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Boulevard Goce Delchev, Skopje 1000, North Macedonia, Skopje
Daut Pasha Hamam - Historical landmark in Skopje, Macedonia
nice venue. excellent kondovski temporary exibition
Such a cool venue currently with a great exhibition currently
Interessant, einmal reicht !
볼게 이거 뿐이다관광객에게 인종차별이 잦은 나라돈을 쓰러 온 손님을 무시하는나라잊혀지지 않는다
Hammam from Otoman -Turkey impery
Mestoto e edno od najstarite kulturno istoriski spomenici vo Skopje. Se naogja vo centarot na gradot pred vlezot na starata skopska charshija.Izgraden vo 15 vek.Odnadvor go zadrzalo avtentichniot izgled.Vnatre raspolaga so nekolku prostorii vo koi e zachuvan avtentichniot izgled na stolbovite i svodovite no so prilagoden prostor za prireduvanje na izlozbi, koncerti i drugi kultuni nastani vo tivka i prijatna atmosvera.Pri obikolka na gradot ne go odminuvajte.
historic very old place , full with positive energy, ancient museum on open ground
Filled with art an atractive tourist destination and an art gallery of some very intresting art pieces
Tur rehberimiz in garipliği yüzünden gezemediğimiz yerdir. Bütün gün kapısı kapalı camilere girmeyip, müze giriş saatlerini de kaçırmamıza sebep olmuştur kendisi. Hamam dışarıdan güzel görünüyor. Biz gezmedik siz gezin.
Bildiğimiz hamam. Bizim kültürümüzde olduğu için pek etkilenmedim.
Obiekt historyczny znajdujący się w centrum Skopje. To budynek hamanu, w którym obecnie znajduje się Muzeum Narodowe Macedonii Północnej. W otoczeniu budynku jest wiele sklepików z pamiątkami i wyrobami lokalnymi a także mnóstwo kafejek, lodziarnii.
Although it doesnt seem too large from the outside, this museum is filled with a diverse collection of modern art pieces ranging from the 18th to 20th centuries. For 100 MKD, you can spend about an hour enjoying the paintings, murals, and sculptures created by many Macedonian artists.. The inside is well cared for and clean as well.
The building of the Daut Pasha Hamam, which is part of the National Gallery of Macedonia, is the most interesting part of the visit. Its well worth discovering. There are parts that compare how the ceiling used to be to what it has become. The architect in charge of renovating this building did a great job. If only the exhibits were half as interesting as the renovation. I hope that the exhibited collection will improve with time.
Daut Pasha Hamam was built by Daut Pasha in the second half of the 15th century, originally separated on male and female bath with around 900 sq meters
Kultura islamikoaren monumentu historikoa da, eta arkitektura islamikoaren adibide bikaina. Hamam Daut Pashak eraiki zuen XV. mendearen bigarren erdian. Barruko arkitektura oso interesgarria da, eta ikus daitezkeen arte modernoko erakusketak kalitatezkoak dira. Gela bakoitzean dauden kupulak oso politak dira
nice history
Güzel tarihi bir mekan iyi korunmuş bakımlı
Споља јако интересантна грађевина у оријенталном стилу, док ме је унутрашњост разочарала где нема ничег аутентичног већ само музејска поставка са сликама и статуама.
Für Touristen auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert. Der Eintritt kostet 50 Denar und 20 Denar für Studenten (Oktober 2019).Zu sehen sind Bilder mazedonische Künstler aus mehrere Epochen.
50 dinari per visitarlo.Ospita mostre darte.È in pieno centro nella parte iniziale dellold bazar.Vale la pena farci un salto.
Beautiful in and out, a must see in Skopje. More information has to be provided about the building for the visitors.
Another original attraction of Skopje which come from XV century.
Very beautiful outside I didnt visit inside...
Site koi možat da odvojat vreme za poseta na Daut Pasha Hamam neka odat i ke bidat mnogu prijatno iznenadeni 🤐🙄😲🤫😇
Hamami i Daut pashës është banjë e ngritur gjatë shekullit XV nga veziri i madh i Rumelisë.I ndërtuar në qendër të Shkupit,qindra metra nga Ura e Gurit, hamami është restauruar në detajisht në vitin 1948. Pjesa më me përshtipje është çatia e përbërë prej 13 kupolave.Në brendësinë ekzistojnë 15 dhoma.
The building was built at the end of the 15th century, as the Daut-shasha testament, in whose honor it was named
Daut Pasha Hamam is part of the National Gallery of Macedonia. This place is full of modern art as I realized but there are not so much items. The exhibition is situated in the hamams halls. You can see the original walls inside of the hamam at the top. 15-20 minutes are enough for the visit. The fee is 50 MKD.
Daut Pasha Hamam spaga vo objektite od kulturno nasledstvo,tuka se odrzuvaat brojni manifestacii kako koncerti na kamerni orkestri,izlozbi na sliki i razno razni kulturno umetnicki pretstavi.Inace ova e spomenik od otomanskata imperija i bi go preporacal na site sto ne go posetile da go posetat,se naoga vo starata skopska carsija ili popularno narecena Turska carsija,isto ja preporacuvsm i na mnogubrojnite turisti koi doagaat vo Makedonija.
There is a story why the roof is in that shape. All for love but you need to hear that story.
Amazing architecture and great Kastrati exhibition was on set up when i visited the hamam
Grande magnifico hammam, ospita la Galleria nazionale, con opere dalle antiche icone a contemporanee.
This hamam is one of the few examples of Ottoman heritages that Macedonia made an effort to keep alive. Most of the others are left to be in ruin.
Osmanlıdan kalan tarihi bir hamam görülmeye değer
Daut pasha hamaam is part of the National gallery of Macedonia. A great place to learn all about macedonian art and also buy something from the gift shop. The ticket is cheap and worth it.
Great space, and great exhibitions! From October until March has shorter working hours than the rest of the year. Visit recommended!
An amazing space for exhibitions. Its right at the center and offers a peak in the history of the Ottoman era.
Beautiful architecture and incredible history. Worth the detour.
great art from petar mazev temporary exhibition
Одличен простор, но изложбите се без соодветна сериозна подготовка.Еве за 90 г. од раѓањето на Мазев, собрани многу дела, филм (несоодветен, долг, досаденниту една обична биографска белешка на почеток, а не пак објаснување за важноста на изложеното дело. Да не зборуваме за аудио или интерактиви водичи. Каде е образовната улога на Националната галерија? Мерилото како да е гужвата при отворањето. Директорите, кураторите и кустосите како да не посетиле вакви ретроспективи во светот?! Не е се во парите. Срамота.
Beautiful experience for just 50 denars, we were lucky to listen to some guy playing piano (he was pro). Art there aswell was interesting from oil, to statues. 10/10
Worth a visit (50 Den.). They could give it a little more love, and plaster.
Everything is under construction
Visit to more about Ottaman history
Nice art gallery
Boulevard Goce Delchev, Skopje 1000, North Macedonia, Skopje
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