Cheile Baciului - National reserve in Zalau, Romania
Cheile Baciului in Zalau
Un loc misterios, plin de secrete.De fiecare data când merg să-l vad, merg cu multe întrebări, dar ma întorc și cu mai multe.Merită văzut, mai găsit ceva scoică din perioada cretacicului.
MoreNot some many things for view.
Nu recomand!!!Boscheti cat duce trenu pe cărarea neîngrijită. Cand zic neîngrijită ma refer la oameni needucați care lasa in urma lor tot ce consuma: ambalaje, conserve, servetele, erc.Traseul e foarte usor, chiar si cu șlapi se poate merge, dar nu recomand din cauza a doua lucruri: 1. Tantarii te ciuruie la greu, si cand spun asta, efectiv asteapta sa-i pleznești. 2. Nu e nimic de vazutMaaaaxim poti merge sa faci gratar acolo, sau se stat la iarba verde, aproape de “parcare”P.S. Cei iubitori de animale de companie, cu grija. Este stana de oi in apropiere. Pare Oke dar sunt caini acolo.Concluzie: in graba acolo nu mai merg decat cu plasa de tantari pe mine 😅😂
MoreO oaza de liniște la care se poate ajunge foarte ușor din oraș pe un drum asfaltat în cea mai mare parte.
Drumul este reabilitat,foarte bun,,,aer curat,liniște,,,
Really nice place, great for walks in the woods.
Nagyon vagany kis pihentetos turazos hely ;mindenkinek ajanlom
Awesome place for camping. I stayed here for 3 days isolated from the city and any kind of civilisation. It was worthy. Next time Ill stay more.And of course, there were some interesting things that happened meanwhile. Like a man appeared in the middle of the night on the top of the nearest "hill" and looked at us with a lighter for almost an half hour straight and then disappeared. We found a place that looked like an altar for incantations with dolls in the trees and Christmas ornaments. But yes, everything was fine and we are safe.Best experience in a forest.
MoreFoarte frumos . Recomand oricui să meargă acolo mai ales primăvara când vremea nu este nici prea caldă ...nici prea rece
MoreIn chei totul este OK. Drumul până acolo; groapa lângă groapa, o rușine pentru Zona Mitropolitană
MoreLocație de evadare din aglomerație. Relaxare totală. Asfaltat,coșuri de gunoi, natură frumoasă, pădure frumos colorată,acum toamna. Nu e aglomerat. E loc de parcare și loc pentru toată lumea.
MoreDrum ingust, renovat partial. Drumul devine forestier de la podet incolo, loc din care se poate porni pe jos. Cheile in sine sunt un drum usor de parcurs pana la zona cu un perete stancos, chiar înainte de case. Se poate urca pe poteca pentu niște privești frumoase cu Padurea Hoia si orasul Cluj-Napoca. Drumetie placuta de jumate de zi.
Dojazd kiepski. Nic strasznego w tym nie ma. Mokro, błoto, przereklamowane i moim zdaniem nie warto się na to poświęcać. Wokół strefa przemysłowa, brud i chałas.
MoreA nice and quiet place
A good place for a hike and some proper forest time. There are many paths, so you can choose a walk of different lengths. The forest and area has a lot of variation and this adds to the experience. The sad thing is that too many people are not educated enough to respect the forest (nature in generalfor what it is. Too many people drive to car to anywhere, have fires and BBQs, throw litter around, leave plastic and bottles and bags and condoms. The organizations behond the forest do what they can, but unfortunately there is no treatment for stupidity. It must be frustrating for them as well. But dont let this stop you from going on a hike. Just dont take the car into the area, take your trash and litter back with you, and respect nature.
MoreDrum foarte îngust și cam la 2 km cel mult se termină brusc asfaltul și e o zona sălbatică.Nu recomand !
MoreDe mers intr-o plimbare.Nu e ,,pfo io ioi dar e ok.
Foarte frumos un pic așa ziși turisti sa respecte natura
Not a very spectacular gorge but still, a great place, next to Hoia Forest, perfect for an afternoon walk, hills, trees, a little lake, forest trails, hawks, a flock of sheep, all the right reasons to pay it a visit.
MoreSuperb place for a cca. 12 km hike with beatiful scenery. Especially on a partly foggy day.
MoreGood place for a walk
Un loc pitoresc, numai bun pentru o plimbare de duminica.
Great place to take a family walk for some fresh air. Not so far from the city so please dont drive up to the edge of the forest.
MoreWell i was there to run. It was fun
Deosebit.Revin de fiecare dată cu plăcere.
A nice evening walk for those who love nature. Its also nice for picnic. 😊
Home sweet home!
Super. Must to visit again. Recommend it. Superb loc. Îl recomand
nice for a walk if you are in the area, if youre comming for the rocks you can forget it
MoreEasy to reach from the city, you can find eocene gastropods fossils laying around on the ground.
MoreUn loc aparte, cu misterele lui mai mult sau mai putin vizibile. Am fost de doua ori si de fiecare data am trait evenimente cel putin rare sau greu de inteles.
MoreNice place for nature walks and cycling.
The forest is not that big but it makes a good walk while inhaling fresh air.
A bit too many puddles. Other than that the forest is and there is also paved road that leads right to the forest entrance.
There are the best Airsoft Capture the Flag games every Sundays from 10 AM to 14 PM
A very nice place for a short hiking.
Beautiful place, in the nature, close to Cluj-Napoca city.
Un-arranged. I saw that there were some worg in progress but the state of the place is bad right now.
MoreIts basically nothing... Just dirt and... Trees
Beautiful place for a picnic on the outskirts of Cluj-Napoca. Very quiet and has road access.
MorePleasant place with nice view of Cluj
Easy access, great for an afternoon walk! Not spectacular by any means but worth a visit. The fossil hill is awesome for kids to learn about prehistoric events!
MoreNice place for outdoor activities but people should stop throwing trash all around, this is horrible how many plastic bottles, bags and other stuff you can find there.
MoreVery good for biking, running or walking. Access better from Hoia Forrest.