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Budapest, Oktรณber 6. u. 5, 1051 Hungary, Budapest
Dolce Vita Bar - Adult entertainment club in Budapest, Hungary
ืขืืงืฅ ืชืืืจืื ืงืืืกื, ืืฉืื ืขืื /ืืคืชืื ืืืจืื ืืืืื ืก, ื ืืชื ืื ืืื ืืงืฉื ืืืืืจ ืกืืืจ ืืื ืืืืจืื ืืื ืืืืืจื ืฉืืฉืื ืืืื (ืืฉืชืคืช ืคืขืืื ืืืขื ืืืืขืืืืืืืื ื ืืฉืงื, ืขืืืช 300-500Euro. ืืืืข ืฉืืืจ ืจืืกื ืืืื ืืืืื ืฉืื ืื ืชืฉืื ืืื ืืืชื (ืืฉ ืืื ืืกืคืืื ืฆืืื ืืื ืฉืืื ืื ืืืืื). ืืืืื ืื ื ืืืจ "ืจืง" ื 100 Euro, ืื ืื ืื ืฉืืื. ืืืชืจืืง ืืืืงืื, ืชืืื ืืืงืื ืืืจ, ืืื ืฉืขืื ืชืืืจืื ืืคืื ืืืืืืช ืืชืืืจืื ืืื. ืืื ืฉืืืฉืืจ ืื ืขืืฆืจ ืืช ืืฉืืื ืืืืืขื ืืื. ืืื ืื ืจืื ืืืฉืืื ืืืืืช ืืื ืงืืจืื ืืช.
Do they still continue doing this scam thing in the same way as before, after so long time? 2013 I was almost dragged into this club by someone outside of the club. Well inside I was offered a drink for maybe โฌ15 which I accepted. A few moments later two strip girls sat down next to me and I started to talk to them. I think I ordered some food and some more drinks, and after some time one of the staff showed me the menu and wanted me to pay huge amounts of money, maybe โฌ300 - โฌ500, for the girls and the things I had ordered. I said I couldnt pay that amount and that they should have showed me the prices before I ordered. I stood up and said I will leave now. The woman from the staff told me she would call the police if I left without paying. Yes, call the police I said. Then she went to the boss of the club, but he didnt seem to think it was a good idea to call the police. I paid โฌ15 for my and the strip girls drinks and left immediately. What they do must be criminal, so my advice is: Stay away from this club!
Bad. They say if you buy them a drink, a dance is included. But a drink turned out to be 70,000 HUF. I left. Dont go in.
This bar is no different from a robbery, it will force you to spend, there are security guards on the side, you cannot pay.
Dolce vita bar!๐ฑ I what to thank you for this experience i have never been robed before thanks! 145 euro for a lap dance +a drink!to the owners and management didint feel welcom it look more like a maffia organisation never coming back!๐
It was teribel,We want to make party in Budapest and payed 90k for each person in the club.The ladys say they "just want a drink" and you get a bottle of wine and a 30min. Lab dance vor about 300-350โฌ.So we got scamt at Budapest and dont want this to happend to other people.
Absolute rip off avoid at all costs , 100% out to rip you off for as much as possible .
Complete rip off. They will tell you price is 7 000 HUF for a private dance. Then they take you to the ATM next to the bar and will force you to pay 70 000 HUF. There will be security guys around you and you will have no options but to pay. NEVER EVER GO THERE, 100% SCAM.
A complete tourist scam donโt ever go there
Doesnt even deserve a star. Horrible place.
That was the worst time i had in a bar so far... dont know where to start...The โcalledโ manager was unprofessional and rude she even get angry and started screaming when we asked for a receipt... a girl approached me and she asked me if i want her to dance for me and I obviously said yes... then on her own she asked for a bottle of wine from the bartender... i saw the bottle of wine for 5 mins on the table full then after that she was dancing in front of my face and suddenly the wine was empty... when asked where the wine is they all said she drunk it already... when asked for the bill it was 50000Huf for the wine that nobody drink and 20000Huf more for the dance and 2 beers that i had... RIDICULOUS RIDICULOUS RIDICULOUS
Totally scam!! The girls constantly begged for tipmoney and most of them didnโt even perform a show. 120 euro for a lapdance for less than 8 min! Defintitely wasnโt worth it. DONT GO THERE!!
Very bad place it is tottaly a scam girl will come to u n ask u for wine n it is of 25000 huf n 2 girls will come then they will say they want to drink more wine again it is totally a scam dnt visit this place very bad.
The most rubbish place ever, cheaters & scammers
THIS IS A SCAM! We came in, had a 15 min dance and the girl wanted me to buy a drink so I did. The result 370 euro. I argued as much as I could and eventually got it down to 200. Absolute joke. This is a SCAM
Lap dances are a rip off, 140k HUF for a lap dance from two dancers. Also minimal dancing when there are few clients eg Sunday
Voila mon expรฉrience du lieu , je suis rentrรฉ dans le bar aprรจs avoir รฉtรฉ accostรฉ par la demoiselle devant qui m a dit qu il suffisait de payer 6 euros une bierre pour regarder le show , je me suis laissรฉ tentรฉ mais connaissant la rรฉputation de ce genre d endroit je suis restรฉ que 15 minutes par mรฉfiance !Deux jours aprรจs j ai ete tentรฉ d y retourner et C est lร que j ai failli me faire avoir car au bout de 5 minutes deux sublimes filles en petites tenues sont venues se coller ร moi , la demoiselle ร la porte m avait dit qu un show privรฉ coรปtait 20 euros mais รงa fonctionne pas comme รงa car les deux filles m ont demander de les suivre dans un endroit discret et lร il faut leur payer un verre ร chacune , les prix dรฉbutent ร 25000 florins ce qui fait un peu prรชt 80 euros donc vous imaginez que l argent peux vite s envoler dans des proportions himalayennes , au dรฉbut j avais compris 2500 alors j ai failli accepter mais une fois rรฉalisรฉ mon erreur j ai pris mes clics et mes clacs sans attendre les gorilles . En rรฉsumรฉ je dirais que รงa doit sรปrement รชtre une superbe expรฉrience mais ร condition d avoir plusieurs centaines d euros ร claquer ,ce qui est pas juste C est qu ils essayent de piรฉger n importe qui en utilisant de sacrรฉ happats il faut bien dire ๐
I had a GREAT time when I went to the dolce vita bar on backpacking trip across Europe in 2013! I was the only one in there surrounded by 15 stunning ladies! I was asked to buy a bottle of champagne but with that I got a dance from an absolute beauty who Im still kind of in love with called Lita who gave me the greatest dance of my life! We shared a connection I just know it.... Well she made me spank her! So it counts!! Best ยฃ40 Ive ever spent! Go! ๐
I only wanted alcohol and this was the only place open... I paid 60,000 for a drink and no strippers... pretty amazing
If you dont read the reviews and head he warnings than you get what you ask for. They are a big rip off and took me for about $300! And the waitress even yelled at us.
It was very good , the girls are beautiful and just hungarian girls! The beer it was 6 euro and the dance was amazing! I can offer for everybody! The wine is a little bit expensive but very tasty! I loved it
Grรถรter reinfall!!! Man bekommt getrรคnke die man nicht bestellt hat und kann nicht gegenargumentieren, da man sie nicht bestellt hat!!!Fรผr ein glas wein kommt eine flasche fรผr 240โฌ ..Bleibt fern!! Richtige Husos(Translated by Google)Biggest flop !!! You get drinks that you didnt order and cant argue because you didnt order them !!!For a glass of wine comes a bottle for 240 โฌ.Stay away !! Real husos
Molto male, ragazze che ti invitano ad entrare con la parola magica "free entry" e "la birra solo 1000 Hug" , quando entri la situazione รฉ degna dei peggiori bar dI "Caracas" (cit.Ogni tavolo รฉ fornito di ragazze, che faranno di tutto pero spillarti soldi. Fin qui tt normale. Non trovo normale che la propietaria o chi per lei, una volta che siamo usciti (siamo entrati andiamo girato il locale ,visti i prezzi e capita la situazionevi segue fuori per insultarci con parole sensa senso tipo, "italiani mafiosi" "massoni" "pomodori rotondi ๐" ecc.Dire cรฉ di meglio รฉ giร un complimento.Da evitare. O da provare se cercate problemi.
Ripped us off. Paid for drinks we did not order. We refused to pay two bouncers came they threatened us and told us to give them all the money we had and leave and we did so and left.
Scam warning, awful place, really bad dancers and really expensive drinks, absolutely not worth it.
Achtung reinste Abzocke. Man bekommt Getrรคnke die man nicht bestellt hat und dann freut euch auf die Rechnung. Nie wieder. You can not recommend. The prices are too high and you are deceived. Never again.(Translated by Google)Attention pure rip-off. You get drinks that you didnt order and then look forward to the bill. Never again. You can not recommend. The prices are too high and you are deceived. never again
Budapest, Oktรณber 6. u. 5, 1051 Hungary, Budapest
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