Fritschiwiese - Park and Garden in Zürich (Kreis 3), Switzerland
Fritschiwiese in Zürich (Kreis 3)
Stunning place
Die Fritschiwiese ist wirklich super. Vorallem Kinder kommen auf ihre Kosten.(Translated by Google)The Fritschiwiese is really great. Especially children get their moneys worth.
MoreEin schöner Park für die ganze Familie mit Spielplatz, Schachfeld und einer Bar. Achtung wenn zur Familie auch ein Hund gehört: Diese dürfen leider nicht in den Park.(Translated by Google)A beautiful park for the whole family with a playground, chess field and a bar. Be careful if the family also has a dog: Unfortunately, they are not allowed in the park.
MoreEs un parque enorme, con esa fuente en medio para jugar, tiene para los niños un parque de madera, minirocódromo, tirolina, luego la plaza es amplia para poder patinar o ir en bici, cuenta también con un ajedrez gigante para enseñar a los niños a jugar o echarse una partida mítica.
MoreЭто здоровский парк💗 Очень милый бар с блестящими скатерками и эпатажными зонтами. Я чувствую себя счастливой здесь! есть шахматы, огромные!(Translated by Google)This is a great park💗 A very nice bar with shiny tablecloths and outrageous umbrellas. I feel happy here! there is chess, huge!
MoreGreat place to celebrate your birthday
Eine gemütliche oase in zürich. Jedoch paar mal ein wenig laut. Trotzdem einfAch toll(Translated by Google)A cozy oasis in zurich. A little noisy at times though. Still just great
MoreSehr schöner Park und Spielplatz. Es scheint aber immer wieder Randständige zu geben, die hier ihren krankhaften Süchten nachgehen. Hier wäre mehr polizeiliche Kontrollen und präventive Sozialarbeit gefragt. Ich habe schon den Eindruck, dass es hier Drogendepots gibt.(Translated by Google)Very nice park and playground. But there always seems to be marginalized people who pursue their pathological addictions here. More police checks and preventive social work would be required here. I have the impression that there are drug depots here.
MorePerfekt geeignet, sogar den NaMi des ersten Mai in aller Ruhe zmitzt in ZH zu verbringen..😜🤣(Translated by Google)Perfectly suited to even spend the NaMi of the first of May in peace and quiet in ZH..😜🤣
MoreNice park! Kids enjoyed the playground. Could do with some more shadow.
Schöner Ort, schlechte Abfallentsorgung von den Picknick Gästen.Man sieht immer mehr das alte Bäckeranlage- Klientel(Translated by Google)Nice place, poor waste disposal from the picnic guests.One sees more and more the old bakery clientele
MoreZiemlich heruntergekommene Anlage. Ein "Park" ist wohl was anderes. Es ist eigentlich eine (ungepflegteWiese mit ein paar Bäumen drum herum und unbequeme Holzbänke. Das eigentliche Highlight sind die (teurenParkplätze am Rande der Wiese und die 2 kostenlosen öffentlichen Toiletten.. Bekannt ist die Wiese im Sommer für dubiose Gestalten die dort herumlummern, meist Alkoholiker und irgendwelche Dealer. Im Sommer wird dort alles gesprochen ausser Zürideutsch. Also ein Ort für Erholung ist es wahrlich nicht. Die Stadt sollte unbedingt was unternhmen, für das zahlen wir hier auch viel (zuvielSteuern.(Translated by Google)Pretty shabby facility. A "park" is something else. Its actually a (unkemptmeadow with a few trees around it and uncomfortable wooden benches. The real highlight are the (expensiveparking spaces on the edge of the meadow and the 2 free public toilets .. The meadow is known in summer for dubious figures lounging around there, mostly alcoholics and some kind of dealers. In summer everything is spoken there except Zurich German. So it is definitely not a place for relaxation. The city should definitely do something, for that we pay a lot (too muchtaxes here.
MoreSehr süß für Kinder, um Spaß zu haben.(Translated by Google)Very cute for kids to have fun with.
MoreThe park is spacious and has ample paking... Recommended for barbeques and family get togethers
MoreGreat and relaxing place for people of all ages. Great for children, benches to sit and relax, a couple of grills to BBQ and even a toilet.
MoreWenns warm ist können Kinder im Brunnen planschen. Kleiner "Kiosk" mit Getränken und Glace vor Ort. Stühle und Tische unter grossen Bäumen.(Translated by Google)When its warm, children can splash in the fountain. Small "kiosk" with drinks and ice cream on site. Chairs and tables under big trees.
More(see tips at the bottom)This is quite an excellent park and playground. Its pretty huge. It has a lot of equipments and games, while at the same time maintains a sizeable green grass spaces in the middle (perfect for a small picnic during sunny days). This parks corners are interestingly aligned with north-east-south-west directions.It has chess, mill, 2x pingpong tables, half-court basketball, swings, playhouse, and more.Tips:- there is a slightly hidden small hill on the south end, with a barbecue place and a slide.- there is a toilet on the north corner.
MoreCool place
Low key park with a sweet zip line for kids.
Nice park. Perfect to connect with nature
Great little park for all the family. Bar across the road is good as well!
Many entertainment options for children and adults
Bel parco, con diversi giochi e divertimenti per bambini, ma anche tavoli dove fare merenda e cè anche la scacchiera gigante molto bella.Intorno ci sono anche dei bar carini dove prendere un caffè. Insomma cè tutto per un pomeriggio allaperto.🤸🏽♀️🧘🏽♀️🤸🏽♂️🤹🏽♀️🤹🏽♂️🤗
MoreLoving playing chess there !
Kinder froher platzBecken nmit etwas wasserViel grünUum teil auch schattenKletterwandUsw..(Translated by Google)Children happy placeBasin with some waterMuch greenAnd some shade tooclimbing wallEtc..
MoreThe area is clean. I love Basel and Weil Am Rhein area.
This is one park thats suitable for any age. From 0 - 99plus. Every age seem to have their special corner and take care not invade other space, thus no old women shouting at playing kids to be quiet. There is a splash pool in the summer that is well visited. You will also find swings, a big sand pit plus grill spots.
MoreIt is a good park special for kids
Nice neighborhood park. Kids friendly
Chill park
A lot of things here, a lot of people, and some atmosphere which you may like or not... I enjoy it for a short time.
MoreWe love this place
Awesome playground for kids, nice place to chill...
love the atmosphere, lively and diverse
Very well maintained park - kids will love to play with various activities on the mounted equipment. Football, skateboard, cycles, scooters can be ride here. A club gathers during weeekend, plays retro music, is entertaining
MoreNice playground with many things to play with. Small bathing fountain and open space to run around.
MoreVery nice park and a place for kids to cool off in a pond when it gets too hot.Highly recommended
MoreVery nice park with waddling pool for toddlers, half basket court, table tennis in the shade, an obstacle race, zip line, bbq tables in the shade, a steep slide, and a hidden climbing wall in the back.
Nice place to relax ....
Nice little park in the middle of the city with public restrooms and playgrounds for kids.
MoreGreat park for families and everyone
Great Park for Kids and adults
Nice, lively park to enjoy, relax or have a BBQ in the summers.
Wir sind gerne hier. Viele verschiedene Spielgeräte. Die Rutsche ist leider schlecht gelegen und eher für Kinder ab 3. Im Sommer kann man mit Kindern im Becken plantschen. Es befindet sich ein Schachfeld vor Ort, jedoch ist der Platz mit oft stark Betrunkenen und verrauchten Senioren besetzt.(Translated by Google)We like being here. Lots of different play equipment. Unfortunately, the slide is in a bad location and more for children from the age of 3. In summer you can splash around in the pool with children. There is a chess field on site, but the square is occupied by seniors who are often very drunk and smokey.