Hotel Andalas - in Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung, Indonesia
Hotel Andalas in Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung
Awal mau check in sekitar jam 1 belum bisa harus jam 2 siang, waktu itu petugasnya jutek dan kurang ramah. Pas jam 2 balik lagi petugasnya ganti dan lebih ramah. Kamarnya oke, bersih, cuma ada sedikit nyamuk. Lokasinya di pusat kota beberapa puluh meter dari tugu adipura. Secara keseluruhan untuk harga segitu sesuai dengan apa yg di dapet
MoreCheaper room, quite clean but dont have hot shower. The location is wonderful, near to the places every traveller want.
MoreHotelnya nyaman, enak.Tapi tolong di koreksi lagi untuk menu sarapannya dengan harga 20k, Terimakasih
MoreMantap ditengah kota harga 180rb pesan dg sales-nya di wa 082371503390. Bayar tunai ditempat. Recommended gais
MoreMenginap di sini semalam.Kamar bersih dan kamar mandi juga bersih. Sayangnya fungsi air panas dan dingin gak jalan.Televisi juga masih analog saluran ya jadi ya banyak semutnya 😄Klo masalah pelayanan, lumayan bagus.Minuman di kafenya agak mahal.
MoreKamar mandi tdk ada kunci nya,air kamar mandi telat,tempat parkiran sempit..pelayanan OK banget deh.
MoreHotel yang nyaman dan strategis berada di pusat kota bandar Lampung , jika mau menginap langsung hubungi nomor ini via wa:085783859216 di jamin harga lebih murah , bisa bayar ditempat saat Check in..🙏🏻🙏🏻
MoreNice Hotel
Cosy room. Classic hotel vibes with reasonable price. Would love to stay longer here!
The hotel is Good and clean.
Friendly staff
Good then
The hotel with nice breakfast taste. The room wall quite dirty. A lot of sperm sign. Location quite ok. Some food stall nearby.
MoreLow cost but comfort
Good location in downtown
ok good
Good coffee shop...
Worth price
Recomended for backpackers
Good n clean hotel, as you expect from cheap hotel.
Hommy Hotel with Premium Location n Affordable Price... Find out more on Red Doors....
MoreLocated at the heart of city
Not bad
For a value price ,... Its so worth,... ☺
For budget hotel, but the bedrooms was a bit tight
Spacious room in strategic place
Strategic, economical, hygienic. Maybe an expression like that is right for this one hotel.From the airport and from the ferry port, you can search easily because it is located in the center of the city and is in the center of business activities.The parking area is quite spacious and safe. The lobby which is integrated with the receptionist desk does not make it feel crowded because it looks clean and friendly greeting the guests.The rooms are quite comfortable and the bathrooms are clean even though the equipment is minimal. Its just that there is no small electric kettle available to brew tea or coffee alone; must ask - take yourself in the dining room.The available breakfast seems as simple but adequate as a budget hotel. After breakfast or take a break from the afternoon, in the front corner there is a mini bar that provides delicious local coffee and sits casually on the patio chairs.Well, for travelers who only stop overnight for two nights, this place suits you.Strategis, ekonomis, hiegenis. Mungkin ungkapan seperti itulah yang pas untuk hotel yang satu ini.Dari airport maupun dari pelabuhan penyeberangan dapat dicari dengan mudah karena letaknya di pusat kota dan berada di tengah pusat kegiatan bisnis. Area parkir cukup luas dan aman.Lobby yang menyatu dengan meja receptionist tidaklah membuat rasa sumpek karena tampak bersih dan ramah menyapa para tamu.Kamar cukup nyaman dan kamar mandinya pun bersih biarpun perlengkapannya minim. Hanya saja tidak tersedia teko kecil listrik yang siap untuk menyeduh teh ataupun kopi sendiri; harus meminta -mengambil sendiri di ruang makan.Sarapan pagi yang tersedia tampak secerhana tapi memadai sebagai budget hotel. Selepas sarapan ataupun melepas lelah sejenak sore hari, di sudut depan ada mini bar yang menyediakan kopi lokal yg cukup lezat dan duduk santai di kursi-kursi teras.Well, untuk travelers yang hanya singgah semalam dua malam, cocoklah tempat ini bagi anda.
MoreBudget. No frills. Good breakfast.
Good place
Good sharia hotel located in Tanjung Karang, Bandar Lampung. The price is affordable, but the room is relatively small, and the breakfast menu is limited.Overall, it is a neat, clean, cozy hotel with good services.
Good enough hotel
Cheap heart of Lampung
Clean n nice
We Serve You Better....
Great hotel bestprice
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