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Blue Cave in Dubrovnik

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Blue Cave in Dubrovnik

D117, 21485, Biševo, Croatia, Dubrovnik

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Small boats whisk visitors through this picturesque blue grotto with a nearby bar & toilets.

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Blue Cave
Ishanka Hasaranga

It was absolutely amazing and we were blown away after entering the cave. That blue colour inside was absolutely breathtaking. Theres a very small entrance to the cave and only the smaller boats cab get through. Usually the adventure boat tours which starts from split or nearby cities includes the blue cave tour as well. Theres a ticket office in a nearby island and there you will be taken in to a smaller boat to visit the cave. From there its like 10 mins in the small boat and they usually spend another 5 mins inside the cave. It was really an unique experience and one of the highlights of our croatia trip.

Blue Cave
Heidi Von Nieda

Spectacular cavern, stunning ghostly blue light (natural). Recommend going in the morning

Blue Cave
Ausra K

It’s amazing! Must see. We paid 130€ per person for 5 island trip to see the Blue Cave. However, it was done through “broker”. The “broker” just ordered trip for us trough the Toto travel (2 Trumbićeva obala)… so that part sucked.Also, there’s no guarantee that you will see the cave. If high tide comes, you may end up spending a lot without the reward. But it’s a risk worth taking.

Blue Cave
Victor Suarez

It was a great visit (last like 15 minutes and the guides are nice)Its better to get tickets in advance and if you have to wait during mid day please mind the sun.

Blue Cave
Peter Bosnic

Unbelievable.Photos dont do it justice.Must be see to be believed.Ivan our guide was fantastic and kept us well entertained.

Blue Cave
Jibril N

One of the most beatufil scenery I have seen and definitely the best looking cave I have visited. The cave was a bit small, but that made it even more special. Pictures cant justify the experience🤩

Blue Cave
Muhammad AbdulSalam

Its a brilliant experience. Not a very huge cave, make sure you know its more like a small circular spot. Not a huge cave. But lightings make it look very fairytale like. Amazing place to see.

Blue Cave
Marijn de Koning

Croatian tourist exploitation at its finest. Beware when approaching by boat, high strength binoculars are required to read the signs. However, "local authorities", will be there swiftly to remind anyone daring to approach of their absolute rulership of the area. Apparently the bay is privately owned, and only accessible at a price.

Blue Cave
Tee Tong

A captivatingly beautiful cave where its famous blue appearance can be experienced during the early parts of the day when the suns ray shines through the bottom opening and illuminates the grotto.

Blue Cave
Alexandr Chernov

It worth visit. Definitely. Cave is spectacular, never seen like this before.

Blue Cave
Dennis Arias

Amazing tour. Our guide was super friendly and knowledgeable. The cave was amazing. Will never forget.

Blue Cave
Zana Zecevic Demo

Extraordinairy experience, totally worth visiting. You enter into the cave on a little boat, and you literally have to bend forward because the entrance is rather low. But after that, wow. The guide tells you a brief history of the cave, and the natural blue light inside is really amazing. Although its only possible to spend a short time there because of many visitors and boats, its really an experience to remember. And despite the crowd during august, the visit is really well organized. Tip: if you take a trip to the cave with Ames trips or some other agency from Komiža, you skip the queue for buying the tickets, which can be pretty long during the summer season.

Blue Cave
Samsunshine Levy

Protected other worldly natural beauty. The ticket and number system may be a bit slow and frustrating, but 1-its worth it, and 2-Croatia is actively trying to protect this gem. The 90+ minute speedboat ride from Split is annoyingly long, but so be it.

Blue Cave
Fredric Sommer

It took 3 hours to get in but we went to a beach until it was our turn. The cave was a nice but pretty short visit by boat. The guide was really good.

Blue Cave
Gareth Hall

Really cool experience. The actual cave takes about 7 minutes to get through. Long wait to get on the small boat to go through. Would recommend. Be patient.

Blue Cave
Michael Foley

This place is SO cool. Entry is dependent on conditions (wind/wave height), so bear that in mind when booking an excursion. The guides give you some history on it while youre inside. Very interesting! Its a UNESCO protected site, so no swimming allowed. You can enter in through the little boats with the guides to see its natural beauty. Go in the morning! If the sun has passed too far overhead youll miss out on the stunning light coming in. A must see when visiting Split, Hvar, or Vis! Croatia is full of so many amazing sights, and this one is not to be missed!

Blue Cave
Fernando Agostinho

One of the peak locations from my visit to Croatia.Located on a more remote island in the Adriatic Sea, this cave holds a special magic, compared to other caves.The sunlight that penetrates it through an underwater entrance, bounces below back to the cave interior, providing an incredible light effect inside. Its a type of blue that seems to have come out from a photoshop edition.Absolutely stunning, and mandatory to visit!

Blue Cave
Sebastian Mätzler

It was an amazing experience. We enjoyed every second of it. Great guides and perfect weather. The blue grotto is one of natures most spectacular sights. Highly recommended giving it a try. Still not the cheapest experience but totally worth it

Blue Cave
Zeljko Pjevic

Absolutely phenomenal! Water inside the cave was clear, clean and crystal blue like promised. Guide told us a lot about the cave, so we learned a lot about its history. Honestly, one of the most magical places on the island that everyone should visit. Would recommend!

Blue Cave
Katie Jones

A fun stop on our boating excursion. Didnt really know what to expect and had to pay and wait about an hour to go in, so wasnt feeling too optimistic, but was pleasantly surprised when it was our turn to go in. The cave itself is beautiful, and the entry alone is quite an experience!

Blue Cave
Jason Tung

Amazing Experience. I know 5 islands tour may sounds quiet expensive but it is totally worth it. Make sure bring enough electrolytes, water, cash especially Sun Screens. Sitting under sun directly at the boat for 10 hours is not a joke. This is the only place or event I like in my Split experience, other than that, It is scheiße, everywhere only accept cash and provide rude attitude etc.

Blue Cave
Shravan Kumar Kada

Wonders of nature at it’s best, a pure reflection of sky through a small passage to illuminate the entire cave in Blue colour.A must visit and staff are good and explains the history and formation.

Blue Cave
varunraj chaudhari

Was crowded the day we went , our boat guide was not very interactive, we over heard other boat guides who were explaining everything so nicely and in detail. For the price you pay it seems it should had been little long tour. Caves are beautiful and nicely kept

Blue Cave
Ian Leiman

You can swim in this cavern, that has daylight coming in from the entrances and a small hole on the roof giving a green tint to the water.Entrance fee 80 kuna cash only.

Blue Cave
Ivan Milić

After arriving on the island from Vis, we waited on the dock for about 15 minutes to get to the cave. It was weekday and the people working there told us it was actually not that busy like it usually is. So, prepare to wait for even half an hour. Luckily, there is a bar with shade, food and drinks.The cave is beautiful and looks very misterious. The tourist guides tell you the whole story on the way to the cave. You can get there only by boat.

Blue Cave
Martin Kofoed

If you decide to go here on a boat trip, youll spend most of the day waiting on the island to board one of the little boats that goes to The Blue Cave. Please go if you enjoy spending your vacation standing in a line for 2-3 hours.

Blue Cave
Anthony Boudreau

Absolutely worth it! Our boat left Split at around 7:30am and we got there around 9am.The place was already starting to get a little packed (early Julybut it was soooo worth the wait. The skipper made a great job of explaining the history of the cave!Impressive to see, definitely a highlight from our stays in Croatia.

Blue Cave
Eric Franz

Get here early before it gets too busy. Its pretty to see, but you cant swim inside. The trafic of boats seem to create little smog inside. This was the reason O would recommend to come early. You will be inside less then 10 min with another 3-4 boats.

Blue Cave
Jakub Zurek

Definitely one of those ‘must-do’ things whilst in Split/Croatia, but if pressed for time I wouldn’t worry about skipping it as arguably there are more interesting places/islands to see.It’s pretty inside the cave and does what it says on the tin as it’s a cave with very clear blue water, but nothing special in my opinion as you are not allowed to swim or snorkel in the cave and you only spend about 10 minutes inside (up to 60 mins or longer wait times to get in the cave).

Blue Cave
Haris H.

An amazing place that you must visit. At the time of season, get ready for crowds and waiting.

Blue Cave
Bernard Dy

Awesome natural daylight illuminated cave. Because its so popular most of the tour companies all outsource the "last mile" of the cave experience to the local operator, and theyve got the process down pat. In the busy season, you WILL wait in a queue for your number to be called. That wait can be can be 30 or 45 minutes, or more. But its a really unique sight. Even Mexicos impressive cenotes that Ive seen dont have this type of effect. Worth seeing at least once in your life.

Blue Cave
Michael Yamnitsky

An absolutely surreal experience of sailing through the tiniest of openings to discover a huge cavern filled with otherworldly blue glow. If you’re on the fence whether to go there, just do it! It’s worth every minute of traveling to Biševo and there’s tours from Split and Hvar that will take you there for a reasonable price. It’s an experience you won’t forget! 💙💙💙

Blue Cave
Peter Stark

It is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Croatia but the long wait and the short visit in the actual cave is not fully out weighted by the awesomeness of the cave experience. Yes it’s wonderful blue water inside a mountain. But that is it. There are other very nice places on the island.

Blue Cave
Isaac Torres

Totally cool place to check out! Loved the hole in the wall entrance. If your cruising in the area definitely worth your time to see this place.

Blue Cave
Aleš Vyka

Very nice blue lagoon. If you wanna to enter, you need to buy ticket in the office. If you go by yacht, there is a few boats and the skipper will offer the ride to the office and than to the cave and then take you to your yacht. Enjoy it, it is marvellous.

Blue Cave

A long wait to get into the cave but other than that a brilliant experience to skip the ques id recomend coming in may when the weather is still brilliant but its still off season so theres not that many people, the skipper even offered to take everyones photos with the blue cave and told us all about it and why its so blue! All in all this is a must do when visiting Croatia 😁

Blue Cave
Ian Gordon

Its nice, but you only get 5-10 minutes in the cave itself current ticket 70 kn. Currently the boatmen are quite slow and I believe some have moved on, this lead to a wait of over an hour (2/Jun/22). We did arrive earlier when ticket numbers were 488, our number was 745. 10 people per boat.the hour wait was after going to the beach on yhe other side of yhe island. So I would ask the tour company when booking on real wait times

Blue Cave
José António Nóbrega

Amazing place. The pier where we got dropped of to switch to the small boat to visit the grotto was a bit chaotic, but the visit to the cave itself was excelent. We were lucky on our local tour guide and he was very funny and informative 😁👌

Blue Cave
Nair Tavares

Its really beautiful place!!! Incredibly but so fast!!! The trip is too fast and crowded of boats theyre not organized with the staff boats

Blue Cave
Craig Simmons

Amazing experience. The guide was super informative and friendly and the caves are stunning!

Blue Cave
Bharathi Mani

The blue grotto is truly breathtaking! We went there as a part of the five Island hopping tour. It was low season and seas were calm so we got to see it right away. The speed boat cant get in and you have to go in a small boat.

Blue Cave
Jessica Hall

A beautiful natural cave- the kind of attraction that matches up to the online pictures. Would recommend going on a sunny day, as this enhanced the appearance of the cave.

Blue Cave
Sachin Agrawal

The Blue Grotto or Blue Cave, is a waterlogged sea cave located in a small bay called Balun, on the east side of the island of Biševo and about 4.5 nautical miles from Komiža, in the Croatian Adriatic. It is situated in the central Dalmatian archipelago, 5 km south-west of the island of Vis island and has a population of 10 only.

Blue Cave
Anso Coupe

Blue cave: You will access the island with your boat crew/excurtion. Then you will jump in another boat because the entrance is "tiny" you will even need to bend down. The view of the cave is short but your barque captain will give you all the history, numbers and facts. Bring camera! Try to get there early in the morning (especially in high seasonas you could be waiting up to 4 hours in the queue. Thankfully whilst you are waiting you can eat/drink from the coffee bar (just sandwiches). WC available too, bring cash to use. Useful to check the tides and high-tides days because on some days it will not be possible to go in the cave!

Blue Cave

Went there by boat on one of the full day 5 island boat tours. Beautiful cave with a very narrow entrance. Most beautiful in the morning!

Blue Cave
Laurenz Sommerlad

Too many tourist for me. There were 4 boats in the small cave at the same time. Every guide was talking over another and it was hard to even understand anything he said. It was not worth the 100 Kuna and the long wait in my personal opinion. On the other side, I must admit that the natural phenomena of the blue cave is very nice and in the morning the 50 shades of blue are indeed beautiful 🔵. In conclusion it is a beautiful place that sadly got ruined by too much tourism 🙁

Blue Cave
Raul Kohava

The queue is quite long, we waited for about one hour before we got on the boat. The tour itself is realtively short (about 20 minutes), but the cave is stunning and very unique. Our guide/skipper was very friendly and had an amazing sense of humor. Unfortunately it is inaccessible by foot or for free and you are not allowed to enter apart from the organised tours. No swimming or getting off the boat, but that doesnt diminish the experience.

Blue Cave
Iman Randhawa

This is apparently THE thing to do because you will ride a boat for 2 hours to get here. Your tour boat will take you to another boat which will take you inside the grotto. You will be inside for less than the time it takes for you to read this review.It’s cool to see but I didn’t feel like it was worth the entire day we spent doing a tour where the main highlight was this cave which is blue because sunlight reflecting off of white sand under water is blue. I wish the tour let you snorkel around the cave.

Blue Cave

It is a wonderful place to go to. How the cave looks from the inside, will leave you a very sweet memories.I am not sure that you can get there om your own, only if you booked a private tour on the boat, but mostly you cam get there by organized boat trips.As it is the mostly tge only thing why people come to that island, you will meet there A LOT of tourists, that means a huge ques. So it is better to come as early as possible.Cave it self is not big, there can fit several small boats and visit inside lasts about aprox. 15 mins but it is a very beautiful place to go to during jorney to Split.

Blue Cave
Joe B

Absolutely amazing to see - so dont miss it if you come to Split. All the tours here are the same, so dont let any guide tell you their tour is better or different. They all arrive at a nearby Port stop and you transfer to smaller boats to go in. The most important thing by far is getting on the earliest boat you can as this stop is the choke point for all the boat tours. If you get on an early boat to blue grotto, the rest of your day will be more relaxed and fun - youll spend your time swimming and exploring rather than standing in line for this one thing.

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Blue Cave in Dubrovnik

D117, 21485, Biševo, Croatia, Dubrovnik

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