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Agiou Dimitriou, Thessaloniki 546 33, Greece, Katerini
This church is built upon the site of an ancient Roman bath house & contains Saint Demetrius' body.
The holy orthodox cathedral of st. great martir Dimitriy from Thessaloniki, wbere his relics reside and issue divine miro already since his dormition.
If you are interested in religious places, dont leave Thessaloniki without visiting this church.
this church rings the bells at 7:15, 7:30, 7:45 and 8:00, in the morning, as if this is what God intented, to wake up the whole neighborhood 😑
A historically important and completely renovated church. (after the fire in the beginning of 20th century)
Even if you are not familiar with the history of the church it is definitely worth a visit. You must go down below into the catacombs which have been modified and worked on for centuries.
It was ok, cool to see. Very holy, so please be respectful of people praying. There was not much info about the history, if you are a tourist which was a little disappointing.
Religion, history, sightseeing - that is a must see church and place to visit for everyone.
Great experience for your eyes and for your soul. The smell of the nard is fantastic.
The Church of Saint Demetrius is the main sanctuary dedicated to Saint Demetrius, the patron saint of Thessaloniki , dating from a time when it was the second largest city of the Byzantine Empire. It is part of the site Palaeochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessaloniki on the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO since 1988.The first church on the spot was constructed in the early 4th century AD, replacing a Roman bath. A century later, a prefect named Leontios replaced the small oratory with a larger, three-aisled basilica. Repeatedly gutted by fires, the church eventually was reconstructed as a five-aisled basilica in 629–634. This was the surviving form of the church much as it is today. The most important shrine in the city, it was probably larger than the local cathedral.
The biggest church in Greece says it all. Many areas to be explored inside. Very solemn and peaceful. There are evangelists inside, though.
The must visit place in Thessaloniki together the White Tower
Lovely church interior which I was able to wander around inside. Just try and be respectful of people privately praying.Make a € donation, these places dont sustain themselves without your contribution as there is no entry fee when tourist viewing.
Old church, many old articles. The body of St. Demetrios is in there.
Nicely decorated church with a crypt. We visited the church on Sunday and it was very crowded, just like a bazar.
Nice and big church. Advise you to visit it during Thessalonikis visit.
Impressive Byzantine church.
The Church of Saint Demetrius, or Hagios Demetrios (Greek: Άγιος Δημήτριος), is the main sanctuary dedicated to Saint Demetrius, the patron saint of Thessaloniki, dating from a time when it was the second largest city of the Byzantine Empire. It is part of the site Palaeochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessaloniki on the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO since 1988.
The cathedral of silence - here are the relics of St. Demetrius.
A church with long history. Patron of Thessaloniki, St. Demetrios. Beautiful Vasiliki church including lots of interesting artifacts to see. visit the catacomb and the Saints tomb. Unique experience.
Very interesting holy place. The crypt is fascinating
An impressive Byzantine church of the patron saint of Thessaloniki. Mind the hours of the crypt are limited if youre looking to see it. Note that crypt hours are limited!
Nice when its hot outside. Historically interesting place.
Absolutely fantastic building and visit!!!!!
The Church of St. Demetrius is the patron saint of Thessaloniki, it is among the most visited sights of the city. The building lies on old Roman baths. The temple was built in the 4th century AD. In the 5th century it was rebuilt into a three-building basilica. After a large fire, only the ruins of the present-day church remain of the basilica. This happened in 629-634.A hexagonal tomb lined with silver is kept in St. Demetrius, and there is a bed on the tomb on which no one rests, and it is believed that the structure has a symbolic meaning rather than a real tomb.Very beautiful place!
Church of St. Demetrios is located at Agiou Dimitriou street in Thessaloniki very close to the city center. It is very old and it is the most famous church in the city because St Demetrios is the protector of the city. The holiday of the Saint is on 26th October and it is very important for the residents of Thessaloniki.
It is worth seeing for its history and old roman bath in the crypt.Old french style toilets except the didabled toilet but with no toilet paper in the garden along with grapevines.
Beautiful church. A must see
The church of The patron Saint of Thessaloniki ;My grandfather was named after this saint ;My time spent there was in his honour.Holy place exquisite construction building .
Saint Dimitrios is one of three churches in Thessaloniki you should definitely visit even if you are not interested in religion.In the late 3rd century the persecution of christianity was reaching a climax under the Emperors Galerius and Diocletian.At the same time, in Thessaloniki inhabited a young Roman soldier with a name Dimitrios. Talented, bright and a preacher of christianity. The latter made him very unpopular to the Emperor and Dimitrios found himself prisoner in a Roman bath - it sounds weird, I know.In the same bath, Dimitrios received a visitor and follower named Nestoras. Nestoras had the fine idea to fight against the undefeated champion of the emperor Liaios. With the blaising of Dimitrios and the will to revenge the christian persecutors, Nestoras, in a David vs Goliath type of battle, managed to defeat his enemy despite the overwhelming odds.When the emperor asked him how he managed to accomplish such a miraculous did, Nestoras got somewhat cocky: It was the love and power of the one God that aided me - the God of Dimitrios.Galerios, offended, ordered the execution of both him and Dimitrios with the latter finding a bitter end with 33 spears (symbolicpiercing through his ribs.In the aftermath of the event, the christians hid his buddy in the well not to be dishonored by the pagans.Soon later, christianity became a legal religion and at the spot raised a small church. The great basilica was built about a century later by the Leondios, the prefix of the region when he, in a desperate attempt to cure his untreatable disease, tasted the miracle water of Dimitrios and became all well.Sandly, the church has been entirely destroyed twice with the last one being during the Great Fire of Thessaloniki in 1917. However, the church has been well remade and currently operates with regular services.If you visit, and you should, make sure to check the crypt: the underground space where the original bath used to be.Fun fact: the city of Thessaloniki was liberated to the Ottomans on the anniversary of its patron Saint - Dimitrios: 26th of October 1912.
The Church of Saint Demetrius, or Hagios Demetrios (Greek: Άγιος Δημήτριος), is the main sanctuary dedicated to Saint Demetrius, the patron saint of Thessaloniki (in Central Macedonia, Greece), dating from a time when it was the second largest city of the Byzantine Empire. It is part of the site Palaeochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessaloniki on the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO since 1988.The first church on the spot was constructed in the early 4th century AD, replacing a Roman bath. A century later, a prefect named Leontios replaced the small oratory with a larger, three-aisled basilica. Repeatedly gutted by fires, the church eventually was reconstructed as a five-aisled basilica in 629–634. This was the surviving form of the church much as it is today. The most important shrine in the city, it was probably larger than the local cathedral. The historic location of the latter is now unknown.The church had an unusual shrine called the ciborium, a hexagonal, roofed structure at one side of the nave. It was made of or covered with silver. The structure had doors and inside was a couch or bed. Unusually, it did not hold any physical relics of the saint. The ciborium seems to have been a symbolic tomb. It was rebuilt at least once.The basilica is famous for six extant mosaic panels, dated to the period between the latest reconstruction and the inauguration of the Byzantine Iconoclasm in 730. These mosaics depict St. Demetrius with officials responsible for the restoration of the church (called the founders, ktetorsand with children. An inscription below one of the images glorifies heaven for saving the people of Thessalonica from a pagan Slavic raid in 615.Thessaloniki became part of the Ottoman Empire in 1430. About 60 years later, during the reign of Bayezid II, the church was converted into a mosque, known as the Kasımiye Camii after the local Ottoman mayor, Cezeri Kasım Pasha. Other magnificent mosaics, recorded as covering the church interior, were lost either during the four centuries when it functioned as a mosque (1493–1912or in the Great Thessaloniki Fire of 1917 that destroyed much of the city. It also destroyed the roof and upper walls of the church. Black-and-white photographs and good watercolour versions give an idea of the early Byzantine craftsmanship lost during the fire.Following the Great Fire of 1917, it took decades to restore the church. Tombstones from the citys Jewish cemetery - destroyed by the Greek and Nazi German authorities - were used as building materials in these restoration efforts in the 1940s.Archeological excavations conducted in the 1930s and 1940s revealed interesting artifacts that may be seen in a museum situated inside the churchs crypt. The excavations also uncovered the ruins of a Roman bath, where St. Demetrius was said to have been held prisoner and executed. A Roman well was also discovered. Scholars believe this is where soldiers dropped the body of St. Demetrius after his execution. After restoration, the church was reconsecrated in 1949.thessaloniki agios dimitrios church, 5th century
We visited this holy church in 2016. There are many relics, especially the ones of Sf Dimitrious. I love this place.
This is yet another lovely Byzantine style church with many exquisite mosaics and icons. It is named after the Patron Saint of Thessaloniki, who it is believed was imprisoned and executed on the same site in 306 AD. His revered relics are preserved in a special sarcophagus. The remains of another martyred Saint are also maintained in the church. The church dates back to the 5th century AD, with various additions being added over the following centuries. The interior is truly wonderful - a deeply peaceful space. There is an impressive crypt, located where it is believed St Demetrius was imprisoned and executed in 303 AD and where various exhibits such as columns, sculptures and pieces of archways, that relate to earlier versions of the building, are displayed.
A large and beautiful church, located in the center of the city and bearing the patron saint of Thessaloniki (the city bears the name of the sister of the great Alexander). The first church was built in the 4th century after Christ. Over time, it has developed, just so that during the Ottoman occupation it was transformed into a mosque. Later, it returned to its original destination. Inside, on the left, the relics of St. Dumitru can be seen, and besides the small cistern on the left of the altar, it can penetrate into the underground of the church, in the catacombs that reveal its true history. Inside, you can admire some incredibly beautiful mosaics dating back to the sixth century after Christ. A true monument of history, not just a wonderful place of worship.O biserică mare și frumoasă, situată în centrul orașului și purtând hramul Sf. Dumitru, patronul orașului Thessaloniki (orașul poartă numele surorii marelui Alexandru). Prima biserică a fost construită prin sec. al IV-lea după Hristos. În timp s-a dezvoltat, tocmai bine pentru ca în timpul ocupației otomane să fie transformată în moschee. Ulterior s-a revenit la destinația inițială. În interior, în partea stângă, se pot vedea moaștele Sf. Dumitru, iar pe lângă mica cișmea aflată în stânga altarului se poate pătrunde în subteranul bisericii, în catacombele care ne dezvăluie adevărata ei istorie. Tot la interior se pot admira câteva mozaicuri incredibil de frumoase, datând de prin secolul al VI-lea după Hristos. Un adevărat monument al istoriei, nu doar un minunat lăcaș de cult.
This place is full of history. You are allowed to take ictures and all they ask is that you be mindful of the worshippers. There is an underground area where you can see some of the remaining examples of the storied past. I definitely think that this is a must visit spot if you enjoy history.
The largest orthodox church in Greece. The church is part of the Paleocrestal site and the Byzantine monuments of Thessalonica and has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1988. Inside the church there are the relics of St. Dimitrios.Seen from outside the church does not look very big nor too high. But the space inside is generous. What is different from our churches is that there are plenty of chairs inside. I was also impressed by the stone catheter of the main altar. Beneath the altar you can descend on stairs reaching the ruins of former Roman baths where it is said that St Dimitrios was held prisoner and then executed.
Looks colossal and rich. A lot of beautiful paintings with wooden frames and gold details.
One of the nicer churches in the city. Old iconography and frescos make it worth stopping in.
PeaceGreat orthodox church in heart of city. Wonderful architecture, place with tomb of St Dimitrius."Must see" place,For sitting and feel spiritual peace.
A must see place in Salonia, be religious or not. It reflect on the soul of both greece, salonika and macedonian region over all. To trully learn about the Thesaloniki you gotta visit the hurch. Its beautiful. Atmosphere is calm and almost silent just enough. The courteyard is big and good for anything basicly.People are negative about the beggars, but it seems those individuals did not see more then 2 churches because that is sadly normal. If you have spare give it, it will return double.As for church one of the greatest monumrnts of orthodox art and arhitecture . I am impressed everytime i go to see it.
A devine atmosphere. You can feel the spirit of St. Demetrios, the patron protector of Salonika. May he pray for the redemption of our sinful souls.
The churches in Europe are pretty much all beautiful. This one is no different. It has a nice courtyard outside where we sat on a low wall to eat our lunch in the shade. Inside is cool and quiet and big. Youre allowed to take pictures! We wandered around looking at all the beautiful decorations. They do have a bathroom but I decided to go down the street to use one at a restaurant that was nicer.
One of the places where heaven meets earth, divine place, Saint protector of Thessaloniki, Agios Dimitrios deserves such beautiful Church.
Large church with a nice interior and a fountain on the outside.
Beautiful Orthodox Church of Thessaloniki. The biggest church of Thessaloniki and one of the biggest of Greece, if not the biggest one. Beautiful interior decoration and the underground part of the church is really interesting and worth taking a look at it.
This Church is very old, it was built in the 4th century. It was restored after the great fire of Thessaloniki that destroyed most of its mosaics.It is a beautiful church.You may have problem finding a parking spot nearby.
A fantastic orthodox temple in the center of the city. You can see the holy remains of saint Dimitrios and beautiful architecture. Huge inner space and plenty of external area. One of the greatest temple in the city.
A beautiful church with byzantine and modern elements. It has various holy artifacts and relics. It is big and open to people.
One of the oldest churchea in Thessaloniki, with the first one founded in the 2nd century. A lot of history especially if you visit the crypt. English signs to be added very soon but still worth visiting. A must in the city.
One of the biggest Cathedrals in Greece and maybe the biggest in Thessaloniki, as far as i have personally visited. It is worth spending an hour of your time visiting this Temple if you are in the neighbourhood, no matter of your religion. Amazing interior Architekture, with breathtaking Ikones taken direkt from the bible. This is not only a Cathedral, or a symbol of faith or Christianity, but also this is a Monument. The Temple itself was build in 413 a.C. It has a life of more than 16 centuries.
Interesting, but - as so often in Thessaloniki - heavily restored... Whilst I am aware of the importance of the importance of the local saints, for me the real find was the crypt...
Agiou Dimitriou, Thessaloniki 546 33, Greece, Katerini
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