The tour guide had a lot of patience and a lot of stories.They don t try to rush you at all. You cand walk and put whatever questions you want to ask reagarding the place and the wine.The taste of wine is really good.Amazing experience and really interesting tour.
MoreA very comprehensive and tasteful experience. The host was involved entery with our questions and we learned a lot about the wine process. The wines that we tasted were one of the best from our country.
MoreIncredible place! Give it a try! Great atmosphere, friendly staff, great wine 🍷! Wonderful Tasting experience!The story of LacertaSouth of the Romanian Carpathians, on the same 45th parallel as famous Piemont or Bordeaux, there’s a place with wet springs and long, dry, sunny autumns.It’s a place where fertile and clean soils are recognized by the small lizards speeding around. If you stop at Dealu Mare to admire the breathtaking beauty of the vineyards and smell the air, you might encounter the living proof of these fine lands for a few seconds, the lizards. In 2011, lizards borrowed their Latin name, to multi-awarded world class wines: LacertA.
MoreGreat wine, great people
Just WOW!!!
Professional hospitable and deliciousWe arrived to the winery by chance ant it was the peak of the day.I recomend with all my hart to visit this very nice winery if you are on the wine road
MoreExcelent wine tasting experience
We visited Lacerta winery for second time now and again 100% satisfied by the trip! Good quality wine, spectacular landscape and friendly service. One of few wineries in Romania that organizes tour+wine tasting for small groups of 2-3 people. Also Mihaela, the oenologist, speaks perfect English and always gives interesting and detailed information on the winery and wines.Tasting is usually done on first floor with beautiful view from terrase where you can enjoy the wines and local cheeses and sausages, relax and have conversations with your friends and the guide.This time they made a small mistake and programmed our tour later although I had confirmation mail for 12 oclock. So they adjusted the program quickly and let us join another couple.Id go back to Lacerta for third time definitely!
MoreExcellent experience, beside the bumpy road it is a must-see if you‘re interested in wine.
MoreGreat wine, great sightings, great people, excellent atmosphere
Very knowledgeable and friendly staff. Excellent tasting selection.
Great winery with a nice selection of wines. You can choose the tasting menu and with that you have included a free tour of the property. Staff is friendly and very knowledgeable. Accomodation options will be available soon, as per the feedback the staff gave us.
MoreAmazing place right in the middle of wine country. Lovely scenery, very friendly people and extremely good wine in a modern winery. You can take tours where you can see how the wine is made and at the end you can taste a couple of glasses of heavenly delight. The only bad thing is that somebody needs to sacrifice him/herself to drive and thus skip the whole joy because there is no accommodations on site and no bus/ train to the winery. All this considering i highly recommend it .
MoreWhat an amazing place to visit - the landscape with the hills, the winery and the wine, the stories our sommelier told us, the building designed by Ion Mincu - all these ingrediengs made our visit unforgettable. Definitely inlove with Lacerta wine, will come back again!
MoreA must see.
Nice people, great place. You definitely should take the tour of the place!
An amazing 5* experience. You can call it excellent wine with a splendid view!
Our tour guide, Mihaela was extremely accommodating. A would definedlly recommend visiting Lacerta Winery.
MoreNice landscape, recommend to take a tour of the winery and the cellar. Wine tasting and all the explanation is an experience you should try it!
MoreNice tour followed by a great tasting.
Nice wine and kind people
When I saw the joy and the craziness on my friends face after tasting few bottles I knew coming to this place was a good idea 💡
MoreImpecable. Must see and taste.