Iron Gates Museum - Museum in Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
Iron Gates Museum in Drobeta-Turnu Severin
Hydroelektrownia, śluza i muzeum. Warta zobaczenia druga co do wielkości w europie wytwórnia zielonej energii na rzece. Oddana do użytku w 1972r przez Ceaușescu i Broz Tito.
MoreReally surprised that there was a museum here, and actually is since 73 or something like that.
MoreEste o experienta interesanta, muzeul este destul de micut cu cateva imagini care arata modul de costructie a acestui baraj, cateva istorioare despre insula Ada Kaleh, si o vizita in sala turbinelor.
MoreFoarte frumos. Ghidul a fost foarte bun.
O experienta inedita,văzusem și muzeul din Drobeta Turnu Severin,am văzut ceva specific insulei Ada Kaleh, dar m- am bucurat sa vad și sala turbinelor,la 50 de ani de când au fost puse în funcțiune.Merita vizitat acest loc, recomand cu căldură.
MoreUn loc care ne arata ca nu tot ce a existat în comunism a fost rău și care te întristează văzând realizările actuale. Un mic muzeu, o sala a turbinelor frumos prezentata de un ghid.
MoreThis museum seems frozen in time, in the communist era. There are some romanticizing information about the island of Ada-Kaleh, flooded as a result of the building of this pharaonic hydroelectric central. Not a word about the other, numerous towns and historic places that were also flooded, and nothing about the ecological diaster that probably ensued.The area is militarized, and there is an extremely rude guard outside. Dont talk to him if you dont want to get snapped at or threatened. Among other things, you are not allowed to use the toilets unless you are in extreme distress...
MoreInteresting experience regarding the way they build the dam so many years ago. And you have the chance to see the power plant as well, no photo allowed.
MoreNo English guides, very little to see
Foarte interesant. Multă istorie, tehnologie și măreție! Recomand vizitarea măcar o dată!
MoreUn muzeu cu animale împăiate, obiecte din timpuri străvechi și putina istorie despre insula Ada-Kaleh. Laitmotivul este vizita la turbinele hidrocentralei, cu ghid. Preț 12 RON.
MorePreț bilet 12 lei.La intrare exista un loc de unde se pot cumpăra suveniruri.Cat timp se așteaptă formarea grupului (25 persoanepentru a vizita camera turbinelor,se poate vizita muzeul.
Merita vizitat daca sunteți pe defileul Dunării. In special pentru copii,există și un ghid. Biletul de intrare este 10 lei pt adulți și 3 lei pt copii.
MoreUnique museum. Its a must see if youre in the region. They show you the turbine room, nowhere else do you have the chance to see something like this.
MoreImpresionant e puțin spus. A fost proiectată de către români în colaborare cu Iugoslavia de pe vremea aceea (cu Gheorghiu Dej și finalizată de Ceaușescu). Ideea de proiect aparținând tot unui inginer român.La bază, barajul are 80 m iar la vârf 30 m, în forma de trapez. Diferența de nivel amonte - aval este de ~30 m, Vasele trecând prin ecluza. Rezistă la cutremur cu magnitudinea de peste 9 grd/RChiar se merită vizitată. E unica în Europa și a doua în lume.
MoreMi am dorit mult sa l vizitez. Am rămas plăcut impresionata de ceea ce am văzut și de ceea ce am aflat, de la ghidul care însoțește fiecare grup.Se plătește întrarea, o suma care nu e tocmai mica, dar merita.Se intra la ora fixa.În curtea hidrocentralei sunt multe parcări.
MoreMerita vizitat sa vedeti o minune inginereasca , de pe vremea lui Ceausescu , unde se produce 15 % din curentul tarii.
MoreCe e interesant nu se poate fotografia, dar merita văzută.
they have no guide in English
Nu merită vizitat. Pierdere de timp.La intrare sunt 2 holuri, primul puțin interesant, al doilea doar cu niște poze pe pereți (cu siguranțăse găsesc și pe net).Jos la camera turbinelor ma asteptam sa fie ceva mai interesant, dar din pacate nu se vede mare lucru și nici informațiile nu sunt prea detaliate.
Its not really a museum .. it just showcase some old relics and the tour lasts 3 minutes where you get to see the turbines and thats it.If youre around the area, see the other museum, its 10 times better.
More“Filming and photographing is now allowed because the Iron Gates Dam is a strategic national site” 😄🤦🏼♂️.Anyway, the museum is poorly populated, a couple of images and some info + a walk into the turbines chamber where you can see them working.
MoreMerită dacă sunteți în trecere sau de la Orșova să faceți un popas , altfel nuAi și nu prea ce vedea , dar să zicem că e okÎn schimb doamnele de la caserie și care vin cu dumneavoastră în subsol sunt fără nici un chef de oameni , trebuie schimbată atitudinea de oamenii care plătesc să vadă sau să afle ceva 👍👍
MoreMust see!
The elevator was working when we visited and the lady in charge have us 20mins to look around the main exhibition (photos pre dam and artifactsbefore taking us down to the turbine hall. Its pretty cool to be able to see the hall, so we felt it was worth the stop just for that experience.Nice, niche experience.
MoreVery poor material, no interaction.
Nothing to see. Some old weapons pottery and stuffed birds, but nothing about the turbins and mechanical parts.
MoreI was expecting to go with the elevator ans see the electricity turbins under water. You could also see the sank island, Adda Kaleh. Now, they just show you the turbins above water level. There are sime relics but the most important was to see actually how the ectricity is produced using water. I also stayed 3h to wait to be able ti get in... (covid stuff).
MoreThe most interesting part, the turbines room, was closed due to the fact that the elevator was not working. The rest was interesting and pleasant.
MoreThe turbines hall cannot be visited “due to an elevator malfunction” .
The museum was heavily closed down, with the current pandemic the only things you can see are random rocks. They need to work on opening up more stuff, with the current entrance price its not worth it.
MoreInteresting place
The museumis situated inside the Iron Gates Dam. It has some artifacts dating from ancient times, but mostly its expo is about the local culture and the building of the dam. You can also see the turbines room. It is a good museum, but it needs a few restorations.
Nothing to see, save your time and money and do something else!
The museum really fits into the communist era atmosphere of the whole dam (in a good way actually). Someone thought to have a broader history and nature exhibition of the area, rather than focusing only on the construction of the dam (there are pictures of that, too, though.Unfortunately, the whole exhibition is in Romanian, but since I was surprised to find a museum here at all (for 2 Euros worth of Leis, card payment not available I think), that was all right. Every 30 mins, there is a tour of the turbine room, which is just enough to give you the scale of the power plant. Overall, if you are in the area, a must see, together with the facility exterior.
MoreFor me was interesting ; will be nice if more information can be added by the guide
MoreAtemberaubend! Impresionant! Impressive! Totally worth the effort and the time to visit this place!
MoreWe arrived on a Friday afternoon in June 2019. We were greeted by 1 security guard and 2 curators. We said hello, can we visit? and we were greeted with elevator not working, you cant see the turbines hall.We paid the fee, entered a long room with pictures and some antiques.Youd imagine the 2 museum curators would tell you the story of the place, or something. They were only there to sell tickets (3 people if you count the security guard).At some point I attempted a selfie and then i was reminded that museum curators are there, one of them shouted, pictures are extra cost.
MoreUnfortunately no possibility to look deeper into the history of the power plant as such, the exhibition is more related to common history
MoreVery nice.
10 RON for the museum, not much to see inside though.
Turbine room was off limits because the "elevator was out of service". Waste of tine....
You can access it every 30 minutes, max 30 peoples.
Turbine room was impressive