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Calçada de Santa Clara nº7, 9000-036 Funchal, Portugal, Funchal
The 18th-century house museum of collector Frederico de Freitas is dedicated to the decorative arts.
Old house with a collection of paintings, furniture and tiles. Worth dropping in for 30 minutes if you’re nearby. Only €3 per person for entry. Limited explanation of what you’re looking at (particularly in the tile displays).
Vila, kde si člověk odpočine a zasní se o životě původních obyvatel Madeiry. Vila je zařízení dobovým nábytkem.
A wonderful museum, the house of special people. Inspiring!
Une superbe quinta au calme. Un beau musée et un bon restaurant
Super visite mais arrêter de nous suivre sérieusement cest hyper oppressant
Um Casa com um espaço lindíssimo, digno de uma visita, que vale bem a pena, tanto pela sua arquitetura, como pelo seu riquíssimo espólio.
Fantástico espaço com peças de excelente qualidade!De extremo bom gosto a forma de apresentação do acervo de obras de arte, de peças de escultura, arte sacra, de porcelanas e vidro de arte nova, de pintura, de pratas, de mobiliárioRealço o extraordinário zelo dos funcionários na manutenção do património do museu, até os puxadores das portas reluzem!
Les azulejos sont vraiment à voir et la maison de Frederico de Freitas avec le mobilier dépoque et les collections méritent vraiment le détour. Le personnel surveille activement les visiteurs mais sans agressivité. Musée à découvrir mais qui ne représente pas une priorité pour ceux qui ne passent que quelques jours à Madère, il y a beaucoup dautres endroit à visiter si vous êtes pressés.
Very interesant place with many nice exponats. The azulejos exhibicion is greate👍. Staff is pretty.
Dit statige herenhuis heeft een prachtige collectie aan kunst en rariteiten. Het personeel was vriendelijk en behulpzaam. Het was verboden fotos binnen te nemen. Naast het huis bevindt zich eveneens een modern gebouw met een prachtige collectie tegels van over de hele wereld.
La partie azulejos est magnifique.La partie intérieur na pas un intérêt énorme.Mais comme jai été poussée vers la sortie par des employés pressés de finir leur journée avec 30 mn davance sur lheure de fermeture, je nai peut-être pas tout vu
Museum consists of great old mansion with a large collection of objet dart and a modern building with painted tiles from all over the world. Free entry using Madeira Safe to discover points.
Old colonial house, plus amazing display of tiles going back to 14th century, the garden is quiet and full of potted plants.Old frangipani in the centre.
A lot to see for 3€. The tiles are beautiful, but info is limited and only in Portuguese. The furniture collection was rich but lacked the clue or personality a bit.
Very interesting collection - especially that part which concerns "os azulejos"!
Not great. The building and garden are beautiful, but guests are constantly watched and followed, and information in English is missing for the new exhibition on tile art
Small and interesting, not that kuch to see in my opinion. I liked the period furniture and ceramic tile displa. Currently cafe closed (covid).
Really interesting 17th century house with later collections. Immaculately restored. In the back streets of Funchal so it may not receive all the visitors it deserves but this is not helped by oppressive staff treating people as a potential thief.
Well worth a visit - beautiful rooms full of artifacts from all over the globe.
Um espaço muitíssimo bem reaproveitado, com uma coleção interessantíssima de azulejos de todo o mundo, bem como uma conservação da casa e do acervo do dono original, com muitas peças interessantes. O jardim, pequeno, vale muito a visita.
A lovely manaion, a beautiful garden and a small ceramics museum. Definitely worth 3 euros.
Une maison magnifique qui vaut le coup d’oeil. Cependant le personnel du musée ne vous lâchera pas du regard pendant toute la durée de la visite ce qui est ma fois gênant et ce qui empêche de profiter pleinement du lieu. Bref il faudrait que le personnel du musée soit plus détendu et arrête de suivre les visiteurs systématiquement (un membre du personnel par pièce, on est accompagné entre chaque pièce).
Очень интересный музей. Прекрасная коллекция керамики, ее история. Создана прекрасная атмосфера колониального прошлого острова. Великолепная библиотека.
Excelente visita a esta casa intimista e muito bem preservada.Muito bem apresentada com peças de todo o tipo muito bem expostas, azuleijuaria e jardim. Por graça encontrei uma caricatura de Federico de Freitas do autor e caricaturista Amarelhe, que é o nome da rua onde vivo em Lisboa. Deixararam-me fotografar pela excelente diligência e simpatia de uma das funcionárias da Casa Museu. Muito obrigado e é uma visita que recomendo no Funchal.
ABSOLUT HIGHLIGHT FOR ME.A MUST!The architecture.The collection.The spirit.Unmotivated staff.Dirty toilets.
Small but incredible museum a must see in Funchal also great cafe
Its good. I liked the collection.
As atendentes são fantásticas, muito, muito atenciosas. Somente, sugiro cadeiras aonde tem as tv.
Impressive collection of statues, furniture, vases etc from 16 century and beyond. All housed in an old mansion. As a bonus - exhibition of colored tiles and tile mosaics. All that for 3 EUR.
Adorei tudo e a simpatia das pessoas. Apenas 3€
Its worth a visit, entry is €3pp,and you have two museums and a small, very pleasant garden. The tiles museum is only in Portuguese but you can still enjoy beautiful work. The town house is not huge but with some excellent paintings and furniture.
Ein niedliches kleines Museum mit einer umfangreichen Privatsammlung des ehemaligen Besitzers. Die Sammlung ist wirklich sehenswert, aber in jedem Raum befindet sich mindestens ein Angestellter zur Aufsicht. Die Sammlung beinhaltet Möbel, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Porzellan, Geschirr ...aus verschiedenen Epochen. Der Eintrittspreise ist mit 3€ sehr gering.
The tile museum is very pretty but all the information is in Portuguese so you have no idea what youre looking at. I could guess some of the translations and work out which country the tiles were from but it doesnt even have the date and there is no explanation as to how they were acquired.There was more information available in the house, but only the dates of when certain items were painted/made, and no information on Frederico or how he acquired everything, so was very disappointing.
Excellent place . Actually there are 2 museums. An old house and a collection of ceramics. For only 3 eros to visit both.
Un lieu magnifique, avec une collection dart décoratif très intéressante. Une première partie se situe dans la maison de F. Freitas, avec un ameublement de lépoque et des collections. Une seconde partie, plus moderne, présente une très belle et très diverse collection dazulejos.
In my opinion this is definitelly worth 3 EUR. If someone likes azulejos, will enjoy it. In comparation with some other museums it is nice exhibition :)
The house and tile museum are definitely worth the minimal €3 entry fee; its not huge but will still take an hour or to go around.Its probably not a good place to take kids however - my partner and I (mid/late 20shad several members of staff following us around the house as if they thought wed try and touch something or sit on a chair which was a bit strange and meant we felt rushed around rather than taking our time. Thankfully they left us alone for the tile museum which was the main reason we visited.
Beautiful old house close to the center of Funchal, showing the home of a collector of objects of art of varying sorts. Beautiful small garden.
A beautifully preserved Madeiran home with a large collection of tiles from all over the world. Knowledgeable staff too
Free tour of a home in a fortress close to the water.
lovely tour of this museum filled with interesting things. remember to go for scones and tea after :)
Bella casa museo per vedere come vivevano i ricchi del tempo. Prezzo modico , un ora di visita libera . Qualche spiegazione in inglese.Ubicato in una salita , non lontano dal centro.
Das Casa Museu Frederico Freitas gliedert sich in zwei Teile:Ein Kachelmuseum mit sehr moderner, kühner Innenarchitektur mit Kacheln aus diversen Ländern von Madeira bis Iran. Leider ist aktuell kein fremdsprachiger Führer vorhanden.Das Kunst- und Kulturhistorischemuseum in den ehemaligen Wohnräumen des Herrn Freitas. Es beherbergt Möbel, Gebrauchskunst, Gemälde & Statuen, vorwiegend aus dem 18. und 19. und fem frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Museumsführer sind in allen relevanten Sprachen vorhanden. Bei Fragen erwies sich das Personal als sehr kompetent. Sehenswert ist zusätzlich noch der Dachgarten. Der Eintritt ist mit nur 3€ für dieses Kleinod sehr günstig.
Museo ricavato con la donazione effettuata alla città di Madeira da Frederico de Freitas, ricco notaio che qui visse ed operò nella prima parte del 900, di tutto ciò che in vita aveva collezionato: mobilia pregiata, opere darte, argenti, ceramiche. Per un modico prezzo di ingresso (3 €si può quindi sbirciare nella vita della alta borghesia di quel periodo. Annessa al museo una esposizione di azulejos provenienti anche dalloriente e dal nord Europa.
Museum of tiles and casa. Not our kind of thing.Museum was ok, but after a few tiles I didnt see any differences anymore. Explanation was on paper but not that informative as its for native speakers.Casa was beautiful but warm and smelly. The decorations made us feel like we are in the secondhandshop.It was not allowed to make pictures inside!! So not sure if its a new rule or the people/reviewers below just ignore the signs?!
Casa-museu com, entre outros artefatos, uma excelente coleção de azulejos. Tem azulejos da Pérsia, Síria, Iznik, Irã, Tunísia, Holanda, Inglaterra, Sevilha, Portugal, etc.
Auch wieder ein kleines, aber feines Museum, was an einen verdienstvollen Bürger von Madeira erinnert. Der Eintritt von 3€ (Seniorenist auch angemessen. Allein die Azulejos-Ausstellung ist dies Wert. Die von mir gezeigten Bilder beziehen sich alle auf das Museum bzw. die Aussicht auf Funchal von diesem Museum.
Excellent find. Eclectic mix of objects. Beautiful house and objects. Not the average museum. Unusual quirky and fun. Not suitable for young children.
Calçada de Santa Clara nº7, 9000-036 Funchal, Portugal, Funchal
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