All Saints Cathedral - Church in Maridi, South Sudan
All Saints Cathedral in Maridi
أشهد ان لا اله الا اللهواشهد ان محمد رسول اللهواشهد ان عيسى عليه السلام عبد الله ورسولهواننا نؤمن بكتب المسيحية القديمة التي انزلت على عيسى عليه السلامالاسلام دين الحق دين الوحدانية للهعيسى رسول الله فقطوليس ابن الله جل الله تعالىالاسلام الدين الحقوالله هو الواحد الاحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولدمحمد رسول اللهعيسى رسول اللهموسى رسول اللهاللهم اني اشهد ان لا اله غيرك وان محمد عبدك ورسولابن الجمهورية اليمنية
This is the center for worship and fellowship, head church of the diocese of Juba.
MoreIf you are looking for a place to pray in English in Juba, this is certainly one of them. The service is short and devoid of politicians. The Episcopal church also has a guest house at affordable rates. In the guest house is a popular restaurant especially for local dishes.
MoreVery nice
They have a guest house at affordable rates
Mobil saints cathedral (ECS).
Church of God