Hazrat Khizr Mosque مسجد - Mosque in Urgut, Uzbekistan
Hazrat Khizr Mosque مسجد in Urgut
La mezquita mas antigua de la ciudad. El exterior tiene unos bonitos techos.
Great historical site.
Antica moschea dedicata al profeta al-Khidr, distrutta e poi ricostruita, è oggi una delle più belle della città.
MoreКрасивое строение стоит посетить. Находится на горе в пешей доступности от Бибиханум мавзолея. Открывается рано
MoreЗиёрат учун ЭНГ мақбул жой. Обод жой.
Here you can find the best place to take a picture of the city.
Красивый панорамный вид. Мечеть действующая.
MoreШикарный богатый мавзолей на возвышении с бесплатным входом, парком с беседками, цветами и деревьями, питьевой водой и туалетами-почти дворцами. Все сделано, чтобы народ шёл, но не хватает благолепия. Особенный диссонанс вызывает лифт в форме минарета, печаль((
MoreI have been in this holy place two times and I am very happy to be there with my mother also. We entered inside the masjid and my mother recited surah and we made dua.
MoreКрасивая мечеть, с нестандартной архитектурой. В мечети находится мавзолей первого президента страны Ислама Каримова. Фотографировать внутри мечети нельзя. В мечети есть обзорная площадка.
MoreКрасивый вид открывается с мечети. Есть смотровая площадка.При каждом посетителе читается коран, так как здесь похоронен Ислам Каримов. Рекомендуется к посещению.
MoreÇok güzel
Место где захоронен великий человек-наш первый Президент. На вершине можно увидеть весь город и солнце.
MoreMosque was beautiful and lot of visitors were visiting the Mosque.we enter inside there was small prayer room there,also some old painting was hanging inside Mosque.wood work was also unique and nice.it is situated at height.there was one grave outside the Mosque. People were there and also security was there.
MoreAll of these pics are taken during my visit to Samarkand in July 2021. A marvelous trip from Pakistan to Uzbekistan then Tashkent to Samarkand. Really buoyed the uzbekistan and love of Uzbek people. Really they are excellent people.In these pics we visited Hazrat Khizar Mosque, BiBi Khanm Grave, Amir Temur Maqbra, Mirzo Ullag Baig Memorial and many other sites.
MoreBeautiful mosque 🕌
View from Hazrat Khizr is stunning! You can see Greatness of Samarqand from top hill.As you visit Shakhi Zinda on left hand side is Hazrat Khizr Mosque where late Khazrat Khizr him self also late president of Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov buried.
MoreSo beautiful
Its a very beautiful mosque with a very beautiful surroundings. It is located not far from Registan Square, just across the Siab Bazaar. It was very serene here, and I came here during one praying time for the moslem, so i got the chance to see them gather and pray. It was very special.
MoreNiceSamarkand (/ˈsæmərkænd/; Uzbek: Samarqand; Tajik: Самарқанд; Persian: سمرقند), also known as Samarqand, is a city in southeastern Uzbekistan and among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Central Asia. There is evidence of human activity in the area of the city from the late Paleolithic Era, though there is no direct evidence of when Samarkand was founded; several theories propose that it was founded between the 8th and 7th centuries BC. Prospering from its location on the Silk Road between China and the Mediterranean Sea, at times Samarkand was one of the largest cities of Central AsiaBy the time of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, it was the capital of the Sogdian satrapy. The city was conquered by Alexander the Great in 329 BCE, when it was known as Markanda, which was rendered in Greek as (Μαράκανδα). The city was ruled by a succession of Iranian and Turkic rulers until it was conquered by the Mongols under Genghis Khan in 1220. Today, Samarkand is the capitol of Samarqand Region and one of the largest cities of Uzbekistan.The city is noted as a centre of Islamic scholarly study and the birthplace of the Timurid Renaissance. In the 14th century, Timur (Tamerlanemade it the capital of his empire and the site of his mausoleum, the Gur-e Amir. The Bibi-Khanym Mosque, rebuilt during the Soviet era, remains one of the citys most notable landmarks. Samarkands Registan square was the citys ancient centre and is bound by three monumental religious buildings. The city has carefully preserved the traditions of ancient crafts: embroidery, goldwork, silk weaving, copper engraving, ceramics, wood carving, and wood painting. In 2001, UNESCO added the city to its World Heritage List as Samarkand – Crossroads of Cultures.Modern Samarkand is divided into two parts: the old city, and the new city, which was developed during the days of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. The old city includes historical monuments, shops, and old private houses; the new city includes administrative buildings along with cultural centres and educational institutionsThanks 😘
MoreBellissima Vista da Fuori e dalla sua sommitàLa moschea è situata in cima ad una collina.E stata magnificamente restaurata.La Mosechea merita sicuramente una visita in quanto larchitettura è veramente fantastica, anche se la vista migliore la si ha dal suo esterno.Bellissima anche la vista sia sulla moschea di BIBI Khanim, su Shah i Zinda, che su SamarkandI turisti pagano un piccolo biglietto dingresso.
MoreHazrat Khizr Mosque - one of the oldest Muslim religious buildings in Samarkhand.The first mosque built by the Arabs. Built next to the road that led to Samarkand.At the mosque buried in- President Islam Karimov. A beautiful place with a beautiful view of the historical part of Samarkand.Recommended for sure 👍
MoreSükseli yerler yapmışlar ancak abdest almak için yakında bir yer yok, olan yer ise belirli saatten sonra kapanıyor, namaz kılmaya yönelik olmaktan ziyade turistlerin gezmesine yönelik, genç polisler abdest alma yeri olarak yanlış yönlendiriyorlar bildikleri için değil bilmedikleri için olduğunu düşünüyorum
MoreCalm and peaceful place. Inspirational place.
Molto meglio lesterno, consiglio di proseguire e dare unocchiata al cimitero ci sono delle opere darte tra le lapidi
MoreBeautiful little mosque. Worth a visit if youre in the area.
Semerkantın en manevi bölgelerinden biri olan Cami, efsanevi kentin ve mimari mücevherlerinin büyüleyici manzarasına sahip muhteşem bir panoramik manzara sunan Efrasiyab Tepesinin üzerindedir. Bibi Hanım Camii ve Registanın mavi kubbeleri ve desenli minareleri uzaktan görünmektedir.VIII. yüzyılda Horasan valisi Qutayba ibn Müslim’in emri üzerine inşa edilmiş, bölgenin müslümanların fethinden sonra Semerkant’da yapılan ilk camiydi. Geçmişte cami, Büyük İpek Yolunu takip eden kervanların kente girdiği şehir kapıları civarındaydı.Hz.Hızır Camii XIII. yüzyılın başında, Moğol istilasında Cengiz Hanın askerleri tarafından yıkıldı. 1854 yılında Buhara Emiri Muzaffarkhonun emriyle Samarkant esnafları tarafından eski temelleri üzerine tekrar inşa edildi. Caminin terası ve giriş kapıları 1899 yılında inşa edilmiştir.Cami UNESCO tarafından Dünya Mirası Listesine alınmıştır.3 Eylül 2016da, Özbekistan 1.Cumhurbaşkanı İslam Karimov, Hz.Hızır Camiinin avlusuna gömüldü.
MoreNot worth the 15000 som charged for entry to the mosque. Save your money and enjoy the view for free from Karimov’s tomb complex. The staff may lie to you and say that a ticket is required for the tomb but this is false.
MoreUnique stone staircase and intricate columns from India.
molto bella soprattutto per il punto panoramico si sul quadre é costruita. Si può entrate nel grande porticato che permette una splendida vista sulla città di Samarcanda. Non si può fotografare la zona liturgica.
MoreWhat a beautiful place.
Normal place , I think this place for Uzbek people , if you want visit just take picture from outside better ,, nothing inside you will paid 20000 som for nothing
MoreThis is a beautiful mosque and the mausoleum of Islom Karimov
Very magnificent place!
MoreDon’t enter the fake mosque museum thing that they are charging 20,000 som for aggressively. The guy flat out lied to me and said it was not free to enter the mosque area which is not true. The for pay area is super tiny and not worth paying for.
Nothing much to see.Dont enter fake museum of Mosque under mosoule
A great belvedere, paying for the visit doesnt worth it though, you can see it all from outside.
MoreHonestly nice place to visit but nothing to see there. Nothing special there. And administrative staff aren’t so “soft”.
MoreAnother rip off in Samarkand. 20.000 UZS to see nothing inside. The best part of the mosque (the verandais visible from the street.Karimovs tomb is next door and its free entrance.
MoreHazrat khizr is the oldest mosque of Samarkand , dated back to 8 th century, many legend are associated with the name of Hazrat khirz , the mentor of musa , descendent or Adam patron saint of traveler who was responsible for their resources of water and wealth , immortal spirit created 300 years by before the earth was made and much more . This mosque was destroyed by cheghis khan and restored many times after that.
MoreМечеть находится в пешей доступности от мавзолея Биби Ханум. Обзорная площадка великолепная, рядом похоронен президент Узбекистана И. Каримов.
MoreNicer on the outside. Not worth 17,000 som
Наикрасивейшее место в Самарканде и бесплатно к посещению, рекомендую к посещению, отличная обзорная площадка открывается на город с этого места, и беседочки с теньком в которых можно отдохнуть, местами нельзя фотографировать - висят знаки, но глядя на эту красоту рука так и тянется за фотоаппаратом, полиция не особо гоняет за это и закрывает глаза на туристов с фотоаппаратами, удалось даже сделать селфи напротив древней стены. Очень и очень красиво.
MoreNot worth to visit.
Первая мечеть, построенная арабами. Построили рядом с дорогой, которая вела в Самарканд. На территории мечети захоронен Президент Узбекистана- Ислам Каримов. Красивое место с красивым видом на Историческую часть Самарканда.
MoreHazrat Khizr Mosque is located in the south of the Afrasi ab settlement, opposite the famous Siab Bazaar and the Bibi Khanum Mosque.Hazrat Khizr Mosque - one of the oldest Muslim religious buildings in Samarkand. The mosque was built in the VIII century and was on the hill at the entrance to the city, close to the band appeared much later Shahi Zinda mausoleums and Siab market. Around the mosque later emerged cemetery.
MoreTaxi Tour No. 6. Just a mosque, nothing much to see except the wide view of Samarkand. Felt like wasting money. On the back, there is a tower(minaretwhere you can enter with a little fee(2000Cym)..모스크 자체는 무슨 의미를 가지는 지 알기 어렵고, 여기에서 바라보는 경치가 좋지만 돈이 아까울 수 있다. 입구 앞에서 조금 더 올라가도 경치를 볼 수 있고 소정의 금액으로 미나레트에 올라가 근처를 볼 수 있다. 근데 정말 왜 갔는지 모르겠다.