Attar Neyshaburi Tomb - Tourist attraction in Chenārān, Iran
Attar Neyshaburi Tomb in Chenārān
The tomb of Atar Neishaburi is a historical building that was built in the Timurid period by the order of Amir Alishir Nawai on the tombstone of Atar Neishaburi. In the second Pahlavi periods, restoration was complete and in the 70s, restoration was shortened. This mausoleum is located in Shadiakh Blvd (now Arafa), which is one of the tourist areas of Neishabur city. The tomb of Kamal al-Mulk is also in the area of this building. This building was registered as one of the national monuments of Iran on 18 December 1354 with registration number 1173.
Moreone of best places for sitting&thinking& drinking then sketching one of the richest architecture style. you never forget this good atmosphere.
Moreبا این که آخر هفته بود داخل خلوت بود بیرون آرامگاه میشه نشت سرویس بهداشتی تمیزم داره خوب بود
MoreHistorical place with good park and good view for rest and enjoy the the landscape
Moreفریدالدین ابوحامد محمد عطار نیشابوری مشهور به شیخ عطّار نیشابوری (۱۱۴۶م/۵۴۰ق – ۱۲۲۱م/۶۱۸قیکی از عارفان، صوفیان و شاعران ایرانی سترگ و بلندنام ادبیات فارسی در پایان سدهٔ ششم و آغاز سدهٔ هفتم است. او در سال ۵۴۰ هجری برابر با ۱۱۴۶ میلادی در نیشابور زاده شد و در ۶۱۸ هجری به هنگام حملهٔ مغول به قتل رسید.زادهٔسال ۵۴۰ هجری۱۱۴۶ میلادیکدکندرگذشت۶۱۸ هجری قمری۱۲۲۱ میلادیشادیاخ(نیشابور)آرامگاهآرامگاه عطار نیشابوریمحل زندگیکدکنملیتایرانیپیشهشاعر، نویسنده، عارف، صوفیسالهای فعالیتقرن ششم و سالهای نخستین قرن هفتم هجری قمریآثارالهینامه، اسرارنامه، مصیبتنامه، تذکرةالاولیا، منطقالطیر، جواهرنامه، خسرونامه، مختارنامه، مظهرةالعجایب، پندنامه، اشترنامه، نزهةالحجاب، بیانالارشاد، سیفصل، بلبلنامه، هیلاجنامه، وصلتنامهسبکمثنوی، نثر، غزل، رباعیاتعنوانشیخ عطاردورهحکومتهای سلطان سنجر سلطان محمد خوارزمشاهمذهباسلام سنی
A very beautiful place. It has a lot of culture and is well worth a visit.
Attar and Khayyam are two prominent Iranian poets. To visit the tomb, you can go to 30 km of Neishabour before 7 pm. You only need to be careful when traveling to this place alone. My experience proves the insecurity of this space at night. Be careful, but good people live in this area to help you.
MoreVery nice and good
Very beatiful
The tomb of Attar Beautiful and Historic place. one of the greatest poets of Iran, and the teacher of Maulana rumi
Beautiful and historical place
Abū Ḥamīd bin Abū Bakr Ibrāhīm (c. 1145 – c. 1221; Persian: ابو حامد بن ابوبکر ابراهیم), better known by his pen-names Farīd ud-Dīn (فرید الدینand ʿAṭṭār (عطار, Attar means apothecary), was a twelfth-century Persian poet, theoretician of Sufism, and hagiographer from Nishapur who had an immense and lasting influence on Persian poetry and Sufism. Manṭiq-uṭ-Ṭayr [The Conference of the Birds] and Ilāhī-Nāma [The Book of Divine] are among his most famous works.
MoreIt is amazing
Nice place
Attar is Superman
Positive energy is pumping there
it was good !
The tomb of Attar, one of the greatest poets of Iran, and the teacher of Maulana (great rumi, and the great iranian painter Kamal al-Molks tomb
MoreBest place
This zone have garden very beauty in the neishabor city holy khaiam old art
In this place you can visit the tomb of Attar (a poet from the 12th centuryand of Kamal od-din (a painter of the 19-20th). Dont forget your photo shooting with traditionnal clothes !
MoreHistorical place
A Magical Place
Very beautiful
Its great
Super spiritual atmospher
good place. less area in tomb. traditional building. next to kamalolmolk tomb
So beaitiful
Beautiful tumb architecture and nice environment
A most see place
“Let love lead your soul.Make it a place to retire to,a kind of cave, a retreatfor the deep core of being.”
MoreCalm places, especially when it rains!
nice place
Great garden fantastic weather & very nice place
Attar-e-Neyshaboori is one of the great poet in Iran. That tomb is in a garden near the neyshaboor and many people that want go to Mashhad make a stop in this garden and relaxing there and visit this amazing garden and tomb.
MoreYou can sit near his grave and read his poet; Mantegh Ol Teyr
nice area ,nice tomb. Attar has been one if the best poets of Iran. He has been not only a poet but also teacher, a Doctor and philosopher. When the Molana (rumi)’s family were passing Neyshabur city, Attar invited Molana’s father to his home. He met Molana as a 8 years old boy. Attar told Molana’s father that your son will be a great famous person some day and he also gave his book to Molana as a gift.
Morea beautiful place and a fantastic garden
You should see it with your own eyes.
This poet is one the famed mystic.
Its must plce to see
Very simple but lovely at the same time! The spirit of this man sanctifies this place!