782 BCE fortress complex on a hill, with cuneiform inscriptions, plus artifact-filled museum.
Erebuni Fortress in Patnos
На территории крепости можно найти осколки керамики 3000летней давности(Translated by Google)On the territory of the fortress you can find fragments of ceramics 3000 years old.
MoreМаленький музейчик и раскопки на холме. Красивые виды, экспонатов не много, народу тоже не много.(Translated by Google)Small museum and excavations on the hill. Beautiful views, not many exhibits, not many people either.
MoreThere are two parts to the experience. An old-style museum - you know the type: pots under glass, single line explanations in a handful of languages, and the occasional detailed board with some historic context. Some of the exhibits are interesting, yet the monotony of the presentation means that, by the end of the visit, youre skimming over the latter items. The museum lacks a degree of interaction, videos of the extensive excavations that have happened etc. There were a lot of staff members for such a small place, yet they simply wanted to gruffly point you in the obligatory direction (yes, you MUST peruse the museum in the right order).For me, the museum receives a solid 2 stars. Its small, but potentially interesting displays are sorely lacking, as are staff smiles.The second part is a walk around the large fortress itself. There are QR codes dotted around, which were somewhat useful (although a few web pages didnt load), and a number of sun-baked boards detailing interesting areas of the ruins. A comprehensive map at the entrance of the fortress helps a lot, although having it repeated around other parts of the complex would have been useful too.As the fortress was originally composed of thick stone foundations, and sun-dried mud bricks for the upper levels, it makes sense that were just left with just the thick lower stones, creating a labyrinth of walls. Its a shame that none of these upper levels are remaining, or that a representative section hasnt been reproduced. It would have been an impressive building in its time.Like the museum, the final third of the walk became somewhat rushed because of the sameness of the experience - unmarked living quarters (possibly), open courtyards with no indication of their purpose, uniformly spaced flat stones that may have held pillars or could have been for something completely different!Dont get me wrong, the building work was impressive, the views quite magnificent, and the areas that did have some information, were interesting but, unlike other ruins Ive visited around the world, it felt underrepresented, and visitors will have definitely missed some of what the Erebuni Fortress has to offer. For such an important historical location, this is a shame.
MoreА разговоров то было. Так еще и за посещение требуют деньги. Смотреть не на что. Панорама с замечательными видами не открывается. Информационные стенды без информации. qr-коды не сканируются. Особых чувств при посещении не возникает(Translated by Google)And there were conversations. They also require money to visit. Nothing to look at. Panorama with wonderful views does not open. Information stands without information. QR codes are not scanned. There are no special feelings when visiting
Moregreat and unique
A relic of ancient kingdom - and a first vestige of modern Yerevan
Интересное место! Жаль из-за тумана не увидели Арарат.(Translated by Google)Interesting place! Sorry because of the fog did not see Ararat.
MoreA 782 B.C. fortress. You can visit the museum before going up the hill. The views are amazing.
MoreErebuni Fortress, also known as Arin Berd, is an Urartian fortified city, located in Yerevan, Armenia. It is 1,017 metres above sea level. It was one of several fortresses built along the northern Urartian border and was one of the most important political, economic and cultural centers of the vast kingdom.Erebuni was founded by Urartian King Argishti I (r. ca. 785–753 BCin 782 BC. It was built on top of a hill called Arin Berd overlooking the Aras River Valley to serve as a military stronghold to protect the kingdoms northern borders. It has been described as being "designed as a great administrative and religious centre, a fully royal capital." According to Margarit Israelyan, Argishti began the construction of Erebuni after conquering the territories north of Yerevan and west of Lake Sevan, roughly corresponding to where the town of Abovyan is currently located. Accordingly, the prisoners he captured in these campaigns, both men and women, were used to help build his town.
MoreIt is an historical place, when you walk there it seems that you are meeting people and they are telling you stories of an old nation that survived so many years. Being small nation it didn’t prohibit to be strong. Their love of their nation let them to survive after all the attacks...
MoreAbsolutely breath taking
Very old palace
Very interesting place
Erebuni fortress, 8th century BC
Unas vistas espectaculares. Fui sin ticket al encontrarlo abierto y al rato vino un guardia a pedirme la entrada, le pregunto qué vale pero no me entiende, le doy mil drams y se los queda, supongo que es el precio. Supongo... Las ruinas nada del otro mundo pero las vistas sobre la ciudad merecen mucho la pena.
Хороший вид на Ереван и окрестности. Музей слабоват.(Translated by Google)Nice view of Yerevan and surroundings. The museum is weak.
MoreNa plus historia miejsca, panorama na miasta. Warto pamiętać o wodzie i odpowiednim stroju w upalne lato, miejsce jest bardzo nasłonecznione. Muzeum nie zachwyca liczbą eksponatów. Brak elementów interakcyjnych, które mogłyby przyciągnąć turystów w dziećmi. Z pewnością ten element można poprawić.
MoreДостаточно проходное место. Ни музей, ни раскопки не впечатлили по сравнению с другими крепостями Армении.(Translated by Google)Sufficient passage. Neither the museum nor the excavations were impressive compared to other fortresses in Armenia.
MoreErebuni Fortress, also known as Arin Berd, is an Urartian fortified city, located in Yerevan, Armenia. It is 1,017 metres (3,337 ftabove sea level. It was one of several fortresses built along the northern Urartian border and was one of the most important political, economic and cultural centers of the vast kingdom. The name Yerevan itself is derived from Erebuni.
MoreСильно крепость не впечатлила. Можно было как-то обыграть сохранившиеся «комнаты», а то только на навигационном стенде еле еле понятно, что было в этих остатках помещений.Но виды Еревана очень красивые с верха крепости.Музей был закрыт в то время, когда мы приехали.(Translated by Google)Strongly the fortress was not impressed. It was possible to somehow beat the surviving "rooms", otherwise only on the navigation stand it was barely clear what was in these remnants of the premises.But the views of Yerevan are very beautiful from the top of the fortress.The museum was closed at the time we arrived.
Moreold not renovated fortress, keeps reminding us how badly ancient armenia was protected. but the view is nice, u can see the capital from a different angle.
MoreПревосходно и ошеломительно прекрасно созерцать крепость и 3000 остатки былого(Translated by Google)Excellent and stunningly beautiful to contemplate the fortress and 3000 remains of the past
MoreA place with some broken walls only. And there is a museum at the entrance.
Мы были в Ереване в конце июля, и жара была такая, что мы хотели посмотреть крепость ранним утром. Но Музей начинает работать в 10.30. Правда, оказалось, что купив билеты раньше, можно было и на холм с раскопками раньше подняться раньше, а потом ждать открытия Музея. Билет на взрослого стоит 3000 драм. Руины прекрасны своей мыслью, что это Урарту и что им 2800 лет. Однако осталось ощущение после фотографий на стенах в Музее, что, пока не вынесли все, что раскопали, было как-то реалистичнее все. И что все зарастает ((((Translated by Google)We were in Yerevan at the end of July, and the heat was such that we wanted to see the fortress in the early morning. But the Museum starts at 10.30. True, it turned out that having bought tickets earlier, it was possible to climb the hill with excavations earlier, and then wait for the opening of the Museum. A ticket for an adult costs 3000 AMD. The ruins are beautiful in their thought that this is Urartu and that they are 2800 years old. However, after the photographs on the walls in the Museum, there was a feeling that until everything that was unearthed was taken out, everything was somehow more realistic. And that everything grows (((
MoreЕсли оценивать это как музей, а не как Место Силы или панорамную площадку, то очень слабенько.Информационные стенды выгорели и потрескались, часть текста восстановить не возможно. Реконструированные фрески, на которых аборигены (или понаехавшие?выцарапывают свои имена и признаются в любви к аборигенкам.Не хватает табличек, которые бы рассказывали о назначении конкретной постройки. Ещё бы добавить картинки с реконструкцией внешнего вида.В общем, неинформативно и неухожено (не считая солидного охранника на чёрном мерседесе).(Translated by Google)If we evaluate this as a museum, and not as a Place of Power or a panoramic platform, then it is very weak.The information stands have burnt out and cracked; part of the text cannot be restored. Reconstructed murals in which Aboriginal people (or come in large numbers?Scratch out their names and declare their love for Aboriginal women.There are not enough plates that would tell about the purpose of a particular building. I would also add pictures with the reconstruction of the appearance.In general, uninformative and unkempt (not counting a respectable guard in a black Mercedes).
MoreHistorical place 2800 years ago
Amazing place, super old frescos.
Historical place in Yerevan
Любителям истории советую посетить это место обязательно, археологические раскопки здесь временно не ведутся, Однако невооружённым взглядом видно что здесь еще очень много работы. Побывать поприсутствовать, посидеть не спеша и вдумчиво провести время. Уже Выходя заметили в одной из расщелин засыпанных входов в помещении крепости семейство лис с лисятами. Забавное зрелище, в местах где не живет человек всегда поселяются животные, которые радуют нас своим присутствием(Translated by Google)I advise lovers of history to visit this place without fail, archaeological excavations are temporarily not conducted here, However, with the naked eye it is clear that there is still a lot of work here. To visit to attend, to sit unhurriedly and to spend time thoughtfully. Already leaving, we noticed a family of foxes with foxes in one of the crevices of the filled-in entrances in the building of the fortress. A funny sight, in places where a person does not live, animals always settle, which delight us with their presence
MoreЗахватывающий вид на Ереван с холма где расположены развалины древней крепости.(Translated by Google)A breathtaking view of Yerevan from the hill where the ruins of an ancient fortress are located.
MoreAn insitu open archaeological Museum... With a little imagination a visitor can visualise the entire structure...
MoreA piece of History that makes you travel back in time with your imagination
Little outside Yerevan. Preferable mode is transport would be taxi. Amd 1000 entrance.
MoreUrartian fortress
Остатки старой крепости внушительных размеров.Вид на Ереван.Вдали виден Арарат. Туристов немного.(Translated by Google)Remains of an old fortress of impressive size. View of Yerevan. Ararat is visible in the distance. There are few tourists.
MoreDla samej historii miejsca warto tu przyjść.
old fortress,nice place for walk when you are in Armenia.Fantastic view
Fortress itself wasnt super interesting and unfortunately the museum was closed.
Im sure need of protection
Сверху открывается отличная панорама города. Можно походить, полазить по древним развалинам. Рядом располагается музей. Людей почти нет.(Translated by Google)An excellent panorama of the city opens from above. You can walk, climb the ancient ruins. Nearby is a museum. There are almost no people.
MoreVery nice view over the city. We payed the entry fee but on the top we saw that there is a unguarded street where the locals come here for free even with cars. The street starts a few hundred meters right from the museum.
MoreHaving been founded in 722 B.C., Erebuni fortress is still impressive. It is one of the most important Urartian sites. It is a great place for the lovers of ancient castles.There are various cuneiform inscriptions. You can walk at Apadana, Khaldi tower and some other cute places.
MorePerhaps the most interesting attraction in Yerevan. Pretty interesting ruins of the old settlement, which is even older than Rome!
Morefantastic view and interesting historical overview
Yerevan day is celebrated sometime mid-October every year. They have some nice events in this Museum. Go, check out!
Morevery spiritual place . I advise
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