Ashoka Pillar - Historical landmark in Benares, India
Ashoka Pillar in Benares
One of the most important archeological remains in India, this Ashokan pillar was 15 meters high. The original lion capital which was present on top of the pillar is now conserved in the Sarnath museum. Main pillar, which exist currently in broken form, is constructed from sandstone quarried from Chunar which is near Mirzapur.
MoreThe great Ashok pillar
Beautiful ruins, worth visiting
An absolute must see. Sarnath being one of the most important places of Buddhism radiated a certain serenity. Excellently maintained by ASI, Sarnath has all the potential to turn into a global tourist hotspot. But lots of work needs to be done,
MoreGood archeological sites and museum
The pillars of Ashoka are a series of monolithic columns dispersed throughout the Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka during his reign from c. 268 to 232 BCE. Ashoka used the expression Dhaṃma thaṃbhā, i.e. "pillars of the Dharma" to describe his own pillars.
MoreVery inspiring place to visit admist very serene setting where Gautama Buddha preached his first sermon. Incredible feat to think such a tall pillar - 40 - 50 ft high - was installed in the 16th century. The components of the lion top have so much thought in them, pity many leaders of today dont follow an iota of them to serve others.
MoreThe pillars of Ashoka are a series of monolithic columns dispersed throughout the Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka during his reign from c. 268 to 232 BCE.[2] Ashoka used the expression Dhaṃma thaṃbhā (Dharma stambha), i.e. "pillars of the Dharma" to describe his own pillars.[3][4] These pillars constitute important monuments of the architecture of India, most of them exhibiting the characteristic Mauryan polish. Of the pillars erected by Ashoka, twenty still survive including those with inscriptions of his edicts. Only a few with animal capitals survive of which seven complete specimens are known.[5] Two pillars were relocated by Firuz Shah Tughlaq to Delhi.[6] Several pillars were relocated later by Mughal Empire rulers, the animal capitals being removed.[7] Averaging between 12 and 15 m (40 and 50 ftin height, and weighing up to 50 tons each, the pillars were dragged, sometimes hundreds of miles, to where they were erected.[8]Pillars of AshokaAshoka pillar at Vaishali, Bihar, India.jpgOne of the Pillars of Ashoka, in VaishaliMaterialPolished sandstonePeriod/culture3rd century BCEPillars of Ashoka is located in IndiaSarnathSarnathSanchiSanchiRampurvaRampurvaVaishaliVaishaliSankissaSankissaNandangarhNandangarhMeerutMeerutTopra KalanTopra KalanArarajArarajAllahabadAllahabadRummindeiRummindeiNigaliNigaliKnown locations of the Pillars of Ashoka[1]The pillars of Ashoka are among the earliest known stone sculptural remains from India. Only another pillar fragment, the Pataliputra capital, is possibly from a slightly earlier date. It is thought that before the 3rd century BCE, wood rather than stone was used as the main material for Indian architectural constructions, and that stone may have been adopted following interaction with the Persians and the Greeks.[9] A graphic representation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka from the column there was adopted as the official State Emblem of India in 1950.[10]All the pillars of Ashoka were built at Buddhist monasteries, many important sites from the life of the Buddha and places of pilgrimage. Some of the columns carry inscriptions addressed to the monks and nuns.[11] Some were erected to commemorate visits by Ashoka. Major pillars are present in the Indian States of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and some parts of Haryana.
MoreVery good and peace place.On Friday Museum is closed.No offline ticketsScan QR on chrome and pay for tickets.
MoreRealy great historical place in sarnath
Our National Emblem original is kept in the Sarnath Museum.
If youre in Varanasi then you must visit Sarnath the place is very beautiful very peaceful and the place is very clean there are many volunteers who will help u if youll find any difficulties, pay and park facility is available there. The ticket for monuments and museum is 25 rs per person overall its an amazing experience
MoreA historical place with a lot of memories, creation, people and places. Budhha greatness and life journey! Must visit to this place
MoreIt felt me very proud on my history, its so glorious and the stone carving art was so amazing which not get dull after so long year. Amazing.
MoreA must visit for young students and kids who wants to learn and Experience the great Indian culture and understand our rich history.
MoreAshokan pillar here in Sarnath. Stup is here three broken pillars are here closed in glass case. Vihara is here and sarnath mahatma budhh temple. Overall very peaceful place. One must come here and explore. Thank you.
MoreHistorical place always beautiful ❤️
I visited this place in weekend time, really a historical place and this pillar is also an art of history about Ashoka the Great. Mobile, camera any any type of equipment and gadgets are allow so you can easily capture every pic for memories. This place is in Buddha stup area so you dont need to Take 2 tickets, you need only Dhamek stup ticket then easily you can visit this place.Tickets dont provide by stup authorities there, you need to scan a QR then you can easily buy a ticket online.Note : Always keep your Adhar card, but in case you are from out of India then please keep any government authorized ID proof of your country, this will help you to buy a ticket of Dhamek stup and Museum.
MoreGreat place.. Historical. Must visit
Entry free and super place
What a feeling when you see history. Not much far from Varanasi city. Something which so much to our country is must go place. Do visit the museum.
MoreAmazing experience visiting Sarnath and watching Ashoka Pillar. Pillar is now broken in prices, few bottom piece are place in the original place near the Dharmekh Stupa. Ashokan edicts written in Bhrmani are still can be seen on the parts of pillar. Top part of the pillar with 4 lion and Ashok Chakra is placed in the museum near Stupa.It is holy place for Buddist people. Very peaceful, neat and clean. If you are history lover, I am sure you get immersed in the Buddist and Moryan architecture and way of leaving.Compound have amenities like drinking water, sitting area, baby care area, toilets etc. There is ticket required for both Monument and museum visit which can be booked online.A must visit place if you are in Varanasi.
MoreAshoka pillar is inside the archeological park of sarnath. Well preserved, tidy and clean atmosphere. They also have a short written history of the pillar in both Hindi and English. Inside the archeological park food and water is not allowed. Entry Fee is nominal. Once you enter the park you can also see The Damekh stup and other vihar and kuti of religious people.The Ashoka pillar is a sculpture of four Asiatic lions standing back to back, on an elaborate base that includes other animals.
MoreSuperb Historical place
MoreA must see if you at visiting the archaeological park at Sarnath. You can see the Ashokan pillar inside a glass wall and is well preserved by the archaeological survey of India . In fact the whole park was preserved in a very nice way .
MoreI love to visit historical treasure placeThanks to ASI for secure and protect historical monuments and object for future generations knowledge
MoreIts a decent place to visit ..only if u want to see ashok stambh in real..ample parking space on road..5pm is the closing time ...nothing else to see ...
MoreIts sign that where budhha rotates firstly Dhamma wheel to open path of liberation to all beings.. It was many centuries, rulers comes and gone but ashoka pillar still there like indrakhil(pillar in Indra which will never get shattered )Great solute for king ashokaa his dovation and spreading to dhamma..
MoreVaishali is an important archaeological site that was once the capital city of Licchavi rulers. Vaishali earned fame as a birthplace of last Jain Tirthankar Lord Mahavira. It is believed that Mahavira was born and brought up in 6th century BCE in Kundalagram of Republic of Vaishali. Another major event this place was a witness to was the last sermon of Buddha in 483 BCE. Vaishali was a prosperous kingdom during the time of Buddha, it is also known for its beautiful courtesan Amrapali. So, you see, one has enough to recall in Vaishali and adding to its historic charm is the well-preserved Ashokan Pillar. This ancient city finds mention in the travel accounts of eminent Chinese travellers like Fa-hien and Hieun Tsang.
MoreIn both Buddhism and Hinduism, the pillar symbolized the axis mundi (the axis on which the world spins). The pillars and edicts represent the first physical evidence of the Buddhist faith. The inscriptions assert Ashokas Buddhism and support his desire to spread the dharma throughout his kingdom.The actual Sarnath capital features four Asiatic lions standing back to back, symbolising power, courage, confidence, and pride, mounted on a circular base. At the bottom is a horse and a bull, and at its centre is a wheel (Dharma chakra).
MoreWhat I say , here really very silent place and very attractive for visiting and time spending with or without your loved once.There is a stupa a temple and much more that I will tell you . At last I only say that I should tell you before is that you must have know to pay digitally because for entrance you need to buy tickets through online payment.
MoreMost important historical landmark of india .India’s national emblem .Located in sarnath near varanasi.Lion heads has been broken fromOriginal pillar hence they kept original lion heads inside nearby museum
MoreGreat place of Buddhist pilgrimage. Site of Buddha’s First SermonThe most celebrated of the Ashokan pillars is the one erected at Sarnath, the site of Buddha’s First Sermon where he shared the Four Noble Truths (the dharma or the law). Currently, the pillar remains where it was originally sunk into the ground, but the capital is now on display at the Sarnath Museum. It is this pillar that was adopted as the national emblem of India. It is depicted on the one rupee note and the two rupee coin.The PillarThe pillar is a symbol of the axis mundi (cosmic axisand of the column that rises everyday at noon from the legendary Lake Anavatapta (the lake at the center of the universe according to Buddhist cosmologyto touch the sun.The CapitalThe top of the column—the capital—has three parts. First, a base of a lotus flower, the most ubiquitous symbol of Buddhism.Then, a drum on which four animals are carved representing the four cardinal directions: a horse (west), an ox (east), an elephant (south), and a lion (north). They also represent the four rivers that leave Lake Anavatapta and enter the world as the four major rivers. Each of the animals can also be identified by each of the four perils of samsara. The moving animals follow one another endlessly turning the wheel of existence.Four lions stand atop the drum, each facing in the four cardinal directions. Their mouths are open roaring or spreading the dharma, the Four Noble Truths, across the land. The lion references the Buddha, formerly Shakyamuni, a member of the Shakya (lionclan. The lion is also a symbol of royalty and leadership and may also represent the Buddhist king Ashoka who ordered these columns. A cakra (wheelwas originally mounted above the lions.Some of the lion capitals that survive have a row of geese carved below the lions. The goose is an ancient Vedic symbol (Veda means knowledge in Sanskrit and the Vedas refers to the canonical collection of hymns, prayers and liturgical formulas that make up the earliest of the Hindu sacred writings. Many of the Buddhist symbols and practices derive from these early texts). The flight of the goose is thought of as a link between the earthly and heavenly spheres.The pillar reads from bottom to top. The lotus represents the murky water of the mundane world and the four animals remind the practitioner of the unending cycle of samsara as we remain, through our ignorance and fear, stuck in the material world. But the cakras between them offer the promise of the Eightfold Path, that guide one to the unmoving center at the hub of the wheel. Note that in these particular cakras, the number of spokes in the wheel (eight for the Eightfold Path), had not yet been standardized.The lions are the Buddha himself from whom the knowledge of release from samsara is possible. And the cakra that once stood at the apex represents moksa, the release from samsara. The symbolism of moving up the column toward Enlightenment parallels the way in which the practitioner meditates on the stupa in order to attain the same goal.
MoreWell,there are no Ashoka Pillar here as they were uprooted by tughlaq and mughals Empire rulers and placed them at various place i.e Delhi, Pryagraj(earlier allahabad). There are only remains of the piller which are covered by glass sheet. The height of the pillar is believed around 12 to 15 m and weighted around 50 ton.A Must visit place in Sarnath.
MoreThe national emblem of India and a mark of Emperor Ashokas visit to Sarnath, this 50 m tall pillar crafted out of a stone is an impressive structure.This pillar along with the Dhamek Stupa, are Ashokas gift to Buddhism and the entire complex has a calm aura to it. A number of monks are spotted meditating around the compound. The entire complex is filled with lush green lawns, and along with the Stupa
MoreThere are several Ashoka Pillars or columns, which were erected throughout the Indian subcontinents by King Ashoka during his reign during the 3rd century BC. The Ashoka Lion Capital or the Sarnath Lion Capital holds great significance as it is the national symbol of India
MoreNeat place, well maintained. Lot of walking.
This place certainly wakes up a feeling of pride and patriotism in me and hopefully others .Makes you want to work towards reclaiming Bharats past glory.Really good place to go if you want some peace of mind. Dont mind the guides if they flock you, its their job🙃
MoreIve always thought of visiting this place. The calmness of the place is beyond description. You just have to go with the flow of air. Beware of the local guides, they will just make you fool. Visit there on your own youll definitely love the place. Must visit the handloom society. Youll get plenty banarasi sarees there.
MoreThe Ashoka Pillar is the remains of an Ashokan era pillar. The current pillar is broken off at the ground level, but the lion capital that topped the pillar is now displayed in the nearby museum. Not much to look at. The pillar is there in the archaeological park, so it’s worth a quick look for the historical value, but I wouldn’t go out of the way otherwise.
MoreGood experience , some parts of Ashok pillar are broken and enclosed by glass
So finally saw our national emblem but its its broken. They sent the upper part to sarnath museum and they covered the lower pillas part with glass shield.
MoreThus that great place where Ashok Stambha Lion Capital was installed. Now broken pillar is housed in transparent glass enclosure.
MoreThe Lion Capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four Asiatic lions standing back to back, on an elaborate base that includes other animals. A graphic representation of it was adopted as the official Emblem of India in 1950. It was originally placed atop the Ashoka pillar at the important Buddhist site of Sarnath by the Emperor Ashoka, in about 250 BCE
MoreThe pillars of Ashoka are a series of columns dispersed throughout the Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan king Ashoka during his reign in the 3rd century BC. Of the pillars erected by him, twenty still survive including those with inscriptions of his edicts. Only a few with animal capitals survive of which seven complete specimens are known.[2] Two pillars were relocated by Firuz Shah Tughlaq to Delhi.[3] Several pillars were relocated later by Mughal Empire rulers, the animal capitals being removed.[4] Averaging between 12 to 15 m (40 to 50 ftin height, and weighing up to 50 tons each, the pillars were dragged, sometimes hundreds of miles, to where they were erected.[5]Pillars of Ashoka
MoreVery old, diverse and culturally rich Indian history is associated with this pillar.
MoreA historically mesmerizing & a beautifully kept place. Wish the Ashokan pillar was reconstructed.
MoreLion Capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four Asiatic lions, adopted as the official Emblem of India in 1950. It was originally placed atop the Aśoka pillar at Sarnath by the Emperor Ashoka, in about 250 BCE.The pillar, sometimes called the Aśoka Column, is still in its original location, but the Lion Capital is now in the Sarnath Museum
MoreThis is the real and original place where great king Ashokas pillar and over it Ashokas CHAKKRA found during digging by archaeological survey of India.Pillar were found in 5 parts and right now visible and covered by glass housing.This was made by order of greatest king chakravarti Ashok during his ruling time.Ashok CHAKKRA is kept in museum near by it.This place is symbol of strength, unite and rich ancient India with the help of great Ashoka and professor Chankya ( आचार्य चाणक्य). At later huge span of history (nearby more than 2000 yearsIndia was never unite till 1947.So this place have a great message to all Indian and world.Dont forget to educate your children about great ancient India while being here.Precaution: Dont hire any guide here. Even unknown person can roam and understand all the places.