History Museum - History museum in Kazanlŭk, Bulgaria
History Museum in Kazanlŭk
Много богата експозиция. Подредена по епохи .В деня, в който я посетихме искахме екскурзовод ,но нямаше. Персонала беше любезен. Разрешено е да се снима.
MoreWith seeing. Many ancient items:)
Just see the antiquities in the basement the rest is not worth it
Wunderschönes Museum mit unglaublichen Exponaten! Hier sind die Fundstücke von Seuthes III! Toll! Sehr freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal!
MoreИнтересни експонати за различни епохи от региона... зала със сечива, съдове, оръжия, брони и др. на траките, зала за старинен Севтополис, зала за първата и втората световни войни, за балканските войни и др. В магазинчето към музея може да се купят книги, сувенири и магнити на символични цени - напр. книгата "Казанлък - земя на траки" струва 9лв.
MorePetit musee de Kazanlak retraçant lhistoire de la région et ses hommes illustres. Les objets Thraces méritent a eux seuls la visite
MoreМного богат музей но много топло никаква вентилация
MoreНе останахме впечатлени от музея и не го препоръчвам. Описанията изобщо не бяха оформени добре в сравнение с други музей в страната. Освен това на места или липсваха, или имаше много текст с дребен шрифт, принтнат на обикновена хартия, форматА4 и поставена на неудобно място за четене…. Цената на билета е много скъпа и за мен не си заслужаваше - нито като експозиция, нито като поддържка и устройство на музея. В допълнение мога да препоръчам да има комбиниран билет (на нормална ценаза удобство на посетителя и повече посещаемост на двете места.
MoreWe came to see the pieces from the teraciens tombs and we saw them. The rest of the museum is o. K. Rather small.
MoreДобре подреден музей, с много артефакти. Най-хубавото е, че могат да се видят и тези намерени в гробниците около Казанлък.
MoreИсторическият музей в Казанлък има няколко експозиции и е приютил и Художествената галерия. Входът за музея е 8 лв. за възрастни, а за галерията е 4лв. Човек няма как да е безразличен на такова място с толкова история и изкуство събрани в едно.
MoreExcellent and magic place. Must to see
Nice one
Amazing art, sone of it from my relatives (Darina Yaneva, Andrey Yanevand amazing atmosphere. Recommend it. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
MoreExcellent experience
A nice place to know more about Kazanluk
One of the richest collections in Bulgaria.
Rich thracian artefacts exposition
Though the Museum is quite small there is a lot to see. I was amazed by the tracian artefacts, they have originals there - Seuthes III bronze head and gold oak laurel wreath ... And many more. Unfortunately some where taken by the National Museum in Sofia. You should definitely ask for a tour guide!
MoreПриятно място с много артефакти и предмети,но ми се струва,че не са достатъчно за града ни.Имам предвид факта,че тук е долината на Тракийските царе.Нещо ми се губи още.Още по-богата колекция.
MoreThe gold trakian treasures are gorgeous
Lots to see, very interesting, and very well-preserved!
Lots of interesting treasures!!!
Невероятно богат музей, перфектно обслужване и мило персонално отношение!Може още информация да има до експонатите, защото наличната е малко и трудно се чете!Неотоплените зали са изпитание, но си струва посещението!Хвала на колегите, които в трудните времена много се стараят и ни учат на родолюбие!!!
MoreIf you travel to #Kazanlak in #Bulgaria, a must see is the #MuseumOfHistory and the art gallery. You will find there artefacts from the #ThracianKingdom VI, V, IV centuries B.C.,as well as paintings and sculptures by the best Bulgarian painters from XIX and XX century. The two museums are sharing one and the same building. Slide to see some of the historical exhibits.Follow placescases.com for new reviews and rates from Kazanlak.👁️🖐️👂👃👅
MoreGreat architecture. Great exhibitions (both permanent and temporary, when available). Kind and polite staff. Really enjoyed the experience and definitely recommend for anyone visiting Kazanlak or the region and interested in history and/or art!
MoreNeed to see
Amazing museum with a really extensive exhibition. My favourite part are the thracian gold treasures found in the tombs located in the valley of the thracian kings. The artefacts are exquisitely made and you can only wonder how they were created so many years ago. The only odd thing is that if you would like to see all the halls of the museum you need to pay two entrance fees - one for the history exhibition and another for the gallery on the second floor. Two years ago when I visited the museum for the first time you could see everything with on entrance fee.
MoreUnique place
It was a good look at the Thracians and not overwhelming.
Beautifully laid out, informative.
Very informative museum with nice part about the Thracian tombs.
Very interesting and tells an important story and the role of Bulgaria in the Balkans. Not handicapped accessible however.
MoreFor a small town like Kazanlak history museum it is impressive. Bulgarian history it is very rich. Overall I enjoyed.
MoreA museum with lots of items from different historical periods. There is also an art exhibit.
MoreVery nice
The museum has lots to show, but I think that the officials should provide visitors with more information panels in English. For example, in the art section there was no piece of information about the context or the art movements.
MoreNice, good collection.
I actually enjoyed taking a look in this museum. There are interesting things to see.A lady said they had over 70,000 artefacts in collection.As far as ticket price, its not expensive at all. There are even discounts for students or retirees. ~1.5-2.5 Euro shouldnt make your life harder.When you have the opportunity, visit this museum. Its worth the shot.
MoreNice place. Beautiful jewels from tracian tombs.
Not so rich but could be visit. Price is to high . Lots of things are showing without any security while the childrens are runmimg around, it was the most interesting thing in the mıseum.
MoreGood exhibition
Nice history museum.
I visited the art gallery. Some bulgurian artist never seen before. I like it.
Awesome gallery and amazing architecture, but I deemed the exhibit slightly boring. Perhaps I was just sleepy..
MoreExcellent exhibition of items dating from 5000 BC until modern days! Highly recommended
MoreInteresting and well presented
Not very big exposition, good if you want to se what was found in the Thracian tombs.
MorePrehistoric and Medieval part and then a Paintings gallery . A quick visit totally worth it :)
More8000 years old skeleto , history of the Tracian.. incredible
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